President Obama!


Staff member
I really don't understand what the problem is with the ACA. Did anyone read the breakdown I posted?

What is objectionable?
Depends. Sometimes it's so big that nobody knows what's in it. Other times they know everything that's in it and it's all full of taxes, death panels and Darth Vader-like administrators.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

The needle on the bull**** detector just snapped off.

Via Beltway Confidential:
President Obama personalized his campaign speeches this week with anecdotes about his children, culminating in the declaration that he sees his family in every American family.

“I told you I would wake up every single day, fighting as hard as I knew how for you, to make your lives a little bit better, to give you more of a fighting shot to succeed and live our your dreams,” Obama said in Pittsburgh today. “And I made that promise because I saw myself in you. In your grandparents, I see my grandparents. In your children, I see Malia and Sasha. And I’ve kept that promise.”

I'm sure it's not BS to him. I think he does want to make our lives into his version of better.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Future of our healthcare now that Obamacare has passed

Liberals shouldn't be allowed to vote nor or hold any position of power (including parenting). I mean what sense does it make to allow anyone with a mental disorder to have those powers? The fact that they are is why this country is being sailed down a nasty^|€£@ river in a leaking canoe with no paddle. Obama Care is just the latest puncture in the bottom of that boat.[/QUOTE]

This just cracks me up! The ignorance of the political electorate at best. Why, I wont accuse anyone in the C9 of being experts in our constitution or our nations history, I will address this comment with some history, since BIG ARROW mentioned a BOAT.

All the crying, whinning, lying and misleading by the GOP and its talking heads about the unconstitutionality of the mandate in the ACA is repeated here on this board by the majority of participants and NOT ONE of them will bother to research the history of this country.

As if the ACA aka OBAMACARE is the first time that the goverment has EVER mandated anyone in this country to do anything? If I asked any of the C9 or occassional supporter of the C9, they would ALL say that this is the first time that the goverment MANDATED anything on any citizen upto and including insurance.

But this is NOT TRUE. Now, I know, you all get your information from one cable news source, and right wing radio, and they ARENT about to tell you the truth ( but you wouldnt believe that if it slapped you in the face) but the truth is simple.

Goverment mandated insurance has been done before. In 1790, the first series of goverment MANDATES were put in action by the congress.

Did The Founding Fathers Back Health Insurance Mandates? (Updated) � JONATHAN TURLEY

These were the FOUNDERS, you know the ones, the guys that the GOP said would HATE MANDATES and would turn over in their graves if they were alive today. They passed in congress mandates that required firearms, insurance and hospital insurance.

Today, we have to ask ourselves "why doesnt fox news talk about this?" ...."why isnt there ONE right wing talking head mentioning this part of american history with respect to mandates"?

Why on talk radio, does the GOP talking heads act like this never happened before in our country? Why the need for distortions?

And lastly, why doesnt the C9 know this information?

Its all about liberal this , liberal that, communism this, socialist that mixed up with some other false claim that the founders would reject mandates while praying to the christian god.

So, sorry BIG ARROW, there is NO HOLE in the boat. The founders are sailing in the same boat with OBAMA.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Liberals shouldn't be allowed to vote nor or hold any position of power (including parenting). I mean what sense does it make to allow anyone with a mental disorder to have those powers? The fact that they are is why this country is being sailed down a nasty^|€£@ river in a leaking canoe with no paddle. Obama Care is just the latest puncture in the bottom of that boat.

Yep, typical response....everyone but you is stupid !

Oh wise one, tell me again how the goverment (congress) cant MANDATE anything cause its against the US constitution again? Or tell me how the founders ( the creators of goverment health care and hospitals for sailors) would be against the ACA?

Oh wait, I can hear your argument already! Listen to this
death of a heartbeat - YouTube



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yep, typical response....everyone but you is stupid !

You stick with the cut and paste photos and ill stick to the constitution.

Did George Washington sign a health insurance mandate?
April 13th, 2012 by David E. Williams of the Health business blog

According to Harvard Law professor Einer Elhauge, in 1790 the first Congress, which included 20 framers of the Constitution, passed a law mandating that shipowners purchase medical insurance for their seamen. The bill was signed into law by President George Washington.

In 1792 Congress passed, and Washington signed, a law mandating the purchase of firearms by all able bodied men.

In 1798, when five framers were still serving in Congress and framer John Adams was in the White House, Congress passed, and Adams signed, a mandate requiring seamen to buy hospital insurance for themselves.

According to Elhauge –who joined an amicus brief supporting the mandate’s constitutionality– no one in Congress at the time thought to object to the laws on Constitutional grounds.

I don’t know what role this brief should or will play in the Court’s deliberations, but assuming the facts are correct in Elhauge’s New Republic piece it’s much more evidence of original intent than I ever would have expected.

Did George Washington sign a health insurance mandate? � Health Business Blog


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Messiah is suppose to extend the so-called Bush tax cuts.....But, not for evrybody.

So, that would mean raising taxes for some. "The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in a recession......" Remember that line?

Only a certain class of folks get the cuts.......the others don't have morals and aren't good like the middle least it was implied.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

I am amazed how all the whining, crying and unconstitutional talk has dissappeared from this thread. Once the facts came out, and the supreme court ruling, the TEA PARTY Positions have been RENDERED, USELESS.

When the founders themselves MANDATED citizens buy health insurance and they created MARITIME hospitals to care for those citizens, all the steam from the TEA PARTY went into the river.

No more talk about the founders rolling over in their graves, or the founders would never stand for this seems like crazy talk now, in light of the FACTS on mandated health care.

Of course, we still have our resident die hard "messenger" providing us with the latest in talking points from FOX SPEWS.

Thanks for the laughs.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I cant wait for the USELESS vote in the house on the ACA, so the GOP can get its faces on FOX SPEWS the next day talking useless smack.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=2]WaPo Fact Checker Destroys Obama’s Latest Claim It’s A “Fact” Romney Pays Less Taxes Than Middle-Class Families…[/h]

Obama’s misleading tweet on Romney’s taxes — WaPo Fact Checker
“FACT: In 2010 and 2011, Romney paid less than 15% in taxes on $42.5 million in income—much less than what many middle-class families pay.”

— Tweet by @BarackObama, July 3, 2012
We are avid readers of tweets by @BarackObama, though of course it is not the president himself but his campaign team that posts them. We are also very curious when politicians claim they have uttered “a fact.”
So, is it really true that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, who is very wealthy, pays a tax rate “much less” than “many” middle-class families.

Romney released his 2010 tax return and an estimate of his 2011 return earlier this year. He earned a little more than $20 million each year, a good chunk of it in capital gains and dividends, which are taxed at a preferential rate as low as 15 percent.

But that’s not the only reason why Romney’s tax rate is at that level. He also donates about 14 percent of his income to charity, which gives him a pretty big tax deduction. (As we have noted, President Obama in 2010 also gave about 14 percent of his income to charity.)
Indeed, Romney gives about as much to charity — $3 milli
on — as he pays in taxes. Those itemized deductions are counted against income that would ordinarily be taxed at a 35-percent rate. We figure that without those donations to charity, his effective tax rate would be at least 19 percent. [...]
Skipping to the conclusion:
The Pinocchio Test
The Obama campaign’s tweet relies on a very slippery “fact.”

Romney, by receiving much of his income in capital gains and dividends and giving millions of dollars to charity, is certainly able to keep his effective tax rate relatively low, especially compared to a wealthy person who earns much of his or her income in salary. But, even so, Romney still pays an effective tax rate that is higher than the tax rate paid by most Americans.


Well-Known Member
When the founders themselves MANDATED citizens buy health insurance and they created MARITIME hospitals to care for those citizens, all the steam from the TEA PARTY went into the river.

Sad to think that you made it through public schools(I assume but can't be certain) and can't see a difference.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Does more than that but excellent that you can't see it.

FOR WHO? Those of you still licking your wounds?

You know as well as EVERYONE else in America, that this useless vote and bill to repeal will never see the senate or OBAMAS desk.

An excersise in futility.

But what else did we expect from the GOP while controlling congress??

