President Obama!


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

How is "K Street" and other such groups any better? On the lighter side of the gray area of law?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Always finding new ways to piss away money, especially when it comes to pandering to his base....and separating people by color!
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is creating a new office to bolster education of African-American students.

The White House says the office will coordinate the work of communities and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and careers.

Obama is announcing his election-year initiative Wednesday night in a speech to the civil rights group the National Urban League as he seeks to rally black voters.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

I really was not wanting to spell this out BUT - The mafia is entrenched in Chicago politics which is now White House Politics which filters into Washington politics. Dirty politics is one thing - Chicago politics is a whole different animal!

I am not saying that BO is connected to mafia... But his campaign definitely is. There is no getting around this if you are in Chicago.

The worst of the worst union thugs are connected also. The union jobs are many in "The Outfit's" cover. In Chicago - the unions and Democratic political machinery are intertwined. It has been that way since the early 20th century.

Did you know that it is 2012 and not 1929 anymore??

Buy a calendar bro.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Re: Obamanation here today


You find my use of "occupier" offensive. I find the policies of the person who occupies the White House offensive. The President of the United States needs to be President of all Americans. All I see is a person who tries to divide Americans using class warfare etc etc. He disparages the Office of the Presidency. I only wish I could say that I respect him as President. I am sorry but I cannot say that. I have a lot of respect for him as a husband and a father but NOT as the leader of the free world and more importantly as the leader of our nation.

I gather you won't be spending much time up here in crAZy Sedona, anytime soon. I am very OK with that! When the liberals tried to boycott Arizona after SB 1070, no damage was done. "Crazyville" as you call Sedona is a VERY liberal city - so I guess the term fits well!

I don't post comments to change your mind about who you are going to vote for or anyone else for that matter. I am blowing off steam and giving my POV...nothing else. Most people that take the time to post on these political threads already have strong points of view. I would have to be crAZy to think I could change anyone's mind!!

Which policies, specifically, do you find offensive? Be specific.

Issues | The White House

Political positions of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Just got a letter from Aetna. It states " Your doctor/facility is leaving our network".

Labcorp is leaving the network. My doctor has a "Labcorp" lab set up in his office. Businesses have to make money, and obama's attack on business hurts all of us including UPS employees and retirees.
WHEN ARE YOU DEMOCRATS GOING TO GET THIS? All business has a choice to close their doors if they so decide. Then what? The Dems did not think this out. That is why government is a loser.

I blame all the democrats in congress and obama for this. If the Republicans were also responsible for this passing this disaster I would blame them also. I am not loyal to either party.
I live in a small town and the next closest town with medical facilities is 20-25 minutes away. After that, I have to go up to Flagstaff (an hour away) and in the winter ... forget it!

It started to make me think - " bo said "You can keep your insurance ..." LIAR! LIAR! As this continues to roll out, watch all the insurance carriers start to drop services that are just too expensive. I am very worried that my actual doctor who I trust like no other will stop accepting insurance like Aetna or worse yet, close their doors. They already bill me a yearly surcharge (not covered by insurance) just to be a patient. That charge will go up as their costs go up.


Für Meno :)
Hold it, hold it, hold it !

Romeny will be the next prez, get rid of Obamacare, and pay extra for you to use your Labcorp insurance.
Romeny has enough money to pay for extra pemiums for everyone, right ?


golden ticket member
Hold it, hold it, hold it !

Romeny will be the next prez, get rid of Obamacare, and pay extra for you to use your Labcorp insurance.
Romeny has enough money to pay for extra pemiums for everyone, right ?

Romney wants to repeal AND REPLACE Obamacare with a better program and not as costly.

Romney's money is his alone and he's not personally responsible for anyone's health ins. except his own family's. If someone is rich, you do know that you are not entitled to any of their money.....because apparently you are unaware of this fact!


golden ticket member

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I am not falling into that trap... I stated my opinion in post 2263.

I will state this. BO believes in government controlling basically all aspects of our lives. In a nutshell, that is what I find offensive. Our founding fathers did not start this country with that in mind. Thai is why we have individual STATES. Dividing the population because of race, class and gender is also extremely offensive. BO and Biden do that in just about every speech. For the last 4+ years this candidate now president has been in complete campaign mode. His policy revolves around getting re-elected not what is best for America. When he is unsure of the politics... he does nothing until he figures out what won't hurt him politically. I detested and had no respect for bosses who ran scared and did what they thought their bosses wanted. I don't want that in a leader of the free world....

I believe in an efficient government. One who allows citizens to take personal responsibility for their decisions, a government that balances the budget. A leader who brings both sides together.

I also believe that those unfortunate citizens who cannot help themselves because of health related, physical disabilities, victims of local, regional or national calamities should have a safety net that we provide for them. I also am a big advocate of training programs and education to bolster those who take responsibility and want a better life the opportunity.

I believe in higher revenue through economic growth not taxation of one class.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney wants to repeal AND REPLACE Obamacare with a better program and not as costly.

Romney's money is his alone and he's not personally responsible for anyone's health ins. except his own family's. If someone is rich, you do know that you are not entitled to any of their money.....because apparently you are unaware of this fact!

Please show us ROMNEYS plan for a replacement, or this just another one of those DREAMS for the GOP? And by the way, what part of the CBO scoring did you miss?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

I am not falling into that trap... I stated my opinion in post 2263.

I will state this. BO believes in government controlling basically all aspects of our lives.

Where do you get this from other than the talking heads on FOX NEWS?

Why dont you show us where the president has said this, done this or pushes for legislation where this is the case.

Show us where he has NOT given tax breaks to small businesses three times in 4 years. Show us where he hasnt attempted to save private industries in this country to get back on their feet. Show us where he allowed the banks to fail and wiping out the United States.

Do you ever think for yourself.

Look, we get it, you dont like OBAMA, but dont repeat some gibberish, because you "think" its your opinion, because simply put, YOU CANT PROVE THAT OPINION.


it has NO MERIT.

Prove me wrong and show us where OBAMA said he wants to control our daily lives.

