President Obama!


Strength through joy
You must find the video of when he was giving his first speech after his party voted him in as their leader. You can see his security teams removing members from the room to kill them .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ive never seen or heard of anything saying Ronald Reagan sold chemical weapons to Suddam for him TO USE ON HIS OWN PEOPLE???

pay up

You know, on this board, there are many times that I read things from people and I just want to shake them. They are so UNINFORMED its not even funny. Its not there fault, some people just dont pay attention or they listen to others who are also uninformed and then simply repeat what has been said. You happen to be one of those persons. You dont have history correct, and rely on cable news or rhetoric to form arguments.

In this case, its clear you dont have the first clue about the Reagan administration.

Here's a video of donald rumsfeld meeting with Saddam Hussein during the Reagan Administration.
Donald Rumsfeld meets Saddam Hussein 1983 (full) - YouTube

""As an envoy from President Reagan 19 years ago, he had a secret meeting with the Iraqi dictator and arranged enormous military assistance for his war with Iran""

Rumsfeld 'helped Iraq get chemical weapons' | Mail Online

""It details nuclear efforts from the early 1980s to the Gulf War and contains diagrams, plans and test results in uranium enrichment, detonation, implosion testing and warhead construction.... Most of the sales were legal and often made with the knowledge of governments. In 1985-90, the U.S. Commerce Department, for example, licensed $1.5 billion in sales to Iraq of American technology with potential military uses. Iraq was then getting Western support for its war against Iran, which at the time was regarded as the main threat to stability in the oil-rich Gulf region.""

""An eight-year-old Senate report confirms that disease- producing and poisonous materials were exported, under U.S. government license, to Iraq from 1985 to 1988 during the Iran-Iraq war. Furthermore, the report adds, the American- exported materials were identical to microorganisms destroyed by United Nations inspectors after the Gulf War. The shipments were approved despite allegations that Saddam used biological weapons against Kurdish rebels and (according to the current official U.S. position) initiated war with Iran.""

Iraq and Chemical Weapons, the US Connection � Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

May I suggest you do some real researching when it comes to politics and domestic policy.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As i guess I was right..didnt see where it says Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Suddam to be used on his own people. No one knew how bad Suddam was and that he would kill his own people.

This is the funniest thing you have ever said on this board. Who's your military history advisor? AV8?



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

For someone who went to the same junior college that I went to, Im embarrased for you. You must have been one of those loadies who skipped class most of the time.



Another area we differ! I could never be embarrassed for you. I felt sad for you at one time but now .... nope! I feel absolutely nothing when I see TOS or "The Other Side", except for... I wonder what outrageous statement and hate will come out to continue to validate your persona.

You will get it sooner or later.... you just don't matter. Nothing you says matters. You have to garner some respect with me and you failed that miserably. A hater is always a hater. You can't see beyond that and I did try to open the door for you to come into the light from the dark side.

I would be very happy to debate someone like you on any subject in front of a fair-minded group of people. But honestly you are not worth my time.

You have validated yourself on this website as we all have. So there is nothing left to say about it. Pun intended!


By the way - what is your thought on HISPANIC REPUBLICAN Susana Martinez - Governor of the great state of New Mexico? yellowbelly.jpeg

Cluck! Cluck!


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

You would try to spin it that way... I conceded the 2008 election...LOL!
He is already the worst Prez in our lifetime.

Do you understand the significance of a question mark? Seriously, I keep seeing alot on the right acting like it's over. I'm kind of surprised at that.


You know, on this board, there are many times that I read things from people and I just want to shake them. They are so UNINFORMED its not even funny. Its not there fault, some people just dont pay attention or they listen to others who are also uninformed and then simply repeat what has been said. You happen to be one of those persons. You dont have history correct, and rely on cable news or rhetoric to form arguments.

In this case, its clear you dont have the first clue about the Reagan administration.

Here's a video of donald rumsfeld meeting with Saddam Hussein during the Reagan Administration.
Donald Rumsfeld meets Saddam Hussein 1983 (full) - YouTube

""As an envoy from President Reagan 19 years ago, he had a secret meeting with the Iraqi dictator and arranged enormous military assistance for his war with Iran""

Rumsfeld 'helped Iraq get chemical weapons' | Mail Online

""It details nuclear efforts from the early 1980s to the Gulf War and contains diagrams, plans and test results in uranium enrichment, detonation, implosion testing and warhead construction.... Most of the sales were legal and often made with the knowledge of governments. In 1985-90, the U.S. Commerce Department, for example, licensed $1.5 billion in sales to Iraq of American technology with potential military uses. Iraq was then getting Western support for its war against Iran, which at the time was regarded as the main threat to stability in the oil-rich Gulf region.""

""An eight-year-old Senate report confirms that disease- producing and poisonous materials were exported, under U.S. government license, to Iraq from 1985 to 1988 during the Iran-Iraq war. Furthermore, the report adds, the American- exported materials were identical to microorganisms destroyed by United Nations inspectors after the Gulf War. The shipments were approved despite allegations that Saddam used biological weapons against Kurdish rebels and (according to the current official U.S. position) initiated war with Iran.""

Iraq and Chemical Weapons, the US Connection � Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

May I suggest you do some real researching when it comes to politics and domestic policy.



Nice video...although you should shake me bc it had nothing to do with my post.


This is the funniest thing you have ever said on this board. Who's your military history advisor? AV8?



I can top that...actually you know whats funnier than that...listening to someone who thinks they know sooooo much about politics past and present, and they have OBAMA as their profile pic...Dude you are wearing a sign! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, now thats some funny smile*!


Well-Known Member
This is why the left is where they are - If you think this is the conservative case for obamacare you are sadly mistaken!

The NY times has no clue what the word conservative means... LOL!

The writer of that article is JD Kleinke. He is a Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Yeah real liberal.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Do you understand the significance of a question mark? Seriously, I keep seeing alot on the right acting like it's over. I'm kind of surprised at that.

The mainstream media is in the tank for BO and keeps telling everyone who will listen that it's over..... and you are surprised?

Nobody I know thinks this is over. The election is not over until the votes are counted. No matter what the media or TOS says!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Also - come Thursday morning, the media and TOS and the rest of the fringe liberal loons will say it is all over and that Obama wiped the floor with Romney! But that is to be expected. This is what they do!

It will be real interesting to see how the polls fair the day after the election. I will be looking at the final polls and where they are in comparison to the real vote. AND, this year a lot of organizations will be doing the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

What a Load......So, for the first time in four months manufacturing is up.......Is that the best the Obama economy can cling on to?? It's obvious that businesses are in a holding pattern because of this administration's policies.....Get a clue!!!=== Get rid of Obama and the economy cuts loose...You big union guys are the problem, not the solution....Just like that worthless 804 bickering thread....Please....Here you go---In language you'll understand---Mr. Samuel Jackson----Wake the **** up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I can top that...actually you know whats funnier than that...listening to someone who thinks they know sooooo much about politics past and present, and they have OBAMA as their profile pic...Dude you are wearing a sign! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, now thats some funny smile*!


You may want to just walk away from this debate because the record is pretty clear that the US gave Iraq WMD in the 1980's during their war with Iran. On Oct. 1,2002, Matt Kelley with Associated Press for example exposed this in a piece released out on the news wire. On Dec. 17, 2002, Matt again in an AP wire release reported here by Fox News that the US even supplied Iraq with nuclear technology. How about the late conservative voice Robert Novak who in Sept. 26, 2002' wrote for the Chicago Sun Times a piece entitled, "Following Iraq's Bioweapons Trail" in which Novak led the article off with this bombshell.

Sen. Robert Byrd, a master at hectoring executive branch witnesses, asked Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld a provocative question last week: Did the United States help Saddam Hussein produce weapons of biological warfare? Rumsfeld brushed off the Senate's 84-year-old president pro tem like a Pentagon reporter. But a paper trail indicates Rumsfeld should have answered yes.

Norm Dixon at Counterpunch made the following comment in a June 17, 2004 piece entitled, "How Reagan Armed Saddam With Chemical Weapons"

[SIZE=-1]On August 18, 2002, the New York Times carried a front-page story headlined, "Officers say U.S. aided Iraq despite the use of gas". Quoting anonymous US "senior military officers", the NYT "revealed" that in the 1980s, the administration of US President Ronald Reagan covertly provided "critical battle planning assistance at a time when American intelligence knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war". The story made a brief splash in the international media, then died.


And there's so much more and then some from where that came from so it's best you just let this discussion die. Besides, keep going and I'll bring in how Reagan's administration helped create the very radical islamists we find ourselves in conflict with. Here's a tip of that iceberg.

Anatomy of a Victory: CIA's Covert Afghan War

By: Steve Coll, Washington Post, July 19, 1992
"In all, the United States funneled more than $ 2 billion in guns and money to the mujaheddin during the 1980s, according to U.S. officials. It was the largest covert action program since World War II."
A specially equipped C-141 Starlifter transport carrying William Casey touched down at a military air base south of Islamabad in October 1984 for a secret visit by the CIA director to plan strategy for the war against Soviet forces in Afghanistan.
Helicopters lifted Casey to three secret training camps near the Afghan border, where he watched mujaheddin rebels fire heavy weapons and learn to make bombs with CIA-supplied plastic explosives and detonators.

And then we can discuss how our own gov't helped create the Taliban.

Like I said, you might want to leave this issue alone.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Also - come Thursday morning, the media and TOS and the rest of the fringe liberal loons will say it is all over and that Obama wiped the floor with Romney! But that is to be expected. This is what they do!

It will be real interesting to see how the polls fair the day after the election. I will be looking at the final polls and where they are in comparison to the real vote. AND, this year a lot of organizations will be doing the same thing.

Oh, that last gasp of hope that the polls are wrong. TOOOooooooo bad they havent been wrong since Truman/Dewey.

The GOP can fill your head with "happy talk" and convince you about skewed polls and the liberal media, but theres one thing for certain, the presidential polls havent been wrong.

Face it bro, Romney is going to lose. Yea, we got a few more weeks until the vote, but all indicators dont look good for Romney. Money is being diverted from Romney to senate and congressional races, as big donors "see the handwriting on the wall".

As these weeks pass, you will come around and face reality. Just a few more to go before you give in. I admire your hope.

You hang in there, you and moreluck can share a crying towel on November 7th.

