President Obama!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

More Chicago Style politics.... If the polls start to show a big disparity as September rolls around, the dirty tactics from Chicago will worsen... guaranteed.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

More Chicago Style politics.... If the polls start to show a big disparity as September rolls around, the dirty tactics from Chicago will worsen... guaranteed.
Chicago? Where have you been? This is Washington politics with a Rovian flair. Let's not pretend there is a clean party in national elections or even cleaner for that matter.


golden ticket member
Nice timing.

Via ABC News:
Is it bad timing or irrelevant?
President Obama’s campaign today released a video praising the president for ending the war in Iraq. It turns out that today has proven to be the deadliest day of the year in that country.
A wave of attacks throughout Iraq – IEDs, explosions, and gunmen — has resulted in more than 100 people killed and more than 200 wounded.

Yesterday, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, al-Qaeda’s top leader in Iraq, released an audio message announcing, ”We are setting off a new stage of our struggle, with the launch of a plan named ‘breaking the walls.’”

On the other hand, none of the dead appears to be American – which may be all that U.S. voters, and many policymakers, care about.


Staff member
I don't think Obama or anyone in his administration ever suggested that an end to our war there would mean an end to the violence.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Nice timing.

Via ABC News:
Is it bad timing or irrelevant?
President Obama’s campaign today released a video praising the president for ending the war in Iraq. It turns out that today has proven to be the deadliest day of the year in that country.
A wave of attacks throughout Iraq – IEDs, explosions, and gunmen — has resulted in more than 100 people killed and more than 200 wounded.

Yesterday, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, al-Qaeda’s top leader in Iraq, released an audio message announcing, ”We are setting off a new stage of our struggle, with the launch of a plan named ‘breaking the walls.’”

On the other hand, none of the dead appears to be American – which may be all that U.S. voters, and many policymakers, care about.

COLIN POWELL once told BUSH and his morons in his cabinet... "in IRAQ, if you break it, you will own it".

He was right. Before our PRE EMPTIVE war with IRAQ, there were no car bombings, no mass murders, no sectarian violence on the streets and NO IEDS being set off...

It wasnt until BUSH BROKE the country that it turned into a chaotic hell for the people of IRAQ.

Dont like it? Too bad, you gave BUSH a pass.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

More Chicago Style politics.... If the polls start to show a big disparity as September rolls around, the dirty tactics from Chicago will worsen... guaranteed.

OH NO! The Chicago style politics! Watch out America, here comes the CHICAGO Style politics..!!

We know this because all people from Illinois and Chicago are bad people!

OH brother.

Too much TV bro.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
Ass-ploding chutzpah !!!
(CNS) – President Barack Obama, long criticized for what opponents consider apologies for the United States to other countries, asserted to a gathering of veterans Monday that “we will never apologize.”
“Just as you protected America, we’re going to pass our country to the next generation, stronger and safer and more respected in the world,” Obama said at the 113[SUP]th[/SUP] annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Reno, Nevada.

“So if anyone tries to tell you that our greatness has passed, that America is in decline, you tell them this: Just like the 20th century, the 21st is going to be another great American Century,” Obama said. “For we are Americans, blessed with the greatest form of government ever devised by man, a democracy dedicated to freedom and committed to the ideals that still light the world. We will never apologize for our way of life; we will never waver in its defense.”

Pardon my language, but is he out of his :censored2: mind? Here’s a top 10 list of Obama’s apologies:
1. Apology to France and Europe (“America Has Shown Arrogance”)
Speech by President Obama, Rhenus Sports Arena, Strasbourg, France, April 3, 2009.
So we must be honest with ourselves. In recent years we’ve allowed our Alliance to drift. I know that there have been honest disagreements over policy, but we also know that there’s something more that has crept into our relationship. In America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.
2. Apology to the Muslim World (“We Have Not Been Perfect”)
President Obama, interview with Al Arabiya, January 27, 2009.
My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect. But if you look at the track record, as you say, America was not born as a colonial power, and that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there’s no reason why we can’t restore that.
3. Apology to the Summit of the Americas (“At Times We Sought to Dictate Our Terms”)
President Obama, address to the Summit of the Americas opening ceremony, Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, April 17, 2009.
All of us must now renew the common stake that we have in one another. I know that promises of partnership have gone unfulfilled in the past, and that trust has to be earned over time. While the United States has done much to promote peace and prosperity in the hemisphere, we have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms. But I pledge to you that we seek an equal partnership. There is no senior partner and junior partner in our relations; there is simply engagement based on mutual respect and common interests and shared values. So I’m here to launch a new chapter of engagement that will be sustained throughout my administration.
The United States will be willing to acknowledge past errors where those errors have been made.
4. Apology at the G-20 Summit of World Leaders (“Some Restoration of America’s Standing in the World”)
News conference by President Obama, ExCel Center, London, United Kingdom, April 2, 2009.
I would like to think that with my election and the early decisions that we’ve made, that you’re starting to see some restoration of America’s standing in the world. And although, as you know, I always mistrust polls, international polls seem to indicate that you’re seeing people more hopeful about America’s leadership.
I just think in a world that is as complex as it is, that it is very important for us to be able to forge partnerships as opposed to simply dictating solutions. Just to try to crystallize the example, there’s been a lot of comparison here about Bretton Woods. “Oh, well, last time you saw the entire international architecture being remade.” Well, if there’s just Roosevelt and Churchill sitting in a room with a brandy, that’s an easier negotiation. But that’s not the world we live in, and it shouldn’t be the world that we live in.
5. Apology for the War on Terror (“We Went off Course”)
President Obama, speech at the National Archives, Washington, D.C., May 21, 2009.
Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. I believe that many of these decisions were motivated by a sincere desire to protect the American people. But I also believe that all too often our government made decisions based on fear rather than foresight; that all too often our government trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions. Instead of strategically applying our power and our principles, too often we set those principles aside as luxuries that we could no longer afford. And during this season of fear, too many of us–Democrats and Republicans, politicians, journalists, and citizens–fell silent.
In other words, we went off course. And this is not my assessment alone. It was an assessment that was shared by the American people who nominated candidates for President from both major parties who, despite our many differences, called for a new approach–one that rejected torture and one that recognized the imperative of closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

6. Apology for Guantanamo in France (“Sacrificing Your Values”)
Speech by President Obama, Rhenus Sports Arena, Strasbourg, France, April 3, 2009.
Our two republics were founded in service of these ideals. In America, it is written into our founding documents as “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” In France: “Liberté”–absolutely–”egalité, fraternité.” Our moral authority is derived from the fact that generations of our citizens have fought and bled to uphold these values in our nations and others. And that’s why we can never sacrifice them for expedience’s sake. That’s why I’ve ordered the closing of the detention center in Guantanamo Bay. That’s why I can stand here today and say without equivocation or exception that the United States of America does not and will not torture.
In dealing with terrorism, we can’t lose sight of our values and who we are. That’s why I closed Guantanamo. That’s why I made very clear that we will not engage in certain interrogation practices. I don’t believe that there is a contradiction between our security and our values. And when you start sacrificing your values, when you lose yourself, then over the long term that will make you less secure.
7. Apology before the Turkish Parliament (“Our Own Darker Periods in Our History”)
Speech by President Obama to the Turkish Parliament, Ankara, Turkey, April 6, 2009.
Every challenge that we face is more easily met if we tend to our own democratic foundation. This work is never over. That’s why, in the United States, we recently ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed. That’s why we prohibited–without exception or equivocation–the use of torture. All of us have to change. And sometimes change is hard.
Another issue that confronts all democracies as they move to the future is how we deal with the past. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history. Facing the Washington Monument that I spoke of is a memorial of Abraham Lincoln, the man who freed those who were enslaved even after Washington led our Revolution. Our country still struggles with the legacies of slavery and segregation, the past treatment of Native Americans.
Human endeavor is by its nature imperfect. History is often tragic, but unresolved, it can be a heavy weight. Each country must work through its past. And reckoning with the past can help us seize a better future.
8. Apology for U.S. Policy toward the Americas (“The United States Has Not Pursued and Sustained Engagement with Our Neighbors”)
Opinion editorial by President Obama: “Choosing a Better Future in the Americas,” April 16, 2009.
Too often, the United States has not pursued and sustained engagement with our neighbors. We have been too easily distracted by other priorities, and have failed to see that our own progress is tied directly to progress throughout the Americas. My Administration is committed to the promise of a new day. We will renew and sustain a broader partnership between the United States and the hemisphere on behalf of our common prosperity and our common security.
9. Apology for the Mistakes of the CIA (“Potentially We’ve Made Some Mistakes”)
Remarks by the President to CIA employees, CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia, April 20, 2009. The remarks followed the controversial decision to release Office of Legal Counsel memoranda detailing CIA enhanced interrogation techniques used against terrorist suspects.
So don’t be discouraged by what’s happened in the last few weeks. Don’t be discouraged that we have to acknowledge potentially we’ve made some mistakes. That’s how we learn. But the fact that we are willing to acknowledge them and then move forward, that is precisely why I am proud to be President of the United States, and that’s why you should be proud to be members of the CIA.
10. Apology for Guantanamo in Washington (“A Rallying Cry for Our Enemies”)
President Obama, speech at the National Archives, Washington, D.C., May 21, 2009.
There is also no question that Guantanamo set back the moral authority that is America’s strongest currency in the world. Instead of building a durable framework for the struggle against al Qaeda that drew upon our deeply held values and traditions, our government was defending positions that undermined the rule of law. In fact, part of the rationale for establishing Guantanamo in the first place was the misplaced notion that a prison there would be beyond the law–a proposition that the Supreme Court soundly rejected. Meanwhile, instead of serving as a tool to counter terrorism, Guantanamo became a symbol that helped al Qaeda recruit terrorists to its cause. Indeed, the existence of Guantanamo likely created more terrorists around the world than it ever detained.
So the record is clear: Rather than keeping us safer, the prison at Guantanamo has weakened American national security. It is a rallying cry for our enemies.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Chicago? Where have you been? This is Washington politics with a Rovian flair. Let's not pretend there is a clean party in national elections or even cleaner for that matter.

Apparently you don't understand the Chicago connection to Washington. "Where have you been?"

I have first hand knowledge and 1st and 2nd degree of separation when it comes to the Chicago scene. My family ties go back to late 1800's and early 1900's. I won't go into any other detail out of respect to my family who still live and work in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. Let's just say ... I have intimate knowledge. My cousin was a former assistant state's attorney and my uncle was in charge of Chicago Operations of U.S. HUD.

Chicago Politics is deeply entrenched in "Washington politics" courtesy of Mr. Obama's Chicago cronies including and especially Tony Rezko. The Chicago "Outfit" is deeply entrenched in Democratic Chicago Politics and has been for many, many decades and is tied to him personally at no more than a 2nd degree of separation.

Just to pile it on:

BOs political career started in the smoke filled back rooms of Chicago. His campaign headquarters - Chicago; The head of his campaign - from Chicago; His senior advisor - from Chicago, former White House Chief Of Staff - Mayor of Chicago; Another former Chief Of Staff - brother and son of former mayors of Chicago with mob ties; Alexi Giannoulias mob linked supporter to BO; John Aramanda, son of Joseph Aramanda - co-conspirator with Tony Rezko - intern for BO; Robert Creamer - convicted felon married to a convicted Chicago Congresswoman (D) hired to inspire and train young BO campaign workers (2008).


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Where does the gay "bath house" come in that history? Man's Country, lifetime membership of Obama and Rahm.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

The 8.2% unemployment rate begs to differ.

Via Washington Examiner:
President Obama, discussing his economic policies during a fundraiser in California, told supporters last night that “we tried our plan — and it worked” as he explained why they should reelect him.

“We tried that and it didn’t work,” Obama said of Romney’s proposed tax cuts and spending cuts, which he dismissed as a Bush-style “top down” economic policy. “Just like we’ve tried their plan, we tried our plan — and it worked,” he added later in the speech. “That’s the difference. That’s the choice in this election. That’s why I’m running for a second term.”

Obama made these comments in Oakland, Calif., where theunemployment rate was 13.7 percent in May 2012. The national unemployment rate is 8.2 percent — up from 8.1 percent in May — for the second straight month.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Apparently you don't understand the Chicago connection to Washington. "Where have you been?"

I have first hand knowledge and 1st and 2nd degree of separation when it comes to the Chicago scene. My family ties go back to late 1800's and early 1900's. I won't go into any other detail out of respect to my family who still live and work in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. Let's just say ... I have intimate knowledge. My cousin was a former assistant state's attorney and my uncle was in charge of Chicago Operations of U.S. HUD.

Chicago Politics is deeply entrenched in "Washington politics" courtesy of Mr. Obama's Chicago cronies including and especially Tony Rezko. The Chicago "Outfit" is deeply entrenched in Democratic Chicago Politics and has been for many, many decades and is tied to him personally at no more than a 2nd degree of separation.

Just to pile it on:

BOs political career started in the smoke filled back rooms of Chicago. His campaign headquarters - Chicago; The head of his campaign - from Chicago; His senior advisor - from Chicago, former White House Chief Of Staff - Mayor of Chicago; Another former Chief Of Staff - brother and son of former mayors of Chicago with mob ties; Alexi Giannoulias mob linked supporter to BO; John Aramanda, son of Joseph Aramanda - co-conspirator with Tony Rezko - intern for BO; Robert Creamer - convicted felon married to a convicted Chicago Congresswoman (D) hired to inspire and train young BO campaign workers (2008).
I think you missed the point. Chicago is no dirtier than Washington when it comes to politics. As the saying goes, "follow the money". Kinda makes you wonder why certain politicians suddenly don't want disclosure of campaign funding doesn't it? "I want my money to "speak" for me, but no, you can't know who I am."


golden ticket member
Wait, I thought we could keep our plans if we liked them?

Via The Hill:
About one in 10 employers plans to end workers’ health insurance as the new healthcare law takes effect, according to a new study.

The finding could bolster opponents of the law, who argue that its changes to the healthcare system will force workers out of insurance plans they like. Supporters of the law say most people will keep their current coverage.

Surveying 560 U.S. companies, consulting firm Deloitte found that 9 percent of employers are planning to drop employee health benefits within three years. Eighty-one percent said they would continue covering employees, and 10 percent said they were not sure.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

New Homes sales down 8.4%..........lowest since January!!

Yep, his plan is working (to dismantle this country)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Right wing had one year of blockage and mis-information and yet, in less than 3 hours, the Dems in congress will pass the new health care legislation without a single member of the right wing's help.

All the blowhards who spoke today on the right wing had nothing to offer but the same old garbage of "unconsitutional", "un-american", "too expensive", "big goverment", "takeovers"...blah blah blah...

They spoke of "sick" americans without health insurance as "sob-stories", then repeated it on air on FAUX NOISE all day. The republicans got called out by the president when they had a meeting a couple of weeks ago, republicans had a "chance" to bring forward their ideas and solutions, yet, only a handful took the time to actually ofer some.

This bill and issue, which has been debated for decades, will pass with a majority beyond the 216 votes minimum.

Maybe if any of you actually took the time to read this bill, you will see that the Republicans in the house are full of hot air.

As for us at UPS, do any of you believe that under this new health care bill, they would then ask us to pay a portion of the costs? If you do, then you dont know DIDDLY about negotiations.

UPS has tried to get its hourlies to pay for part of health care for years! This bill will change nothing. UPS will ask again in 2013 with or without this bill, so lets not jump on the republican bandwagon and make a claim that will happen no matter what happens to this bill.

Example: the republicans claim this bill will make health premiums higher, unfortunately, health premiums would have risen without this bill to the tune of 50% higher. Now, this bill will prevent the insurance companies from EVER raising premiums to a 50% level.

Let's get it straight, the republicans dragged this out for a year, thought they had it stalled, organized teaparty buffoons to raid town hall meetings only to come up short, and this bill LAW.

Sorry right wingers, YOU LOSE.

The party of NO, will watch as health care reform passes easily.


I said this on post 13 of this thread and its even more true TODAY than when I wrote it. YOU all were wrong on this health care reform act and the CBO has said so.

Further, the CBO budget director sends a letter to BOEHNER telling him repealing the law would be BAD FOR THE HEALTH CARE of americans.

"Repealing the (health care law) will lead to an increase in budget deficits over the coming decade, though a smaller one than previously reported," budget office director Douglas Elmendorf said in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.""

Budget office: Obama's health law reduces deficit -

The GOP argument has been BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I think you missed the point. Chicago is no dirtier than Washington when it comes to politics. As the saying goes, "follow the money". Kinda makes you wonder why certain politicians suddenly don't want disclosure of campaign funding doesn't it? "I want my money to "speak" for me, but no, you can't know who I am."

I really was not wanting to spell this out BUT - The mafia is entrenched in Chicago politics which is now White House Politics which filters into Washington politics. Dirty politics is one thing - Chicago politics is a whole different animal!

I am not saying that BO is connected to mafia... But his campaign definitely is. There is no getting around this if you are in Chicago.

The worst of the worst union thugs are connected also. The union jobs are many in "The Outfit's" cover. In Chicago - the unions and Democratic political machinery are intertwined. It has been that way since the early 20th century.