President Obama!


Staff member
Well it becomes much more difficult on an issue this large when you run on repeal, which most are doing, and have voted for repeal 8-10 times already. If the President is elected running as his major platform issue to repeal it only compounds the difficulty of changing your vote. All of this is done for a reason and the reason is not because they think the current President will sign a repeal. The entire reason for these multiple repeal votes is to put the member on record as supporting repeal(for reelection purposes and future repeal efforts). The added bonus is watching the leftists heads spin.
Ah. Creating a rubber stamp. A bunch of Grover Cantor's. "No taxes, repeal Obamacare." No thought needed. Download talking points each morning. Great.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well it becomes much more difficult on an issue this large when you run on repeal, which most are doing, and have voted for repeal 8-10 times already. If the President is elected running as his major platform issue to repeal it only compounds the difficulty of changing your vote. All of this is done for a reason and the reason is not because they think the current President will sign a repeal. The entire reason for these multiple repeal votes is to put the member on record as supporting repeal(for reelection purposes and future repeal efforts). The added bonus is watching the leftists heads spin.

Isnt this what I said? Political Theatre. What a joke. Too bad the only heads spinning right now belong to the GOP and YOU.

You think OBAMA is sweating this repeal? How about the dems in the senate?

The GOP is the current laughing stock of the country. EVERYONE of them including YOU were wrong on the supreme courts opinion from the jump, now they are sore losers and want to make it difficult for americans by attempting to repeal a bill that is currently SAVING LIVES.

FOr the life of me, I cant figure out what "additive" the GOP adds to its B.S., but you guys seem addicted to it.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics


I for one have common sense. Anyone else ?

I have critized the 500 billion Obama has pulled out of Medicare to pay for many LAZY people. If the Republicans even suggest cutting Medicare alot of libs lose their minds.

Just stick with the facts --Obama's words--Bush tax cuts are the problem --Keep 98% of the problem. Has he lost his mind ???

I realized that you used the words "common sense" in this post, but apparently, on this issue, you dont have any.

You said OBAMA cut 500 billion dollars out of medicare, and plain and simple, thats NOT TRUE, but then again, how would you know that? You heard what you wanted to hear from those using selective sentencing.

FACT: OBAMA cut 500 billion out of MEDICARE ADVANTAGE.... a COMPLETELY different program then medicare.

The statements:
"We know that President Obama stole over $500 billion out of Medicare to switch it over to Obamacare."
-- Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, during Monday night's CNN/Tea Party Republican debate
"He cut Medicare by $500 billion. This is a Democrat president -- the liberal, so to speak, cut Medicare. Not Republicans, the Democrat."
-- former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, during the same session
The facts:
CNN addressed this issue when it was raised in 2009 and 2010, during the debate over Obama's signature health-care overhaul, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Once more, with feeling:

According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which reviewed the Senate version of the health-care law that eventually passed in 2010, the law will wring $492 billion from the projected future costs of Medicare and Medicaid over 10 years. The bulk of the savings would be generated by reining in the growth of payments to doctors and hospitals and from cutting subsidies to the Medicare Advantage program, which pays private insurers to provide Medicare benefits.
The AARP found the legislation would not cut benefits or increase out-of-pocket costs for Medicare, the federal health-care program for Americans over 65. But Republicans argue that there's no way to cut future costs that much without reducing services. The CBO found it was "unclear" whether the Senate bill could reduce the growth of Medicare spending without reducing care.
Incidentally, the GOP has found itself on the business end of this claim before: A 1995 plan to cut projected Medicare spending by more than $250 billion over seven years triggered a budget confrontation with the Clinton administration that partially shut down the federal government.
The verdict:
Misleading. Though the full impact of the Senate bill the CBO examined may not be known for years, the proposal is aimed at cutting the rate of growth of Medicare spending without cutting benefits.

A half-trillion-dollar Medicare cut? Not exactly - CNN

Island, being informed and feeling informed are two completely different scenarios.

Hope this helps out your mis understanding.




Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Medicare advantage not part of Medicare program for low income seniors ???

Like BIll claimed ----definition of what is is.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Medicare advantage not part of Medicare program for low income seniors ???

Like BIll claimed ----definition of what is is.

Island, its easy to fall for political double talk when your sources tell you what you want to hear. No definition necessary. Medicare advantange is totally separate from medicaid.

Its a little lie thats repeated by EVERYONE in the right wing talking head arena. Its easy to fool people with little subtle omissions. Sure, you think its medicaid, but it isnt, you think what you heard made sense, but it doesnt.

Hannity repeats this lie everyday on his radio show, over and over and over. He'll probably repeat again 100 times this week during his long winded exaggerations of reality.

Give it a listen next time, see if anyone YOU listen to separates medicare from medicare advantage.

See if im right.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Approaching 50K posts and nary an original thought along the ascent.
WTF !! Why do you even care. You are obsssed with my post are a envy is as sickness....see Dr. Ablow about your severe mental problem!!

You may think you have me on ignore, but you bring me up every time you can. Listen, Nancy , mind your own posts and stop mentioning me and mine !! Go pet your cats!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Island, its easy to fall for political double talk when your sources tell you what you want to hear. No definition necessary. Medicare advantange is totally separate from medicaid.

Its a little lie thats repeated by EVERYONE in the right wing talking head arena. Its easy to fool people with little subtle omissions. Sure, you think its medicaid, but it isnt, you think what you heard made sense, but it doesnt.

Hannity repeats this lie everyday on his radio show, over and over and over. He'll probably repeat again 100 times this week during his long winded exaggerations of reality.

Give it a listen next time, see if anyone YOU listen to separates medicare from medicare advantage.

See if im right.


We just went through all these choices regarding Medicare. Advantage is just one of the Medicare choices. Like I chose Plan "friend", other folks choose's all part of the Medicare menu.

Medicaid is something totally different


golden ticket member
Barack Insane Obama is not attending the NAACP convention. He's sending Joe instead.............what could possibly go wrong??

Romney will be there.