President Obama!


golden ticket member
Screw college educations !
Let them work for miminum wage at McDonalds - the less they earn, the faster SS & medicare will go bankrupt and the elderly, retireees, just will need to suffer.
No biggie.
The minimum wage at McDonalds?? ......weren't you just bragging about how much money McDonald's pays employees? How does Medicare tie in with the McDonald's minimum wage? Pazzo!!!


Für Meno :)
The minimum wage at McDonalds?? ......weren't you just bragging about how much money McDonald's pays employees? How does Medicare tie in with the McDonald's minimum wage? Pazzo!!!

OH, maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought the less you pay on taxes, or basically pay no taxes (tax refunds, because of low wages), someone will need to fund SS and medicare.
I guess the governmentt does magic ?

But, I,m used to always believe that the working and younger generation pays for those that retire.
I might be wrong though ????

Actually, I am wrong, with Romney hiding his money overseas, and paying less taxes, his majic underwear pays for that all.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Obama’s 100th golf round[/h][h=2]President putters while economy sputters[/h]The next time President Obama hits the links, it will be his 100th round of golf since coming to the White House. That’s quite a milestone in just 3 1/2 years. As it takes him about six hours to drive to the greens and complete 18 holes, Mr. Obama has spent the equivalent of four months’ worth of work time golfing.
Mr. Obama had no sense of the inappropriateness of playing 99 rounds of golf while 99 percent of the country couldn’t even afford the cost or time to go once. Now he wants a second term to finish what he started. After the 100th round, voters may want to think twice about giving him a mulligan.


Well-Known Member
Screw college educations !
Let them work for miminum wage at McDonalds - the less they earn, the faster SS & medicare will go bankrupt and the elderly, retireees, just will need to suffer.
No biggie.


Let them work for minimun wage at any fortune 500 companie --like UPS --pkg handler --to pkg driver---to Management --very hard work to become multi millionaires --but someone has to do it to pay for all the "progressive social plans" Why work hard --let the hard working fool pay for me --that is your world --as you spend your lifetime selling hot doge --the lazy masses will feed off of you.

You have stated many times --how you have made for yourself a good a profitable gig --why can't the majority in free Canada or the U.S. provide for themselves -----Housing, Education ---whatever.


Well-Known Member
Obama’s 100th golf round

President putters while economy sputters

The next time President Obama hits the links, it will be his 100th round of golf since coming to the White House. That’s quite a milestone in just 3 1/2 years. As it takes him about six hours to drive to the greens and complete 18 holes, Mr. Obama has spent the equivalent of four months’ worth of work time golfing.
Mr. Obama had no sense of the inappropriateness of playing 99 rounds of golf while 99 percent of the country couldn’t even afford the cost or time to go once. Now he wants a second term to finish what he started. After the 100th round, voters may want to think twice about giving him a mulligan.


Playing Golf, making speeches , hanging out with the Hollywood elites, spends any spare time to get re-throned ----No wonder he has no time to fix the "BUSH" problems. Come to think about it Obama did not inherit the problem --HE is the problem !


Für Meno :)

Let them work for minimun wage at any fortune 500 companie --like UPS --pkg handler --to pkg driver---to Management --very hard work to become multi millionaires --but someone has to do it to pay for all the "progressive social plans" Why work hard --let the hard working fool pay for me --that is your world --as you spend your lifetime selling hot doge --the lazy masses will feed off of you.

You have stated many times --how you have made for yourself a good a profitable gig --why can't the majority in free Canada or the U.S. provide for themselves -----Housing, Education ---whatever.

I really can't answer that question, but you'll always have 3-4% of people that just won't work.
Alberta booms on and off depending on oil prices and production.

I have been in situations where they need to hire you on the spot, because they know, as soon as you leave, you might be heading to another interview, and they lost out.

Look at my current job - I didn't even apply for it. All I wanted was a discount on liquor sales for my delivery business - next thing I know, I got asked to work there and started work the very next day.

Even got a few job offers while working there in the meantime.
You may not consider me as you know me, but I'm very friendly, honest, outgoing and get along with people and public very well.
Others see that in me, and see how hard I work , too, and still keep a smile , no matter how much work or stress I'm going thru.

And btw, got hired by UPS the same way - was suppose to do a second interview (like everyone else must go thru), but they called me the same day, and told me forget about the 2nd interview, - I left such a good impression, just come in tomorrow and start.


I really can't answer that question, but you'll always have 3-4% of people that just won't work.
Alberta booms on and off depending on oil prices and production.

I have been in situations where they need to hire you on the spot, because they know, as soon as you leave, you might be heading to another interview, and they lost out.

Look at my current job - I didn't even apply for it. All I wanted was a discount on liquor sales for my delivery business - next thing I know, I got asked to work there and started work the very next day. He was just afraid of losing his best customer.

Even got a few job offers while working there in the meantime.
You may not consider me as you know me, but I'm very friendly, honest, outgoing and get along with people and public very well.
Others see that in me, and see how hard I work , too, and still keep a smile , no matter how much work or stress I'm going thru.


Well-Known Member
Where do you dream this stuff up?

THe majority of homeowners that are losing their homes arent LIARS and CRYING. They are simply victims of the BUSH recession. Look, all the foreclosures are not from unemployment, they are ALL LANDMINES set during the BUSH ADMINISTRATIONS gamble that home ownership would be great for all citizens.

Did you forget the video I posted where BUSH says "that a person with bad credit deserves a home just as good as anyone else"...??

Todays foreclosures are driven by INTEREST ONLY LOANS that are maturing ISLAND. Once those loans mature, the owner cannot AFFORD the terms of the RESETS. THE MAJORITY of home owners have jobs that pay well, but the terms of the RESETS make it UNAFFORDABLE.

In addition, property values continue to drop because of the ticking time bombs that blew up before the others driving the prices down. That leaves the homeowner with NO OPTIONS.

The majority of home owners CANT SELL because the homes are underwater, they cant refinance because they are outside the 125% loan to value, they cant MODIFY because they earn too much money or they are current on their payments.

This has nothing to do with being duped or lying.

The BUSH homeownership society is falling apart just as quickly as it was put in place.

We as a nation have to do something to slow the rate of foreclosures ISLAND, it affects us all.. Sure, you may laugh at the guy across the street when the marshall comes and tosses him and his family out onto the street and call them degenerates, but multiply that by a couple of million and it affects us all. OUR home prices continue to sink and foreigners are coming to this country and buying the vacant homes.

You cant pay down an interest only loan ISLAND. If a person was dumb enough to think that a 900 thousand dollar home would appreciate to 1.7 million like in my neighborhood in a couple of years and then they would flip it, then yes, they were nuts, but those werent POOR PEOPLE.

Those were the smart ones that you prefer. Mostly REPUBLICANS. The problem is , both fannie and freddie were not prepared to EAT million dollars homes. BUSH did it to this country,

Listen to BUSH himself. He spoke about BARRIERS, ISLAND. The biggest BARRIER was the down payment, and he was going to reduce the need for a 20% downpayment. FIRST MISTAKE. He goes on to further his agenda that today is killing us all who owns homes.
Home Ownership and President Bush - YouTube

I have three homes, all three are underwater. My neighborhood continues to have vacant large homes because of interest only loans with zero to 1% downpayments. All the persons who have lost homes HAD JOBS, but could not afford the JUMP in the payment once the reset hit.

If you were paying $3500.00 a month interest only on a 700K home for 5 years, once the reset hits, there is a balloon payment of around 25K due AND the payment jumps to approximately $8800!

Who do you think is dumb enough to stay in that home? The homes value is now down to approx. 500K or 200K underwater. What options do these home owners have?

This was all apart of the scam that was BUSH's change in home ownership. 3,5,7,10,12,15 year interest only loans are blowing up everywhere. Starting in 2003, these ticking time bombs set by BUSH have been blowing up in our faces.

If you bought one of these ticking time bombs in 2003 interest only for 3 years, then in 2006 it blew up ( psst..start of the recession) in 2004 if you took a 5 year interest only loan, then in 2009 it blows up (pssst...biggest year for foreclosures) and then, if you bought a home in 2005 interest only for 10 years ( 2015 we got more coming)

So , how do you place blame on OBAMA? The math doesnt work out in your favor. PIck a year, do the math. Interest only. THe majority of these loans were written between 2003 and 2006. MILLIONS of them.

San Diego has the highest number of interest only loans in the country, followed by las vegas then florida. San Diego has the largest percentage of homes sold at 1 million or more interest only. Today, San Diego has the largest number of defaults killing fannie and freddie.

"PROGRESSIVE AGENDA".... you have no clue what youre talking about.

We need a minesweeper to fix this housing mess. OBAMA is trying to fix it.

There should be a reset on ALL MORTAGAGES lowering the loan balances and putting everyone into conventional loans vs interest only loans.

The BUSH vision of home ownership through trickery is just catching up to us all while he sits in crawford drunk as a skunk laughing his ash off.




Sure in your world EVERYONE is a victim. Social engineeering by our politicians LEFT and Right caused the problem . GOVERNMENT backed loans with little or no risk to Banks ---Idiots . Wall street are the liars --not the dopey politicians or the people that LIED about their finances. La-la-Land

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Its a sad thing, when at your age, you should be full of useful knowledge and can debate with that knowledge, and instead, rely on sound bites to addess a larger problem. I realize that neither YOU or ISLANDFOX or any of the C9 can argue the facts on why the housing market blew up and the best you can provide us with is one sentence taken out of context and beyond the scope of whats causing the problems in our housing market.

I see that for you folks, simply repeating what little you are told and embracing that as the "whole truth" is alot easier than accepting the truth.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Everyone I have heard, republican and democrat alike, has suggested the exception and have gone out of their way to praise the very professional reputation of the organization. So if I were president, yes, I would trust them like my life depended on it, because it does.

This issue about going to Mexico is none of our business. BO and Michelle are the parents and are the only ones who have the right to make decisions regarding their children. HELL, I had a hell of a time raising my own kids! I certainly won't throw stones at them.

Years ago you could spank your kids or take them to the shed out back. Today, you will be taken in for child abuse probably based on some other busy-body who decides what kind of discipline you should give your kid. Some grandfather is suing Borders because he was thrown out of a book store because he was seen alone in the children's section without kids and some mother was concerned for her kid's safety. Grandpa was looking for some gifts for his grand kids. What is this world coming to?


golden ticket member

View of a young Doctor: Something to ponder on/

Diagnosis, prognosis and cure in just three (3) short paragraphs !!!

If you doubt any part of what Dr. Jones says, go visit your local hospital emergency room as an observer for an hour or so some Friday or Saturday night.

See how many responsible people you can send this to !!!

below is a young physician by the name of Dr. Starner Jones. His short two-paragraph letter to the White House accurately puts the blame on a "Culture Crisis" instead of a "Health Care Crisis".

It's worth a quick read:

Dear Mr. President:

During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ring tone. While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer.

And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture", a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based on the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me."

Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

View of a young Doctor: Something to ponder on/

Diagnosis, prognosis and cure in just three (3) short paragraphs !!!

If you doubt any part of what Dr. Jones says, go visit your local hospital emergency room as an observer for an hour or so some Friday or Saturday night.

See how many responsible people you can send this to !!!

below is a young physician by the name of Dr. Starner Jones. His short two-paragraph letter to the White House accurately puts the blame on a "Culture Crisis" instead of a "Health Care Crisis".

It's worth a quick read:

Dear Mr. President:

During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ring tone. While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer.

And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture", a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based on the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me."

Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear.



I dont know any children under 12 who are like this, but there are 35 million uninsured in this country. The culture risis is in the outrageous sums of money doctors charge for services.




Strength through joy


Strength through joy
Nice try at spinning this .
Now let's face some facts;
Four years of College just for Pre -Med,
Medical School another four years,
Internship another year,
Residency could last from two to seven years .
So one has to spend between 11 to 16 years to be called a doctor.
Now if one had to take out loans to cover this time period, they would be massive.
Now that covers why they have to charge so much , they are slaves to the banks.
And why do hospitals have to charge so much to the insured patients is to recover some of their losses from the people who constantly never pay .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama 2012 Website Touts Campaign’s “Summer Organizers,” Shows Stunning Lack of Diversity…

Note how the sole black person is seated dead-center in the front row. Coincidence? I think not.​
Via Obama campaign website:


Rather ironic that Obama signed an executive order forcing federal agencies to improve workplace diversity.

Anyone else noticing a pattern here?

A pattern? Of what? Ever hear of regional demographics? Show me all the black people in the ROMNEY crowds.....




golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Revealed: Photo of Obama's pot-smoking Choom GangbyCharlie Spiering Commentary Staff Writer

On CSPAN's Book TV Sunday, David Maraniss revealed a photo of Obama's pot smoking 'Choom Gang' and shared some of the information he learned about while writing his book.

"The Choom Gang, that's what they did," Marannis said, revealing the photo and talking about the gang's practice of "total absorption" of marijuana smoke while sitting in a car. "That was part of his existence during that period."