President Obama!


Re: Obamanation here today

-- Holiday season sales showed a surprise year-over-year increase, rising 1.1%, according to retailers' trade group.
We could do this all day but in the end it doesnt matter. My state is creating jobs with road projects and people are no longer in doomsday mode. Considering where we came from just 12 months ago Id say its like we are coming out of the Bush disaster.

Poor example , last year was the crash. Shippers this year worked longer and discounted heavily and should have done much better then a 1 percent increase. heck the voting age population probably increased by more then 1 percent.
This again is another it could have been worse argument you're making.


Re: Obamanation here today

No kidding we are not out of the woods. Who ever said that? The main point is that this economy is coming back and it is doing it at a pace nobody ever expected considering how bad things were.

based on what? Democratic talking points?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

yea let me know if you have any economic data other then the stock market speculation that shows anything.
I've made a killing in the stock market the last ten months. Must be some optimism about companies future earnings or something. Your not one of those sour grapes hoping that stocks tank because big bad Obama is going to tax the hell out of these corporate goons.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I've made a killing in the stock market the last ten months. Must be some optimism about companies future earnings or something. Your not one of those sour grapes hoping that stocks tank because big bad Obama is going to tax the hell out of these corporate goons.

Just a few comments on the past ten months of an improved stock market.
1. Companies have "shrunk" to the bad economy. Eliminating jobs,pay cuts ,strong cost controls etc, etc.
2. Companies report Quarter to Quarter and Year to Year --when you are comparing to bad numbers --the stock looks better.
3. Ups only announces job cuts of 1800 --and the stock jumps a few bucks.
An improved stock market does not mean jobs were created or the economy has gotten any better.
Its a shame that the government does not learn from the public sector --stop spending money you do not have.:sad-little:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Just a few comments on the past ten months of an improved stock market.
1. Companies have "shrunk" to the bad economy. Eliminating jobs,pay cuts ,strong cost controls etc, etc.
2. Companies report Quarter to Quarter and Year to Year --when you are comparing to bad numbers --the stock looks better.
3. Ups only announces job cuts of 1800 --and the stock jumps a few bucks.
An improved stock market does not mean jobs were created or the economy has gotten any better.
Its a shame that the government does not learn from the public sector --stop spending money you do not have.:sad-little:
So your saying that Ford stock tripled in 10 months because they shrank. Duh, whatever.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

So your saying that Ford stock tripled in 10 months because they shrank. Duh, whatever.

Fords stock went up from major cost cuts, union concessions and layoffs, downsizing, and making a quality product...oh and they did not take my tax dollars.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Fords stock went up from major cost cuts, union concessions and layoffs, downsizing, and making a quality product...oh and they did not take my tax dollars.
My brother works there and the main reason the stock tripled was optimism about the economy. You can cut all you want but if nobody can buy your cars it doesnt mean anything.


Re: Obamanation here today

So your saying that Ford stock tripled in 10 months because they shrank. Duh, whatever.

that is whats going on with businesses though. They're making profits by cutting any and all costs. An asute investor such as yourself should be able to see this?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

My brother works there and the main reason the stock tripled was optimism about the economy. You can cut all you want but if nobody can buy your cars it doesnt mean anything.

So Optimism is what got people to buy Ford stock? Sounds like speculation which you dont like for oil.

So when our Gooberment bailed out GM, what happened to their stock?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

So Optimism is what got people to buy Ford stock? Sounds like speculation which you dont like for oil.

So when our Gooberment bailed out GM, what happened to their stock?
Oil is a commodity that we all need to live. If oil goes to 150 a barrel it will put you out of a job because aircraft will be to expensive to fly.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

yea let me know if you have any economic data other then the stock market speculation that shows anything.
JP Morgan Chase earnings surge in the fourth quarter to 75 cents per share, citing strength in its consumer businesses.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Tax rates will rise. Beginning in 2011, tax rates that were in effect before the 2001 Bush tax cuts will return. The top income tax rate will go up to 39.6 percent from the current 35 percent, and the bottom 10 percent bracket is eliminated, so even the lowest levels of taxable income will be taxed at 15 percent.

Hey unionman, the poor will be getting a nice bone.....A 50% tax increase.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today


Didn’t we learn, long ago, that if you want to raise tax revenue you LOWER underlying tax rates; that if you want more of something, tax it less, and if you want less, tax it more? In Washington today, the ruling party views taxes as a sex addict revels in his trysts: More is better, and there is no such thing as too much.