President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Look what happens in '08 when Obama takes over.......


At times, I realize that you simply are stuck with repeating what you hear, and when it comes in an email, you make no analysis on what you see, you just focus on what you are told to see.

Looking at your OWN CHART you provided, start with 2001 and the BUSH tax cuts for the rich are passed, the income levels of all americans not in the top 1% begin to lose annual income. For 8 years americans lost income under BUSH. In 2008 the BUSH recession hits full force and income drops and in the first month of the new president taking over for BUSH, the recession and its overall effects ( banking collapse, housing collapse, jobs collapse) plummet the nation to levels unseen since the great depression.

What is key, is the chart at the end, where it shows that income is rising, slowly, but rising nonetheless.

Now, if the republicans would just get out of the way, that line upwards would be much better, but we all know the reality, and that is, a bad economy is what the GOP needs in order to try and convince a nation to put them back in charge, despite your OWN CHART which demonstrates WHY they should NEVER be in the WHITE HOUSE again.




Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Wow, is that "Blame Bush" crap getting old. When does Obama get credit for his own term in office?

Who cares, he'll be gone in January.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

If he was to get re-elected, do you think he'll do anything during that second term?

You know, besides golf and fund-raising.

If he COULD do it,wouldn't you think he would've done it when it was all Democrats all the time ???????????


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today


One of our most basic protections is the checks and balances which exists between the judicial, legislative and executive branches.

That's good for "School House Rock", but I don't think the system of government we have today mirrors that very well.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Does it cover "Judicial Review"? "Signing statements"? "Advise and consent" as a blocking mechanism? Fillibuster without long winded speeches?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Does it cover "Judicial Review"? "Signing statements"? "Advise and consent" as a blocking mechanism? Fillibuster without long winded speeches?

For all of that you would want the wkmac 1 hour + version.

I gave the version 99% of Americans feel most comfortable with.