President Obama!


New Jack
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

I heard from several radio talk show hosts on the conservative stations, that this is the end of days. I say, good my stop count was getting to high, thank God for putting an end to us. I'd say that Glen Beck was the most funny in his panic and histeria. See you at the end of the world party, peace out.:vacuumsm:


IE boogeyman
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

i foresee the FT status quo being upheld

i also foresee PT benefits being canned, but with a laughable increase in pay


Well-Known Member

I am sure you will have no problem in "educating " me.
Bush stated that there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. When none were found -not a mistake --He was branded a LIAR.

President Obama stated His health care plan was NOT a tax. His lawyers claimed it was a tax --as you stated Roberts agreed that it is a tax.

Did Obama make a mistake ?? Or because he is black we cannot say that he LIED ?

Is this or is it not the LARGEST TAX INCREASE in the history of the world.

While 26 year old "children" are happy to stay on Mommies health plan --the 27 year old healthy adults are now forced to pay a huge health care tax --so much for our personal freedoms disappearing !! The working middle class will be hit the hardest from this tax because the liberals put up pathetic pictures of other peoples children that feel we must pay and be responsible for them --shameless !!:warriorsmiley:


golden ticket member
He crows about Obamacare and medical coverage for every piece of slime on the street.....including those here illegally, but wants the soldiers to pay up......he's disgraceful!!!


Well-Known Member
The Power To Tax Is The Power To Tax

If I can compel you as a customer to buy my service and at the same time I'm able to restrict any competitor from the marketplace or restrict any other option from said marketplace, what restrains me from raising prices to any level I want?

If you say the gov't will act as the market mechanism to restrain prices, I'd respond that on an annual basis my profits are such that now I can pour millions into keeping the people I want in office who will maintain my monopoly thus I will maintain my prices as I see fit so again, what mechanism will you now use keep prices affordable?


Well-Known Member

Force Healthcare.jpg
Force Healthcare.jpg


Well-Known Member
Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

I think that you guys are misinformed. If this was a way for companies to drop healthcare Republicans would have been 100% behind it.


golden ticket member
All the doctors say it's no good.
Others in medical field say it's no good.

The only people saying it's good is Reid, Pelosi, Obama and TOS.............can you say "red flag?"

If it's so good, Reid & Pelosi should work to change over the house & senate health plans to Obamacare.