President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!

".................“Now, each June since I took office, we have gathered to pay tribute to the generations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans who devoted their lives to our most basic of ideals......."

Oh,that's why he missed the D-Day remembrances!!!!

That must also be why he is the first president to REFUSE to be honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America during his term and why he cancelled the National Day of Prayer- he must not want to spread himself too thin.


Staff member
Re: Obamabastic !!

That must also be why he is the first president to REFUSE to be honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America during his term and why he cancelled the National Day of Prayer- he must not want to spread himself too thin.
Yes, all that would limit the amount of time he can spend fundraising for himself. The "Fundraiser in Chief"!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Are you suggesting that you are open-minded to sources not that do not mirror your opinion?
I have put stories on here from Huffington, CNN, MSNBC, Abc, Cbs and others. Of course I put stories in line with my own would be stupid to do otherwise.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Lawless renegade who recognizes no authority save that which he arrogated.
(POLITICO) — President Obama returned Friday to a trusted tactic — satisfying his political allies by not doing something.

Conservatives were angry when Janet Napolitano announced the administration would stop deporting certain undocumented immigrants but they should have seen it coming. On issue after issue — gay rights, drug enforcement, Internet gambling, school achievement standards — the administration has chosen to achieve its goals by a method best described as passive-aggressive.

Rather than pushing new laws through a divided Congress to enact his agenda, Obama is relying on federal agencies to ignore, or at least not defend, laws that some of his important supporters — like Hispanic voters and the gay community — don’t like.

“If the president says we’re not going to enforce the law, there’s really nothing anyone can do about it,” University of Pennsylvania constitutional law professor Kermit Roosevelt said. “It’s clearly a political calculation.”. . .

As of Friday, the federal government won’t deport undocumented immigrants under age 30 who came to the United States as children. It is a temporary, de facto implementation of a part of the stalled DREAM Act. . . .


Let's see: Obama decided not to enforce certain immigration laws to appeal to the hispanic electorate.

Before that, he had a decisive "epiphany" on gay marriage, in an effort to get the straying disillusioned liberals back into his camp. Of course in doing so, he alienated some of the religious element in the black community.

What's next? Some variation of the old "40 acres and a mule" for the black community???


Für Meno :)
I think Obama is getting more and more "Canadianized"
Leave abortion and gay marriages up to the indivduals, same as legalizing prostitution, small amounts of weed, and healthcare for everyone :)


golden ticket member
I think Obama is getting more and more "Canadianized"
Leave abortion and gay marriages up to the indivduals, same as legalizing prostitution, small amounts of weed, and healthcare for everyone :)
We can ship him North !!!!
When did he mention legalizing prostitution?


Für Meno :)
In my opinion, you are was off base with this one!

Not at all !
If the Supreme Court strucks down Obamacare - then out the window goes Romneycare, too !
Even medicare might come to an end , since it's being forced upon tax payers to foot the bill !!!! ????

If they ever struck down legal prostitution, then Nevada will need to end it, as well.

Do you see that happening in the future ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
Not at all !
If the Supreme Court strucks down Obamacare - then out the window goes Romneycare, too !
Even medicare might come to an end , since it's being forced upon tax payers to foot the bill !!!! ????

If they ever struck down legal prostitution, then Nevada will need to end it, as well.

Do you see that happening in the future ?
I don't see a link at all with Obamacare & prostitution.
Prostitution is not legal in the entire state, just parts.....


Counties of Nevada. Counties in red do not permit prostitution. Counties in yellow contain at least one active brothel. Counties in blue do not prohibit prostitution, but have no active brothels

Nevada is the only U.S. state to allow some legal prostitution[SUP][1][/SUP] , in the form of regulated brothels. Prostitution outside these licensed brothels is illegal.
The brothels are situated in isolated rural areas, and the vast majority of Nevada's population lives in counties where all forms of prostitution are illegal, namely Clark (which contains Las Vegas), Washoe (which contains Reno), Douglas, and Lincoln counties, and Carson City (an independent city). The other counties allow brothels, but some of these counties currently have no active brothels (brothels are in operation in only 8 counties); as of June/July 2008 there were 28 legal brothels in Nevada.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
Let's see: Obama decided not to enforce certain immigration laws to appeal to the hispanic electorate.

Before that, he had a decisive "epiphany" on gay marriage, in an effort to get the straying disillusioned liberals back into his camp. Of course in doing so, he alienated some of the religious element in the black community.

What's next? Some variation of the old "40 acres and a mule" for the black community???


This is not far from reality. While we joke about THIS the next shoe to drop will be to forgive all those people that LIED to get Mortages and now cry how they were duped ----their loans will be "forgiven" while we continue to work to pay down our loans while our property values have gone down the tubes. This is the new and fair " Progressive Agenda". Break the law --lie about income , live off the social programs and get rewarded.

Who said hard work pays off ??


Well-Known Member

After that shoe drops --while many have worked and struggled to send children to college ---Student Loans will be forgiven by Obama ---which really means --you and me will pay AGAIN for college educations --not for us or our children --but for everyone else !!

But as many people believe --all of this is paid by "Obama"s Stash"

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


This is not far from reality. While we joke about THIS the next shoe to drop will be to forgive all those people that LIED to get Mortages and now cry how they were duped ----their loans will be "forgiven" while we continue to work to pay down our loans while our property values have gone down the tubes. This is the new and fair " Progressive Agenda". Break the law --lie about income , live off the social programs and get rewarded.

Who said hard work pays off ??

Where do you dream this stuff up?

THe majority of homeowners that are losing their homes arent LIARS and CRYING. They are simply victims of the BUSH recession. Look, all the foreclosures are not from unemployment, they are ALL LANDMINES set during the BUSH ADMINISTRATIONS gamble that home ownership would be great for all citizens.

Did you forget the video I posted where BUSH says "that a person with bad credit deserves a home just as good as anyone else"...??

Todays foreclosures are driven by INTEREST ONLY LOANS that are maturing ISLAND. Once those loans mature, the owner cannot AFFORD the terms of the RESETS. THE MAJORITY of home owners have jobs that pay well, but the terms of the RESETS make it UNAFFORDABLE.

In addition, property values continue to drop because of the ticking time bombs that blew up before the others driving the prices down. That leaves the homeowner with NO OPTIONS.

The majority of home owners CANT SELL because the homes are underwater, they cant refinance because they are outside the 125% loan to value, they cant MODIFY because they earn too much money or they are current on their payments.

This has nothing to do with being duped or lying.

The BUSH homeownership society is falling apart just as quickly as it was put in place.

We as a nation have to do something to slow the rate of foreclosures ISLAND, it affects us all.. Sure, you may laugh at the guy across the street when the marshall comes and tosses him and his family out onto the street and call them degenerates, but multiply that by a couple of million and it affects us all. OUR home prices continue to sink and foreigners are coming to this country and buying the vacant homes.

You cant pay down an interest only loan ISLAND. If a person was dumb enough to think that a 900 thousand dollar home would appreciate to 1.7 million like in my neighborhood in a couple of years and then they would flip it, then yes, they were nuts, but those werent POOR PEOPLE.

Those were the smart ones that you prefer. Mostly REPUBLICANS. The problem is , both fannie and freddie were not prepared to EAT million dollars homes. BUSH did it to this country,

Listen to BUSH himself. He spoke about BARRIERS, ISLAND. The biggest BARRIER was the down payment, and he was going to reduce the need for a 20% downpayment. FIRST MISTAKE. He goes on to further his agenda that today is killing us all who owns homes.
Home Ownership and President Bush - YouTube

I have three homes, all three are underwater. My neighborhood continues to have vacant large homes because of interest only loans with zero to 1% downpayments. All the persons who have lost homes HAD JOBS, but could not afford the JUMP in the payment once the reset hit.

If you were paying $3500.00 a month interest only on a 700K home for 5 years, once the reset hits, there is a balloon payment of around 25K due AND the payment jumps to approximately $8800!

Who do you think is dumb enough to stay in that home? The homes value is now down to approx. 500K or 200K underwater. What options do these home owners have?

This was all apart of the scam that was BUSH's change in home ownership. 3,5,7,10,12,15 year interest only loans are blowing up everywhere. Starting in 2003, these ticking time bombs set by BUSH have been blowing up in our faces.

If you bought one of these ticking time bombs in 2003 interest only for 3 years, then in 2006 it blew up ( psst..start of the recession) in 2004 if you took a 5 year interest only loan, then in 2009 it blows up (pssst...biggest year for foreclosures) and then, if you bought a home in 2005 interest only for 10 years ( 2015 we got more coming)

So , how do you place blame on OBAMA? The math doesnt work out in your favor. PIck a year, do the math. Interest only. THe majority of these loans were written between 2003 and 2006. MILLIONS of them.

San Diego has the highest number of interest only loans in the country, followed by las vegas then florida. San Diego has the largest percentage of homes sold at 1 million or more interest only. Today, San Diego has the largest number of defaults killing fannie and freddie.

"PROGRESSIVE AGENDA".... you have no clue what youre talking about.

We need a minesweeper to fix this housing mess. OBAMA is trying to fix it.

There should be a reset on ALL MORTAGAGES lowering the loan balances and putting everyone into conventional loans vs interest only loans.

The BUSH vision of home ownership through trickery is just catching up to us all while he sits in crawford drunk as a skunk laughing his ash off.




Für Meno :)
Screw college educations !
Let them work for miminum wage at McDonalds - the less they earn, the faster SS & medicare will go bankrupt and the elderly, retireees, just will need to suffer.
No biggie.