President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What I find amazing about congress and the senate, is that THEY have goverment insurance for life for them and their families, and THEY are not subject to pre existing conditions, and yet, they wish that upon the american public, and those inclined to vote for them, allow them to have a benefit that they would rather see taken from themselves.

All of Michele Bachmans children are on goverment healthcare, and they are covered for LIFE and she doesnt spend ONE DIME on it, and yet, shes on TV saying that the ACA should be repealed and millions of children under 26 taken off their parents insurance.

How do you all agree with this?

Help me understand your train of thought.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

WHATS YOUR POINT? on fundraising?

This isnt 2004 anymore, and there was NO CITIZENS UNITED in 2004. Your beloved GOP PARTY has corrupted the political system, and in every election from this point on, FUNDRAISING will be necessary even if that means starting in Jaunary in the year of the elections.

THe outrageous money being donated to superpacs has to be countered, and if that means the president has to make 4 fund raisers a day, then, thats what YOU ASKED FOR with Citizens United.


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Livin the cardboard dream
One of the cool things about Obamacare is that the people get the exact same coverage offered on the exchanges as government employees when they're (exchanges) created. I like some aspects of Obamacare. I like no lifetime maximums. I like no turned down people from pre existing conditions. The penalty that people without coverage get charged is actually a safety put into place to keep people from getting coverage only when they're sick. Personally...I don't like this plan. I'd rather have a single payer system like Canada rather than this. The biggest problem with our system is there is no charity whatsoever with the largest corporations. Now...let's qualify that. If as a business owner that becomes successful from his own hard work and still is involved with the company...yeah...he should have a right to do as he wants with his money. I don't disagree at all. But a large corporation with a board of directors who have not put personal risk into the company...where should all that profit go? It should go to 4 places. It should go to 1: Growing the business. 2: To the employees as pay raises/bonuses/parties/picnics 3: Charity. 4: Shareholders if it's public. But as we all know, the money goes into the boards pockets. The average CEO makes 231 times what the average employee makes. Now...I know that the CEO makes tough choices and such...but I think a more even representation of what they're worth is like...20-1 to 50-1. Greed runs and ruins the companies nowadays and the companies have bought and paid for all the politicians...Dem and Rep. Until we as a nation decide to take back our country for the people, then we're at the mercy of the richest 1%.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

The point's O's #1 job. Who is running the country? That's the point.

Theres NO POINT. You get what you asked for. You wanted Karl Roves idea of CITIZENS UNITED, well then, you get 4 fundraisers a day. Its called COMPETITION Moreluck.

What, you believe the president should be at a disadvantage by running the country, while Karl Rove and the KOCH brothers are out banking millions of dollars?


Blame YOURSELF and the others who support the RIGHT WING for fundraisers. It will be outrageous in every election until one of the supreme court conservatives are kicked out of the scotus and replaced with a liberal, then Citizen United will come back to the scotus and get kicked to the curb.

You can complain all you want, but americans (with the insight to understand politics) KNOW that campaigning is now a necessary evil.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

All politicians campaign. Your's has OCD about it!!

You continue to ignore the reality moreluck. As long as the GOP is raising millions in superpacs, OBAMA cannot then be compared to other presidents. A whole NEW dynamic has been formed, so get with the program.

The president has EVERY RIGHT to campaign to the SAME degree as the competition.

You may not like it, but its what your party called for.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

WOW, FOX SPEWS very OWN STEVEN MOORE, aka the BIGGEST EXAGGERATOR IN TODAYS MURDOCH EMPIRE, aka the guy who is NEVER RIGHT IN ANY PREDICTION HE MAKES, says that the ACA will burden the middle class....blah blah blah blah...

whatever dude.

MOORE's intellect is right up there with morons and dipsticks.




Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!

A very simple (and naive) solution would be to remove all money from the political process.

Watched a documentary over the weekend entitled Ethos and it's suggestion at the end on the way forward might also be applied when it comes to various companies and interests who try and dominate the political process.