President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The SCOTUS made it a tax and the IRS will enforce it........or else it would've been struck down under commerce. Read it fool:

In its 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the so-called individual mandate could be upheld only because it fell within Congress' authority to tax.

However, that is not how the Obama administration originally sold it.

In fact, in a 2009 interview, President Obama adamantly rejected the notion that the penalty for not buying insurance amounted to a tax hike.

"You can't just make up that language and decide that that's called a tax increase," Obama said, scolding his interviewer.
Now that the high court says it is a tax, Republicans say the law will be more unpopular.
And the fight will surely go on.

Read more: Republicans claim ObamaCare ruling could help push to repeal it | Fox News

You are WAAAY TOO EASY to handle my dear.

You care comparing APPLES to ORANGES.

Why not invest your TIME EFFORT and ENERGY researching the ARGUMENTS presented by the SOLICITOR GENERAL to the SCOTUS. There, you wil find that BOTH concepts were presented to the SCOTUS and they had a choice to rule on one or the other.

It was a WIN WIN for the SOLICITOR GENERAL because it was struck down under the commerce clause, but acceptable under congressional authority.

Your BLONDE BIMBO from FLORIDA should have known what hit her when she argued her case. SHE NEVER SAW IT COMING.

A classic move by DONALD VIRRILLI JR in his arguments to the court. During the presentation to the SCOTUS, experts from FOX SPEWS described his presentation as a TRAIN WRECK, and began the process of "reading tea leaves" and making a determination that the law would be overturned.

Unfortunately, those experts ON FOX SPEWS were ALL WET.

Justice Roberts sided with Virrilli on congressional authority on taxation. FOX SPEWS and the other right wing outlets will have you believe ROBERTS simply made up something to fit the healthcare bill as if Taxation was never addressed, but it was and it was the determining factor on the mandate.

Sorry my dear, YOU LOSE.




Been around the block a few times
obama economics.jpg

The man needs to go......enough damage done
obama economics.jpg


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

i doubt raises will be as high because now they have to pay for their management too and you KNOW they will pawn that off on their other employees. Worst law ever made.


Been around the block a few times
gman, please explain how you think the President has any control over college tuition costs.

So.....out of all that you pick out college tuition? This graph is nothing more than a simple statement of what things cost then and what things cost now after 4 years as our president. Whether or not he is directly responsible for the increased cost of college tuition the fact remains that it does cost more and has increased markedly during his term. What he does have some control over is the rate of inflation which is directly influenced by the state of the economy which is directly influenced by the acts of the government. Who's at the top? Yes....he is responsible for the college costs.


Been around the block a few times
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

How would you like to make that decision? Food for the week or insurance premium that was mandated by the government. How much freedom are we going to allow to slip through our grasp?


Well-Known Member
So----tell me again how our President has any control over college tuition costs since these are set at the state and local level and often rise much higher than the rate of inflation or the cost of living?


Staff member
Because he's a commie, nazi, muslim, terrorist, self indulgent community organizer! Jeez, Upstatee, pay attention.


Been around the block a few times
The local is affected by the state. The state is affected by the nation. The nation is affected by the government and their actions. You see the cascade effect? It all starts at the top with one man and his ego.
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Staff member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

We had an emergency meeting down at the local last night to discuss the ramifications of the law being upheld. It doesn't look good. Most people don't realize that once it's fully implemented that unions will be prohibited from negotiating your healthcare coverage, instead it will be dictated entirely by the company. Apparently UPS is prepared for this and has already been in talks with the insurance companies to put a framework in place whereby all medical procedures will have to be approved by a joint panel made up of appointees from UPS and the insurance industry whose primary goal will be "reducing costs". My B.A. was hopeful that we would be able to at least negotiate a provision where your shop steward could help present your case to the panel.


golden ticket member
RUSH LIMBAUGH today INFERRED that Justice Roberts was intimidated by someone in the democratic party to change his vote, suggesting that the Justice intended on voting it down and then changing his mind because of some "chicago style" politics.

Is this fat tub of crap serious?

Justice Limbaugh Declares Health Care Law Unconstitutional | Media Matters for America

This is a small clip of rush today, but its all I could find and I aint gonna pay good american money to gain access to his website.

The best part about his theory is that his listeners are just DUMB enough to believe it.


It's been obvious forever that you hate Rush yet you continue to listen to him.............................even once burned kids know to keep their fingers off the stove top!!


golden ticket member
You are WAAAY TOO EASY to handle my dear.

You care comparing APPLES to ORANGES.

Why not invest your TIME EFFORT and ENERGY researching the ARGUMENTS presented by the SOLICITOR GENERAL to the SCOTUS. There, you wil find that BOTH concepts were presented to the SCOTUS and they had a choice to rule on one or the other.

It was a WIN WIN for the SOLICITOR GENERAL because it was struck down under the commerce clause, but acceptable under congressional authority.

Your BLONDE BIMBO from FLORIDA should have known what hit her when she argued her case. SHE NEVER SAW IT COMING.

A classic move by DONALD VIRRILLI JR in his arguments to the court. During the presentation to the SCOTUS, experts from FOX SPEWS described his presentation as a TRAIN WRECK, and began the process of "reading tea leaves" and making a determination that the law would be overturned.

Unfortunately, those experts ON FOX SPEWS were ALL WET.

Justice Roberts sided with Virrilli on congressional authority on taxation. FOX SPEWS and the other right wing outlets will have you believe ROBERTS simply made up something to fit the healthcare bill as if Taxation was never addressed, but it was and it was the determining factor on the mandate.

Sorry my dear, YOU LOSE.


The fine IS A TAX and you're screaming apples & oranges.................that doesn't even make sense.


golden ticket member
The student loan costs will double if action is not taken by congress & the pres. signs, thus the president and congress need to get busy or the loan charges will double. The loans are for college and go for tuition therefore a tuition cost to the student