President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani had harsh words for President Barack Obama during a campaign stop in Las Vegas, saying he has accomplished nothing and will turn the nation more socialist than France if re-elected.

“What do we want to elect, an unsuccessful person? We tried that, OK, we tried a person of no accomplishment,” Giuliani said. “Now let’s try something different, let’s try a man who has actually been successful in life.”

Giuliani told reporters Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney has strong convictions, and the health care overhaul he passed as Massachusetts governor isn’t a liability. Giuliani criticized Romney’s health care law last year because it served as a model for the federal health care overhaul that Republicans want repealed.
“I don’t think it matters what the difference is between the two,” Giuliani said of the Massachusetts and federal health care laws. “What matters is the future.”

Giuliani also downplayed comments he made last year suggesting Romney’s shifts on abortion, gay marriage and universal health care could be problematic.

“This is what happens in a campaign, people make statements, sometimes exaggerated, sometimes emotional,” Giuliani said. “Gov. Romney has very strong convictions. . . .There are times when you change your mind about things.”

During his stop in the state with the nation’s highest unemployment rate, Giuliani accused Obama of being anti-business and creating “thousands of pages of regulations” aimed at turning the country into a socialist government.

“Anybody in Las Vegas who is going to vote for him is out of their mind, now that’s probably true in the rest of the country, too,” Giuliani said. “He’s going to make France look like a low-tax country.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

All you know how to do is make fun of sources.

M.M. is an evacuee herself and closer to the story than you are.

The resources of the state are strained to the hilt and that state had to accept help from another state just to arrange things for the president's showboat visit!! Why didn't he wait 90 days like with the oil spill? oh yeah, it's an election year!!


Well-Known Member
Romney against government healthcare --Why not ?? As the liberal press has educated us --it is o/k to evolve to a different position. Is that not what Obama did on Gay marriage ---he is "evolving !!


Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

UPS will dump it. They wont have a choice. Care will be just like you receive in Canada. But their politicians come to the US for healthcare. Hmmmm....And all branches of our Federal Government are exempt from the bill too. To all of you who voted for Obama, hope you remember how good it felt to vote for him in 2008, because he has trashed this country beyond repair. To those of you who will spout off ignorant responses, you wouldn't understand the complexity of our government and what he has done to our nation, so I wont bother rebutting you. Just know this nation has been "Sanduskied". God help us.


Nine Lives
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

No one thought the company would delay health benefits to new PT hires for a year (18 months for their family) so anything is possible. The company has lawyers and accountants far better versed on Obamacare than any one here and I am sure they are exploring the legality and potential costs savings of not offering health care benefits to new PT hires.

If this were to be part of a contract proposal it would most surely pass as most FTers don't give a rat's behind about the PTers and most PTers can't be bothered to vote.

Sad but true.


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

UPS will dump it. They wont have a choice. Care will be just like you receive in Canada. But their politicians come to the US for healthcare. Hmmmm....And all branches of our Federal Government are exempt from the bill too. To all of you who voted for Obama, hope you remember how good it felt to vote for him in 2008, because he has trashed this country beyond repair. To those of you who will spout off ignorant responses, you wouldn't understand the complexity of our government and what he has done to our nation, so I wont bother rebutting you. Just know this nation has been "Sanduskied". God help us.

Any politician moving their lips is lying. Same with Fox News reporters dancing on Rupert Murdock's puppet strings. You have to go back to to the Johnson and then Nixon days for the start of this. Especially taking America off the gold standard and every President and Congressional member since adding to it along the way including the most over rated President ever Ronald Reagan. His deregulation and trickle down economics was the true nail in the coffin.


Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

If there was ever another reason to go on strike, I imagine it would be from UPS not providing us top tier health coverage in a job that needs it more than most.

working up a sweat

Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Algorithm of the do-gooders:
1. Destroy economy by overspending, over-regulation, and over-taxation.
2. Thereby impoverishing the majority of the potential electorate.
3. Thereby making them dependent on government.
4. Thereby exerting absolute control over the entire populace.

Motto of the do-gooders:
Of the government, by the government, and for the government.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney against government healthcare --Why not ?? As the liberal press has educated us --it is o/k to evolve to a different position. Is that not what Obama did on Gay marriage ---he is "evolving !!

Your poor candidate, stuck on both sides of the fence, having to call himself out as a liberal for his past practices. Shucks, you guys should have ignored the money and went with Santorum, at least he didnt invent OBOMNEYCARE.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani had harsh words for President Barack Obama during a campaign stop in Las Vegas, saying he has accomplished nothing and will turn the nation more socialist than France if re-elected.

“What do we want to elect, an unsuccessful person? We tried that, OK, we tried a person of no accomplishment,” Giuliani said. “Now let’s try something different, let’s try a man who has actually been successful in life.”

Giuliani told reporters Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney has strong convictions, and the health care overhaul he passed as Massachusetts governor isn’t a liability. Giuliani criticized Romney’s health care law last year because it served as a model for the federal health care overhaul that Republicans want repealed.
“I don’t think it matters what the difference is between the two,” Giuliani said of the Massachusetts and federal health care laws. “What matters is the future.”

Giuliani also downplayed comments he made last year suggesting Romney’s shifts on abortion, gay marriage and universal health care could be problematic.

“This is what happens in a campaign, people make statements, sometimes exaggerated, sometimes emotional,” Giuliani said. “Gov. Romney has very strong convictions. . . .There are times when you change your mind about things.”

During his stop in the state with the nation’s highest unemployment rate, Giuliani accused Obama of being anti-business and creating “thousands of pages of regulations” aimed at turning the country into a socialist government.

“Anybody in Las Vegas who is going to vote for him is out of their mind, now that’s probably true in the rest of the country, too,” Giuliani said. “He’s going to make France look like a low-tax country.”

I wonder if anyone had to hand out tissues to the crowd after Gulianni spit all over them after he spoke?



Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

The irony here is that the Teamters (who played a HUGE role in getting our majesty Obama elected=ultimately getting us stuck with Obama Care) as well as those of you UPsers that voted for him, might have to fight UPS to keep our top notch health insurance intact. Man, telling you people that you made your bed and are now going to have to sleep in it would be a major understatement.
Last edited:


Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Any politician moving their lips is lying. Same with Fox News reporters dancing on Rupert Murdock's puppet strings. You have to go back to to the Johnson and then Nixon days for the start of this. Especially taking America off the gold standard and every President and Congressional member since adding to it along the way including the most over rated President ever Ronald Reagan. His deregulation and trickle down economics was the true nail in the coffin.

Yeah. Those 20 million plus jobs he created were horrible. Thats the problem with liberals. They don't know how to think for themselves. Its a sickness that has been engraved in them for decades. Sad our country is being destroyed right under our noses and most people have no clue. You don't have to agree with me, but its still the truth.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

It is a BFD or the GOP faithful wouldnt be so suicidal over it!

ON the radio, on RUSH, HANNITY and Larry (uncle tom) Elder, I was shocked to hear grown people in tears talking about affordable care act being ruled constitutional.

The radio jocks have them believing its the end of the world, I LOVE IT!

Sort of in a Jim Jones kinda way.

Keeping my fingers crossed.



Well-Known Member
Needs to drop a zero off the salary as it was only $77 mil and Helmsley's 2011' total compensation was $48 mil. Ironically the Obama Healthcare plan you credit that benefits the little girl above is also the same plan written with the help of United lobbyists which grants United with a privilege status. This membership in a monopoly cartel is what enables United such super returns that Helmsley's base 2011' salary of $1.3 mil exploded an additional $47 mil as a result of incentives and stock options achieved as a result of stellar returns.

You are correct that these bloodsucking vampires sit between us and our doctors bleeding us both dry but it was your boy and his friends who opened the blood bank even further. I say even further because unlike others here, I know neither party acts alone in it's own vacuum. It's a damn shame unlike some of your more principled friends on the left, you won't go the distance but then unlike those principled leftists, you're still a partiarchy which makes you a drooling tool not unlike your many counterparts you call the C9 who play the same part for their side!


Staff member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

As long as we're talking about the possible effects of this law on our healthcare at UPS I'll leave this thread where it is. If it turns into a conservative/liberal fight I'll move it to current events.