President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

How is he worse than Carter?? and please, spare me the talking points you heard on fox, give me some specifics, like , GDP, Interest rates, wall street, retail sales, auto sales, and so on...

SHow us how he is worse than CARTER.

And then when your done scratching your head, ask yourself how the WORSE president in history ( in your opinion) could be wiping the floor with your GOP candidate?

what does that say for MITTENS that he cant beat the "worse president in history" (according to you.)?

How is that line of argument playing out for ya?



Romney hasn't lost yet; yet you are just so confident because of polls that can never be really counted on as reliable. Confidence is an admirable quality until it bites you in the ass. I would never go out on a limb like you do and claim victory already. I've seen too many athletes "promise" victory and then don't deliver. If Obama loses, I pray that you come on here and don't sit out and pout: But, but, but, the polls said............


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

For someone who went to the same junior college that I went to, Im embarrased for you. You must have been one of those loadies who skipped class most of the time. peace TOS
Funny-- I highly suggest that Romney uses this line on Obama about Harvard (Obama is a self proclaimed loadie)---- again, funny how much you guys have in common...---LMAO---:0 !!!!!!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Romney hasn't lost yet; yet you are just so confident because of polls that can never be really counted on as reliable. Confidence is an admirable quality until it bites you in the ass. I would never go out on a limb like you do and claim victory already. I've seen too many athletes "promise" victory and then don't deliver. If Obama loses, I pray that you come on here and don't sit out and pout: But, but, but, the polls said............

Hey I get it, you want to support your man all the way till the end. Hopefully you are smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall. The polls, including fox and rassmussen are the same as the entire polling community. OBAMA is leading.

Romney has imploded right in front of your eyes.

Victory is close. Things are going in OBAMAs favor. You have a weak candidate and you know it.

The GOP put the wrong guy up against OBAMA, but then again, what other choices did they have??



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
  • Halabja poison gas attack:The Halabja poison gas attack occurred in the period 15–19 March 1988 during the Iran–Iraq War when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces and thousands of civilians in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja were killed.[SUP][3][/SUP]

What do you think you know about poison gas attacks in IRAQ? I bet you know nothing.

You still want to justify a war for gas attacks that occured under Ronald Reagans watch in 1988??

Why not ask to prosecute RONALD REAGAN for these crimes? You see, it was Ronald Reagan who authorized BOTH DONALD RUMSFELD and DICK CHENEY to sell the CHEMICAL WEAPONS to Saddam Hussein that ultimately were used on the KURDS and IRANIANS.

The record is clear. Both men were responsible for these weapons of mass destruction. At the end of the day, doesnt that make Ronald Reagan just as guilty for selling Saddam Hussein the gas to poison all those people?


Do you give him a free pass because he is a republican?




Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Romney hasn't lost yet; yet you are just so confident because of polls that can never be really counted on as reliable. Confidence is an admirable quality until it bites you in the ass. I would never go out on a limb like you do and claim victory already. I've seen too many athletes "promise" victory and then don't deliver. If Obama loses, I pray that you come on here and don't sit out and pout: But, but, but, the polls said............
This is typical of the far left fringe and their mind numbing talking points----The objective being to lie, distort and try to gain the upper hand with whatever they're convinced will work for everyone, certainly not freedom of choice,....It's not confidence you see, it's cowardice! How about the claims that Anthony Weiner was innocent and that Governor Scott Walker was finished!!! All very typical----And as usual---WRONG!! The more the far left beats its chest with faux confidence the more you can rest assured that the opposite is true!!!!!----When and if Obama loses don't expect the far left to be around until they're over their depression----Then, and only then will they comeback to discredit, smear, lie and make boastful inaccurate accusations with whomever they don't agree with------------!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

This is typical of the far left fringe and their mind numbing talking points----The objective being to lie, distort and try to gain the upper hand with whatever they're convinced will work for everyone, certainly not freedom of choice,....It's not confidence you see, it's cowardice! How about the claims that Anthony Weiner was innocent and that Governor Scott Walker was finished!!! All very typical----And as usual---WRONG!! The more the far left beats its chest with faux confidence the more you can rest assured that the opposite is true!!!!!----When and if Obama loses don't expect the far left to be around until they're over their depression----Then, and only then will they comeback to discredit, smear, lie and make boastful inaccurate accusations with whomever they don't agree with------------!!!

AWE buddy, its sad to watch you implode along with your party. In just a few weeks, the end of the republican party as you know it will have been realized, and in the future, you will have to embrace everyone that you hate today in order to rebuild your beloved party of white racists.

The whole white christian 'we are better than the rest of you" mentality will be a thing of the past.

Time to embrace your fellow americans buddy, or find yourself clinging to god and guns to stay sane.




Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

I never in a millions years would have thought there could be a worse president or administration after living through Jimmy Carter's presidency. This was the one president that brought the possibility of a nuclear war to our doorstep. Now we have another threat that is far worse than the peanut farmer ever brought to our nation. God help us!

History will unfortunately show this to be true in the years to come.
Conceding the election?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

AWE buddy, its sad to watch you implode along with your party. In just a few weeks, the end of the republican party as you know it will have been realized, and in the future, you will have to embrace everyone that you hate today in order to rebuild your beloved party of white racists. The whole white christian 'we are better than the rest of you" mentality will be a thing of the past. Time to embrace your fellow americans buddy, or find yourself clinging to god and guns to stay sane. Peace TOS
Thanks for proving my point.---- All that hatred and racism you espouse cannot be good for you. I don’t hate you and in no way find myself or the republican party to be imploding. I find your statement about the Christian mentality to be true of some Christians and this also bugs the **** outta me. This type of mentality is also exhibited on the far left with, I know what’s good for you to eat, drink, sleep, breathe..etc... I’m more of a Libertarian than a republican, but I know name calling is part of your shtick.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Conceding the election?
Did you read that the DNC is downplaying these debates...........saying Obama hasn't had "time to practice". Making excuses already
and they said Romney will probably win.

Seems Obama could've practiced instead of going to Beyonce's place or Vegas or the View


What do you think you know about poison gas attacks in IRAQ? I bet you know nothing.

You still want to justify a war for gas attacks that occured under Ronald Reagans watch in 1988??

Why not ask to prosecute RONALD REAGAN for these crimes? You see, it was Ronald Reagan who authorized BOTH DONALD RUMSFELD and DICK CHENEY to sell the CHEMICAL WEAPONS to Saddam Hussein that ultimately were used on the KURDS and IRANIANS.

The record is clear. Both men were responsible for these weapons of mass destruction. At the end of the day, doesnt that make Ronald Reagan just as guilty for selling Saddam Hussein the gas to poison all those people?


Do you give him a free pass because he is a republican?



Ive never seen or heard of anything saying Ronald Reagan sold chemical weapons to Suddam for him TO USE ON HIS OWN PEOPLE???

pay up


What do you think you know about poison gas attacks in IRAQ? I bet you know nothing.

You still want to justify a war for gas attacks that occured under Ronald Reagans watch in 1988??

Why not ask to prosecute RONALD REAGAN for these crimes? You see, it was Ronald Reagan who authorized BOTH DONALD RUMSFELD and DICK CHENEY to sell the CHEMICAL WEAPONS to Saddam Hussein that ultimately were used on the KURDS and IRANIANS.

The record is clear. Both men were responsible for these weapons of mass destruction. At the end of the day, doesnt that make Ronald Reagan just as guilty for selling Saddam Hussein the gas to poison all those people?


Do you give him a free pass because he is a republican?



Do you think im a Republican? your ignorance shines so bright...;)