President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Anyone care to explain this ?


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Look what happens in '08 when Obama takes over.......


I could take this chart to a 3rd grader and get a better and more true analysis of the trend line. Of course if you are looking to have your funny bone tickled just have a loon analyze it for you... Opps! We just got that!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

I could take this chart to a 3rd grader and get a better and more true analysis of the trend line. Of course if you are looking to have your funny bone tickled just have a loon analyze it for you... Opps! We just got that!

Im the one who cant read a chart and BOTH you and moreluck post a chart where SHE says "look what happened when obama takes over in 2008" and he didnt take office until january 09?

What is wrong with you people?



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Im the one who cant read a chart and BOTH you and moreluck post a chart where SHE says "look what happened when obama takes over in 2008" and he didnt take office until january 09?

What is wrong with you people?



I will say it again.... You can't read a chart! You have a myopic view of how you envision everything and you will twist and manipulate all facts, charts, videos, and
sound bytes to fit your position. Everything is taken out of context, again, to substantiate your point of view. When you don't feel that is working you resort to hate tactics - we are racists (forget about that comment that you can't wait to have a white landscaper) - we are bigots (forget about that comment when you attacked Romney for having a relative who was a Polygamist) - we are stupid - we are criminals. The "we" is anyone who does not believe what you subscribe to. I say that a big part of a real President's job is to make the legislature work together (in essence ...LEAD). BO would rather campaign and pit rich against poor (class warfare), and minorities against whites.

Folks like you on the extreme left and extreme right are a big part of why this country can't get anything done. I find it shameful that people can't open their minds to compromise. There are always two sides to an issue and we can find good areas of compromise. Solutions to all our challenges exist. YOU have an occupant in the White House who subscribes to the same philosophy as you do.

The problem is that the fox is guarding the henhouse. We need term limits and spending limits on political advertisement, so that both sides are on level playing field. Politicians should not be able to make a career at being legislators. They should not be able to set their salaries, or benefits. Each state should have a voice in regulating the federal legislature.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

I will say it again.... You can't read a chart! You have a myopic view of how you envision everything and you will twist and manipulate all facts, charts, videos, and
sound bytes to fit your position. Everything is taken out of context, again, to substantiate your point of view. When you don't feel that is working you resort to hate tactics - we are racists (forget about that comment that you can't wait to have a white landscaper) - we are bigots (forget about that comment when you attacked Romney for having a relative who was a Polygamist) - we are stupid - we are criminals. The "we" is anyone who does not believe what you subscribe to. I say that a big part of a real President's job is to make the legislature work together (in essence ...LEAD). BO would rather campaign and pit rich against poor (class warfare), and minorities against whites.

Folks like you on the extreme left and extreme right are a big part of why this country can't get anything done. I find it shameful that people can't open their minds to compromise. There are always two sides to an issue and we can find good areas of compromise. Solutions to all our challenges exist. YOU have an occupant in the White House who subscribes to the same philosophy as you do.

The problem is that the fox is guarding the henhouse. We need term limits and spending limits on political advertisement, so that both sides are on level playing field. Politicians should not be able to make a career at being legislators. They should not be able to set their salaries, or benefits. Each state should have a voice in regulating the federal legislature.

WE HAD LIMITS ON POLITICAL SPENDING. IT was called McCAin Feingold. You should try and blame KARL ROVE for his citizens united action that used the supreme court to throw out mccain feingold and allow money of all types to be spent without limits.

THE GOP is responsible for the limitless money being spent on political advertisements. You dont like what you see on television??





golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

"President Barack Obama’s campaign and the Obama Victory Fund spent $15 million more than they raised in May, campaign finance reports show."

Looks like Obama handles campaign money like he handles our budget.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

You are just like your White House bud - play the blame game. Explain to people who don't hold your views how wrong they are, and it is because of them we are in this mess.

That is the way to get people on your side of the other side! Yeah! Let's sit down and work this out and fix this problem.

I struggle to understand how a person so "one sided" makes this work in the real world. And then it dawns on me... you just surround yourself with like minded people. There is no other way you could survive beyond these threads unless this is your only avenue of escape because you can't say this around others without turning most people off. If you lived in San Francisco, I could understand but not Orange County!


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

You are just like your White House bud - play the blame game. Explain to people who don't hold your views how wrong they are, and it is because of them we are in this mess.

That is the way to get people on your side of the other side! Yeah! Let's sit down and work this out and fix this problem.

I struggle to understand how a person so "one sided" makes this work in the real world. And then it dawns on me... you just surround yourself with like minded people. There is no other way you could survive beyond these threads unless this is your only avenue of escape because you can't say this around others without turning most people off. If you lived in San Francisco, I could understand but not Orange County!
I could have sworn you were talking to moreluck.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

You are just like your White House bud - play the blame game. Explain to people who don't hold your views how wrong they are, and it is because of them we are in this mess.

That is the way to get people on your side of the other side! Yeah! Let's sit down and work this out and fix this problem.

I struggle to understand how a person so "one sided" makes this work in the real world. And then it dawns on me... you just surround yourself with like minded people. There is no other way you could survive beyond these threads unless this is your only avenue of escape because you can't say this around others without turning most people off. If you lived in San Francisco, I could understand but not Orange County!

How does this rant help your position on campaign spending???? You were the one complaining about it, and I was the one that reminded you that the political party that YOU support is responsible for creating the OUTRAGEOUS money now being spent on elections.

Those formerly in power are designing the future of elections, and money talks.

Our elections are forever corrupted by the GOP's CITIZEN UNITED action and the blame for it lies squarely on the GOP.

Thats your party.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=2]Oh My: UN Official Tells ACLU Conference Obama Has Committed “War Crimes” With Drone Airstrikes…[/h]

Does this mean he has to give back his Nobel Peace Prize?

(Guardian) — The US policy of using aerial drones to carry out targeted killings presents a major challenge to the system of international law that has endured since the second world war, a United Nations investigator has said.

Christof Heyns, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings, summary or arbitrary executions, told a conference in Geneva that President Obama’s attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere, carried out by the CIA, would encourage other states to flout long-established human rights standards.

In his strongest critique so far of drone strikes, Heyns suggested some may even constitute “war crimes”. His comments come amid rising international unease over the surge in killings by remotely piloted unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Addressing the conference, which was organised by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a second UN rapporteur, Ben Emmerson QC, who monitors counter-terrorism, announced he would be prioritising inquiries into drone strikes.

The London-based barrister said the issue was moving rapidly up the international agenda after China and Russia this week jointly issued a statement at the UN Human Rights Council, backed by other countries, condemning drone attacks.