President Obama!


Staff member
Here's a thought. Businesses pulling out the checkbook for Obama. Why? If companies start dropping employer paid coverage, who saves money? Not a little money. ALOT of money. That damn Obama just gave businesses a bigger tax break than a republican would ever think of! Hmmmm. But how does it work then? Everybody in. Increase the pool cheaper for all. Commie Obama just became business' hugest friend.


Staff member
So then I have to ask now, are republicans going to run AGAINST Obamacare and AGAINST businesses saving huge amounts of money? I think the world just shifted under Boehner's feet.


Nine Lives
So then I have to ask now, are republicans going to run AGAINST Obamacare and AGAINST businesses saving huge amounts of money? I think the world just shifted under Boehner's feet.

Nothing is free.
I agree with your logic and this has been discussed in the past.
Obama wants the companies to do this so US Healthcare will wind up being a Single Payer" system.
Taxes will have to be increased to cover the costs and if the US National government gets involved, the total cost to provide healthcare will go up and be worse.


Staff member
Nothing is free.
I agree with your logic and this has been discussed in the past.
Obama wants the companies to do this so US Healthcare will wind up being a Single Payer" system.
Taxes will have to be increased to cover the costs and if the US National government gets involved, the total cost to provide healthcare will go up and be worse.

Why will taxes have to go up? If I am an insurance company with suddenly 5 million new customers many of them healthy haven't I just had my "base" expanded? And if I am suddenly a company saving $1 million a year, why not spread $250,000 amongst the employees to help assist in the purchase of healthcare? And if I'm the US government, can't I use the "Commerce Clause" to regulate the transactions between insurance company and the health providers thus holding down the true cost of healthcare? That probably sounds intrusive, but I have very little sympathy for insurance companies and their recent tactics.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
The SCOTUS made it a tax and the IRS will enforce it........or else it would've been struck down under commerce. Read it fool:

In its 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the so-called individual mandate could be upheld only because it fell within Congress' authority to tax.

However, that is not how the Obama administration originally sold it.

In fact, in a 2009 interview, President Obama adamantly rejected the notion that the penalty for not buying insurance amounted to a tax hike.

"You can't just make up that language and decide that that's called a tax increase," Obama said, scolding his interviewer.
Now that the high court says it is a tax, Republicans say the law will be more unpopular.
And the fight will surely go on.

Read more: Republicans claim ObamaCare ruling could help push to repeal it | Fox News

Good points here!

Why Chief Justice Roberts Made the Right Long-Term Decision With ObamaCare - Independent Journal Review

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
Nothing I funnier than watching the right wing licking it's wounds. Really, they are so beside themselves they barely kave rational thoughts. It just starts the same old crap thrown against the wall. He's a commie, he's a nazi, just because the Supreme Court says it is constitutional doesn't mean it is (did a senator of the United States really say that?!). Roberts should call Rand Paul and make him submit an essay on the courts power of judicial review.

Why Chief Justice Roberts Made the Right Long-Term Decision With ObamaCare - Independent Journal Review

Liberals are in trouble!!


Strength through joy
How ironic .
Go and find a picture of when then Gov. Romney signed the Ma. Health care bill on April 13, 2006.
See all the smiling Democrats behind him.
Sen Kennedy..........dead.
Ma Senate President Robert Travaglini.....had to suddenly resign from his job.
And the real kicker here is House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi , currently an inmate in a Federal prison with Stage 4 cancer and now the first "victim" of the gov't death panel since his keepers are not allowing him to get treatment .


Active Member
Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Anyone think we will still have health care through UPS in the next contract or will they dump our coverage as part of some agreement with the union that might include concessions such as an increase in pay, lump sum payout etc. It seems that I had read somewhere when this was originally being passed by Congress that it is less expensive for a large company such as UPS to pay the fine per employee than provide the current "cadillac" coverage.

I certainly will not be surprised to see the company totally dump health care for part timers even if they provide some kind of a plan that may requires full timers to contribute to the premiums.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
RUSH LIMBAUGH today INFERRED that Justice Roberts was intimidated by someone in the democratic party to change his vote, suggesting that the Justice intended on voting it down and then changing his mind because of some "chicago style" politics.

Is this fat tub of crap serious?

Justice Limbaugh Declares Health Care Law Unconstitutional | Media Matters for America

This is a small clip of rush today, but its all I could find and I aint gonna pay good american money to gain access to his website.

The best part about his theory is that his listeners are just DUMB enough to believe it.




Active Member
Obamacare now officially the law of the land. What now for UPS?

Do you think we will still have insurance through UPS this time next year or will the company dump it? I recall when this was all being debated that it is cheaper for large corporations like to UPS to pay the fine per employee for not providing health care coverage rather than providing "cadillac" coverage.

Any ideas about the future for part timers as well as full time?