President Obama!


golden ticket member
Moreluck, just get over with it, please !
Don't be jelous of those non union workers soon being able to visit you doctor, nor should you be jelous of those that have pre-condtions factors and are now able to see you doctor.

If you really want a private doctor for yourself - then go hire one for around $ 1/2 million/ per year. !!!
Do you want the # for your local A.A. ?
This goes much deeper than you can know. It' not just the actual bill/law (call it what you will) but procedure and following laws is key.


Strength through joy
New poll released shows a MAJORITY of Americans want the battle over health care to END. 56% say they want the opponents of health care reform to STOP attempting to block its implementation and move on with the country's other pressing matters.

Poll shows Americans want battles over health care law to stop — Nation — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine

Only 38% said they wanted opponents to continue trying to stop the ACA.

The number of people wanting opponents to stop will only increase in the coming weeks, and next weeks POINTLESS vote on repeal will only show the american voter that the GOP is out to waste time and hold back the country.



What pressing issues should our gov't move on to ?
How about that jobs bill bhos promised years ago ?
Or how about this administration start being more open to Freedom of Information Act requests ?
Or better yet let's get the Senate to finally past the Budget for 2008.
Or someone could investigate why bhos is so involved with spending millions of our money in Kenya ? Why is he more concerned what goes on there then here ?
When is bhos going to build his own private civilian force and take back control of the streets of Detroit & Chicago to end all these innocent deaths ? When was the last time rev. al held a peace march ?
Maybe Congress could finally get a reply to why bhos is now committed in 4 wars ?


Well-Known Member
Show me one gov't program instituted by the democrats that the republicans have totally abolished? For that matter, show me a republican program that the democrats have abolished?

No program is abolished. They only enact more legislation in order to convert it to their own and for their own purposes.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The really poor, remain poor and will still have no coverage...................I thought the point was to give coverage to those who don't have it...

Another Reason To Declare Independence from Obamacare SCOTUS Disaster - Derek Hunter - [page]

But More.... The really poor have coverage, AND anyone who wants free healthcare just has to go to the emergency room! It even includes illegals. You cannot be denied care here in the USA. We are paying for this already!

I know... King uber will say that Fox Spews, Right wing bigots and racists and class warfare blah!blah - I have heard it before and we will keep hearing it again and again! Nobody cares.

Don't you get what you pay for? I am sorry but the people who pay for the non-paying folks will be reduced to the same care. This is no different than spending the money on a new car and driving a beat up clunker off the lot because the car dealer is mandated to give everyone a car.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
. You are only as free as they tell you you are. People seem pessimistic that their own health care coverage won't change. So am I, but I don't know. If Obamacare is the cause. Businesses have been itching to shed these costs for decades. This may open the door for them. But why give the company a pass? Nobody is forcing them out of what they have, the market has simply changed. ...
I think the right had better have more to say than a ridiculous slogan like, "Freedom is under attack." Wk would like to interject and ask "What makes you think you were free in the first place?" Judging by the CJ's remarks, I think he would concur.

I agree with your assessment of this. I am not worried about the freedom thing. And it is a non-winner to talk about freedom being under attack.

BUT my pessimism that this will not work is based on how big government works or more appropriately how well it does not work.

Doctors are the key to this.

I have talked to a lot of doctors from all spectrums of practice. None of them are optimistic about this law. They see it from the "inside". I highly trust my doctors but I don't trust the government. Just about all of them have said they will stop practicing. The others don't know. They are not going to work in a large corporation or hospital. My family practice has already added a special fee of $200 to remain a patient. This is not covered by insurance. This is in direct opposition to Obamacare. How long until I can't afford to maintain the wonderful quality care I get through this family practice. I can see real soon that my practice will be charging extra fees to maintain the practice at a certain level of care.

So this "Affordable" Care Act has already hit me personally.

I have some ideas. I am going to contact my Congressman. The problem is a shortage of doctors, dentists and medical professionals. The fix - have an incentive to become a doctor. Pay for the schooling make every graduating resident/doctor (even foreign nationals who come to America for education) put in at least 30 hours a week at a bone-fide clinic. This is a minimum of 10 year commitment - All schooling paid - Change the tort laws and newly trained doctors get the government to stand behind them just like fire fighters and police as a buffer for malpractice law suits. Make it a lot harder for law suits to be brought forth.

This is just a start.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

This coming from the guy who wants illegals kicked out of his state??

""(even foreign nationals who come to America for education) ""

As if we dont already IMPORT enough foriegn students into this country already, and technological jobs given to "guest workers"

Are you freakin kidding me?

How can you be anti immigrant, anti OBAMA, and wish to increase the number of foreigners taking american jobs?

It makes no sense.

As for the CHANGE TO TORT laws, I am going to BET that you havent the first clue what that even means, and I would welcome your explanation on the GOP's version of TORT REFORM.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I'll take "Leaders Who Lie for $500,Alex.

" I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term."

Who is Barack Hussein Obama?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Liberals shouldn't be allowed to vote nor or hold any position of power (including parenting). I mean what sense does it make to allow anyone with a mental disorder to have those powers? The fact that they are is why this country is being sailed down a nasty^|€£@ river in a leaking canoe with no paddle. Obama Care is just the latest puncture in the bottom of that boat.


Staff member
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Liberals shouldn't be allowed to vote nor or hold any position of power (including parenting). I mean what sense does it make to allow anyone with a mental disorder to have those powers? The fact that they are is why this country is being sailed down a nasty^|€£@ river in a leaking canoe with no paddle. Obama Care is just the latest puncture in the bottom of that boat.

Only people afraid of losing would hold such goofy views.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Daily Double! "Who is Mitt Romney?" is also an acceptable answer.

You get an B+ for good comeback!!!

The difference is in believability - In my opinion, BO has lost all trust with me. He panders. I am skeptical of all politicians. I watch what they do, not what they say.

BO and most Democrats are saying it is not a tax because they don't want to lose votes in November. Romney has no skin in the game, therefore he is saying what he believes. He would be better off saying that it was a tax. I personally think the mandate can be considered a tax and a penalty. But there are other taxes that are more devastating to our economy in this law.

The Solicitor General argued it was a tax - He represents Obama. SCOTUS agreed so therefore it is a tax. Anything that BO says that does not back up it being a tax is a lie.

Besides being an intentionally false statement, the other definition of "lie" is: used with reference to a situation involving deception or founded on a mistaken impression.

BO fits that and Romney does not.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

You get an B+ for good comeback!!!

The difference is in believability - In my opinion, BO has lost all trust with me. He panders. I am skeptical of all politicians. I watch what they do, not what they say.

BO and most Democrats are saying it is not a tax because they don't want to lose votes in November. Romney has no skin in the game, therefore he is saying what he believes. He would be better off saying that it was a tax. I personally think the mandate can be considered a tax and a penalty. But there are other taxes that are more devastating to our economy in this law.

The Solicitor General argued it was a tax - He represents Obama. SCOTUS agreed so therefore it is a tax. Anything that BO says that does not back up it being a tax is a lie.

Besides being an intentionally false statement, the other definition of "lie" is: used with reference to a situation involving deception or founded on a mistaken impression.

BO fits that and Romney does not.
First off, that was an A+ comeback.

Second, Romney has alot of skin in the game because he has a record as Governor of calling it a penalty rather than a tax for exactly the same reason democrats and Obama don't want to call it a tax. Santorum was right on the money calling Romney the worst possible republican to go against Obama on this issue.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Everyone from Romneys chief campaign advisor to FRED THOMPSON are saying THIS IS NOT A TAX, and to beat this dead horse is laughable at best.

Thompson, who was filling in for that creep HANNITY yesterday on the air, stated OVER and OVER to the radio listeners that the mandate is NOT A TAX and they need to STOP CALLING IT A TAX.

This shows how divided the GOP is with respect to their own talking points. They cant make up their minds. Indeed, ROMNEYCARE in MASS had the same PENALTY that fell under the TAX CODE and it was collected in the same fashion that the ACA is going to collect it.

ROMNEY cant hide from that.

Unfortunately for ROMNEY today, he's flipped on a position that HE and his advisors took on monday and is calling it a tax today. We'll see next week when he flips again and has to call it a penalty.

I cant wait for the debates, ROMNEY is going to get OWNED on this portion of the ACA.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

First off, that was an A+ comeback.

Second, Romney has alot of skin in the game because he has a record as Governor of calling it a penalty rather than a tax for exactly the same reason democrats and Obama don't want to call it a tax. Santorum was right on the money calling Romney the worst possible republican to go against Obama on this issue.

I realize that we differ on our philosophy on some things (not all). I believe in state's rights. This is why Romney care means nothing to me as an issue. It is Massachusetts right to decide,same as other states such as California or New York, etc. BO may do a good job at painting Romney as the author of this healthcare but for those who advocate state's rights, it only matters what he (Romney) says he will do as President. I take him at his word that he believes this is a matter for each state to decide.