President Obama!


Strength through joy
They only "people" in your listening circles you mean, right?

Of course, there are MILLIONS of people in this country who are praising the new health care reform bill and its passage by the supreme court. You just wont hear it on your sources of information.

You are stuck with the DOOM and GLOOM reporting of fox news.

Change channels. You might impress yourself.


If you REALLY believe that this is the way of the future in healthcare then start read some British news sources.
Where people who are in hospitals call their version of 911 to get someone to bring them some water. Where foreign born hospital staff are the norm and so overstaffed that people die every day from lack of basic care. Where serious ill people who are seen by doctors who have no clue about what wrong with them just send them home.
Overstaffed & underpaid is the common theme.
Resulting in a country that once had the best hospital care becoming a morgue.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All the doctors say it's no good.
Others in medical field say it's no good.

The only people saying it's good is Reid, Pelosi, Obama and TOS.............can you say "red flag?"

If it's so good, Reid & Pelosi should work to change over the house & senate health plans to Obamacare.

They are ALL ON GOVERMENT HEALTHCARE, as well as their families, and YOU PAY FOR IT, all 17 of MICHELE BACHMANS children too....FOR LIFE!




Staff member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Jones doesn't make stuff up. He might delete a post here and there that he probably shouldn't but he doesn't make stuff up.

BTW, this is not Twitter---lose the @ and #.
I'm gonna have to work on my satire, I thought the bit about the shop steward was a dead giveaway.
This law will have no direct effect on your healthcare which is part of your negotiated compensation. The company can't just decide to cancel it and pay a fine instead.


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

UPSNORTH, I agree that universal health care is the way to go for your basic health care needs.

I live about an hour from Montreal and we get a steady stream of Canadians who need to have surgery but either cannot or are unwilling to wait to have it done in Canada.

Jones--you are right in that the company cannot arbitrarily decide to cancel our insurance within a contract but 2013 is right around the corner and I do think PTers may be in for an unpleasant surprise.


Staff member
. You are only as free as they tell you you are. People seem pessimistic that their own health care coverage won't change. So am I, but I don't know. If Obamacare is the cause. Businesses have been itching to shed these costs for decades. This may open the door for them. But why give the company a pass? Nobody is forcing them out of what they have, the market has simply changed. The argument that it will be cheaper for companies to just pay the fine makes me lauugh. That's like saying, "Of course I raped her! Did you see how she was dressed?! You know she wanted it!" The companies that drop coverage in favor of Obamacare are responding to a changed market. That's what is even funnier when the complaint comes from the right. Obama has effectively deregulated businesses to the tune of billions, told individuals they need to take responsibility for themselves, used the market to do it anddid it all in a compassionate way. I think the right had better have more to say than a ridiculous slogan like, "Freedom is under attack." Wk would like to interject and ask "What makes you think you were free in the first place?" Judging by the CJ's remarks, I think he would concur.


Staff member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

UPSNORTH, I agree that universal health care is the way to go for your basic health care needs.

I live about an hour from Montreal and we get a steady stream of Canadians who need to have surgery but either cannot or are unwilling to wait to have it done in Canada.

Jones--you are right in that the company cannot arbitrarily decide to cancel our insurance within a contract but 2013 is right around the corner and I do think PTers may be in for an unpleasant surprise.
Seriously Dave, if you think that the union would agree to let the company cancel health insurance for PTers you're smoking crack. That's so ridiculous the company would never even propose it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Seriously Dave, if you think that the union would agree to let the company cancel health insurance for PTers you're smoking crack. That's so ridiculous the company would never even propose it.

Perhaps not for current PT employees....


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Perhaps not for current PT employees....

Your 100% wrong. There is no way the union would allow this to happen and if it did i would turn my back on the union in a heartbeat. As far as health care goes the only path i could see them doing which every other company has done already is a slow progression to have new hires pay for their benefits. It starts out like 5% then "slowly" works it's way up each contract.


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Your 100% wrong. There is no way the union would allow this to happen and if it did i would turn my back on the union in a heartbeat. As far as health care goes the only path i could see them doing which every other company has done already is a slow progression to have new hires pay for their benefits. It starts out like 5% then "slowly" works it's way up each contract.

No one thought the company would delay health benefits to new PT hires for a year (18 months for their family) so anything is possible. The company has lawyers and accountants far better versed on Obamacare than any one here and I am sure they are exploring the legality and potential costs savings of not offering health care benefits to new PT hires.

If this were to be part of a contract proposal it would most surely pass as most FTers don't give a rat's behind about the PTers and most PTers can't be bothered to vote.


Well-Known Member
Matt Lauer had Axelrod on his show. Axelrod referred to Obamacare as a tax ----It made me laugh how excited old Matt got --YOU CANNOT call it a tax during an election. He obviously was telling Axelrod to just lie !! Americans are too stupid to figure it out.

Talk about arrogant and out of touch.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
[h=1]Oops! 'Romneycare' also has penalties/taxes[/h]
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has joined the chorus of partisan critics calling the Affordable Care Act a tax increase, based on the Supreme Court’s ruling that upheld the law.
At the same time, Romney touts his time as Massachusetts governor, when a similar law was passed. And he contends that he never raised taxes.
The health care law in Massachusetts, however, like the Affordable Care Act, does charge “penalties” for those who can afford to participate but choose not to.
Are those taxes?
The Wall Street Journal reports (see it here) that the state has collected over $20 million in “penalties” just this year. And millions for every previous year.
So how does this political spin work?
Is it “penalties” when it comes to Romney's plan but “taxes” when it comes to Obama’s?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
ROMNEY CARE outline.... hmmm, strikingly familiar?

1. "Individuals who are deemed able to afford health insurance but fail to comply are subject to penalties for each month of non-compliance in the tax year ... . The penalties, which will be imposed through the individual’s personal income tax return, shall not exceed 50% of the minimum monthly insurance premium."

Source: Massachusetts Department of Revenue, TIR 09-25: Individual Mandate Penalties for Tax Year 2010
Note: Both plans have individual mandates. The federal penalties start small, but eventually ramp up to $695 per year or 2.5 percent of income, whichever is higher. Eventually, federal penalties will tend to be higher than the Massachusetts plan.

2. Employers "who employ 11 or more full-time equivalent employees" and do not make a "fair and reasonable contribution" to their employees' health insurance are required to pay a fine.

Source: Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Health Care Information for Employers
Note: Federal law exempts employers with fewer than 50 workers. Additionally, under the federal plan, employers pay fines only if their workers qualify for tax credits to buy insurance.

3. Children and adolescents up to age 18 "whose financial eligibility as determined by the division exceeds 133 per cent but is not more than 300 per cent of the federal poverty level" will be eligible for Medicaid.

Source: Massachusetts health care law
Note: The Massachusetts law expanded Medicaid for children. The federal law expands Medicaid to adults, but sets the cut-off at 133 percent of the federal poverty level.

AGAIN, how is ROMNEY going to take a stand against OBAMACARE?

