President Obama!


New Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

I'm not a GOPer or a Dermer. I still look at this site and funny my ass off at you guys. Have any of you even taken the time to look at the majors parts of this bill. Seems to me you have not. Do you really think that Teamsters will pay the full timers health care and do you really think UPS will pay for the part timers. Both is BIG FAT NO. Look the company can drop your health care and pay a fine. It is that simple. Yes they will have a lot of red tape to over come but don't think they will not do it when the exchanges are put into place. Now if some of you think they cannot do this because it will be a violation of the contract. Well please read that as well. It says this contract cannot over ride state or Federal law. The Obamacare law is a Federal law so they will not be breaking the law. Now teamster backed this law 100% and they pay a high cost of health care for the full timers. Do you really think they will not drop you and place you in the exchanges. Come on face the facts. Look at the teamsters pensions they are so under funded. Could teasmters be thinking here and they could save lots of money and drop the fulltimers and lets say use that money to place in the funds. The way UPS and Teamsters can get around any of this law is to get a waver from the Health and Human Services Department of the Federal Gov. Now this is run by with no over site from Congress. HHS is given many powers by this law. It will be cheaper to do so then pay for health care and dump us in the exchanges. We as teamsters need to start to understand what is going on here and need to understand that questioning those who supported this bill don't even know how to give the right information to us. We as a country have set on our fat ass and let this happen buy just hearing and not watching what they do. If you think this can and will not happen then you need a fact check really fast. READ, INVESTIGATE AND QUESTIONS THOSE WHO ARE THE ONES NOT LISTENING TO THE REAL GOVERMENT OF THIS COUNTRY AND THAT IS ITS PEOPLE. I have been employed with UPS for over 20 years and this law is not what we need, get on line and do your homework before you go the poles in NOV. I did vote for the Obama in 08 and I WILL NOT THIS TIME HE IS NOT RIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY. I will tell you now you better wake up and question what needs to be questioned. Get on HSS site read the break down of this law. You will be mazed. There are great parts about this bill but 90% needs to placed to the side and burned. Yes I have read the bill and it took me over 12 months and had to look up many terms to get a clear meaning, and deep in the law there are tihngs that takes many of your choices away. Think, read and education yourself. Obama did tell the youth knowledge is power and I now have it about this bill and don't like it one all. Read people. Look at some of the past CBO reports for the last 2 years see what could and might happen if this thing becomes to life after 2014.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All the doctors say it's no good.
Others in medical field say it's no good.

The only people saying it's good is Reid, Pelosi, Obama and TOS.............can you say "red flag?"

If it's so good, Reid & Pelosi should work to change over the house & senate health plans to Obamacare.

They only "people" in your listening circles you mean, right?

Of course, there are MILLIONS of people in this country who are praising the new health care reform bill and its passage by the supreme court. You just wont hear it on your sources of information.

You are stuck with the DOOM and GLOOM reporting of fox news.

Change channels. You might impress yourself.




golden ticket member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed


Most people won't read your giant 'run-on' post. Even if you don't know where to put paragraphs, sometimes, just hit the space bar twice after a period.

Like this.


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

If they drop coverage for anyone they have to pay a penalty for each person they don't cover...

OK---let's do the math---$2K/person they don't cover versus the $4,550 it costs to insure them ($5/hr * 17.5 hrs * 52 weeks). I'm thinking the $5/hr is on the low side but you get the point.

The PTers can stay on their parents insurance until they turn 26 and would probably want the extra money in their paycheck as they rarely if ever use their benefits.


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

OK---let's do the math---$2K/person they don't cover versus the $4,550 it costs to insure them ($5/hr * 17.5 hrs * 52 weeks). I'm thinking the $5/hr is on the low side but you get the point.

The PTers can stay on their parents insurance until they turn 26 and would probably want the extra money in their paycheck as they rarely if ever use their benefits.

That if there parents have a health care plan from work and if there parents want them to stay on there plan... If there parents are getting there healthcare insurance from the government they are going to get drop there kids as soon as they can because of the cost....


A Package Center Manager
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Reading the 1,900+ pages of this law is kind of low on the summer to do list, so like most on here I can't offer a detailed response. But just for fun I thought about it a little. It believe that bloated government program rules will apply. First, people that work will pay for those that don't. Second, the rich and well connected will get sweet deals and contracts as rewards for supporting the monstrosity. Third, we'll all become customers of agencies whose jobs don't depend on customer service. Fourth, future politicians will use the program to give money to voting groups in exchange for their votes. Fifth, both the Teamsters and UPS will cite this program as a reason to donate to PACs so more money can be funneled back to those that created it.

I do like that the bill finally puts a tax on the poor. They should be forced to kick in.


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

I do like that the bill finally puts a tax on the poor. They should be forced to kick in.

I hate give you bad news but that is not the case. They are in one of the exception groups so they won't have to pay a penalty or even get health insurance...


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Make sure you vote Republican in November so we can get the damn thing repealed before it bankrupts the whole country.


Fugitive From Reality
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

OK---let's do the math---$2K/person they don't cover versus the $4,550 it costs to insure them ($5/hr * 17.5 hrs * 52 weeks). I'm thinking the $5/hr is on the low side but you get the point.

The PTers can stay on their parents insurance until they turn 26 and would probably want the extra money in their paycheck as they rarely if ever use their benefits.

Your right. It's actually almost $8/hr.
As a part timer , I'm here for the insurance. I believe many here are also. I know I probably wouldn't stay if our insurance is eliminated. Probably what the company wants.

working up a sweat

Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Out of 100 on my shift, only 1 is 26 or younger, She is a single mom. There for the insurance. Most young hires quit quickly. They can't hack the work pace. Maybe a generational problem. The kids are raised to be entitled.


New Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Contrary to what you might hear in the US media, in Canada we have universal and equal health care for every citizen in the great country of Canada. If you feel sick you go to your doctor or walk-in clinic. If you have an urgent medical emergency you call an ambulance or get driven to the hospital. You show your health card and everything is taken care of with no out of pocket expense ever. Health care is paid collectively through every citizen of the country by means of taxes paid from your pay check and goods that you purchase. Yes we may pay more in taxes than our beloved friends in the USA but if any Canadian ever needs a new lung, has a broken leg, a simple cold or heaven forbid a nasty life threatening disease then you can rest easy that the best medical attention will be given to each and every citizen without hesitation. You may hear of " doctor shortages" ect in Canada but be rest assured that this is the doctors way of negotiating ongoing pay increases that they deserve. It is the only bargening chip they have to negotiate their pay and worth because they can not strike or refuse to work as per their oath of compassion they take to become a doctor. Most employees working in Canada have health coverage as does UPS employees. This coverage does go beyond what universal health care covers such as crutches for a broken leg, a private room in the hospital, and the most important prescription coverage. If any person in Canada does not have this coverage ( employer health care benefits ) then they are free to purchase additional coverage to cover these costs if they ever need them at a very very very reasonable cost. At UPS in Canada we do have a health care plan that covers all the little things and the bigger ones such as drugs. We pay zero for our prescribed drugs. So rest easy my American friends universal health care is well worth any nominal tax increase. It is the cornerstone of the great country of Canada and no you will not lose any UPS coverage. Your UPS coverage will only enhance what is covered by the government.