President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I HOPE he is great, I don't think he is great. So far so good.

I hope that is some sort of joke. Under this president we have lost jobs every month he has been in office. He is trying to raise the cost of energy. He is trying to raise the cost of health care. Two auto makers had to file bankruptcy. More banks have had to close than any time I can remember. Seems like every Friday we hear of another three or four shutting the doors. He is trying to drive up the cost of oil with his anti futures law. He has driven down the value of the dollar. High inflation now seems like a certainty. He has run up a debt that is truly unbelievable. I guess since some wacko left wing goofballs claimed Katrina was Bush's fault as a right wing nutjob I can say he caused the earthquake in Haiti. Corruption is rampant and open in his Government with the bribery of Senators.

On the positive note we can hope by now he has at least learned how many states our Country has. He did win the peace prize for dragging out two wars he promised he would end. He has possibly set some type of world record for the number of lies told and promises broken. Also on a positive note as a complete failure he has nowhere to go but up. Maybe that Hope and Change will work out afterall.


Re: Obamanation here today

I HOPE he is great, I don't think he is great. So far so good.

You must have been expecting a deficit increase of 6 trillion and thus are happy that he will end up saving you about 10 billion.
I think you should apply at least half of the same standards of accountability to Obama that you did to bush.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

The figures don't lie....this president is like a newlywed bride in a Home Goods Store !!!
It's obvious, isn't it? People spreading this trash are suggesting that the black President Obama is raping white Lady Liberty. I'm not saying that you're a racist, just that you are in very, very bad taste.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

It's obvious, isn't it? People spreading this trash are suggesting that the black President Obama is raping white Lady Liberty. I'm not saying that you're a racist, just that you are in very, very bad taste.

Wow!!! Your kidding right? "The black president Obama raping a white lady"? With comments like that, you loose all creditability.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

It's obvious, isn't it? People spreading this trash are suggesting that the black President Obama is raping white Lady Liberty. I'm not saying that you're a racist, just that you are in very, very bad taste.

Oh my God, Bbsam..... That was wayyyyyy out just strange. Are you alright?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Wow!!! Your kidding right? "The black president Obama raping a white lady"? With comments like that, you loose all creditability.

shows again that the liberals think they own the race card.

Not that liberals own the race card, but you guys make it to easy when we see this signage next to the Obama Go back to Kenya signage at the next Teaparty.....:its_all_good:


Re: Obamanation here today

Not that liberals own the race card, but you guys make it to easy when we see this signage next to the Obama Go back to Kenya signage at the next Teaparty.....:its_all_good:

As a self avowed expert on tea parties can you tell me how many you have attended so I may ascertain your qualifications?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I was watching Obama speak in a Baptist church this morning and he had the nerve to actually use the word "transparency" !!!! That takes gall on his part !!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I was watching Obama speak in a Baptist church this morning and he had the nerve to actually use the word "transparency" !!!! That takes gall on his part !!

President Obama is right to use the word Transparency.
It is very transparent that we have been LIED to.
1. no legislation will be signed by me unless American people have the time to read the legislation (now no one reads anything!!!!}

2. No lobbies or special interests groups ??? Can any say unions ??

3. I will sign no legislation that contains PORK. LIE

4. Health care reform will be BI-partisan ?? LIE

5. Health care reform will be on c-span so the American people can see who is blocking reform and who is making special deals ?? LIE

6. The Christmas bomber was an Isolated individual ??? LIE

7. I will change the tone in Washington --not a lie --He has made it much worse !!:sad-little:

Diesel or other members of the kool aid crowd can try to go line by line and refute transparent facts --or go back and tell us how "Bush" lied --sure that will justify what is going on in the PRESENT!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

As a self avowed expert on tea parties can you tell me how many you have attended so I may ascertain your qualifications?

The same expert qualifications you had sitting in the Chicago Trinity Church pews for twenty years listening to Rev Wright sermons....In reality you had all the answers all wrap up in a Fox News Hannity special twenty second sound bite...:happy-very:
I've seen plenty of coverage and read plenty of blogs on the teaparties and seen the make-up of the crowd and the wonderful drawings they stapled on sticks, the misinformation they've been programmed to say, the Fox News producers in the crowds giving them the cue to get rowdy on camera, and finally the misrepresentation of the crowd attendance....


Re: Obamanation here today

The same expert qualifications you had sitting in the Chicago Trinity Church pews for twenty years listening to Rev Wright sermons....In reality you had all the answers all wrap up in a Fox News Hannity special twenty second sound bite...:happy-very:
I've seen plenty of coverage and read plenty of blogs on the teaparties and seen the make-up of the crowd and the wonderful drawings they stapled on sticks, the misinformation they've been programmed to say, the Fox News producers in the crowds giving them the cue to get rowdy on camera, and finally the misrepresentation of the crowd attendance....

Thats what I was afraid of. You have a disturbing knack for making up the truth. The video I posted was actually a slam on fox news and can be found on youtube as "fox lies the chickens have come home to roost."

slam dunk for me.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Wow!!! Your kidding right? "The black president Obama raping a white lady"? With comments like that, you loose all creditability.
LOL. Yes, I'm kidding. Like to put folks on the defensive. Don't worry, never had any "creditability" and if I had I wouldn't let it stay "loose", I'd tighten it up.:happy-very::peaceful: