President Obama!


Strength through joy


golden ticket member
Starting to sound like folks on the right don't like their chances of getting Obamacare repealed.
No, it's more like the right is expecting votes from the Darden CEO and McDonalds........see, the "waivered" people are not loyal to O,
they want to keep making $$$ and they will vote to get Obama out!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

they came from bush, gwb. Facts can be troublesome for the close minded.
she's not screaming "bushphone !!!
fact is that it doesn’t matter where they came from!----- it is all about perception----fact is she and many others like her believe that “obama” gave them the phone and will vote for him because they like getting things for free-------do you think she voted for bush or is going to vote for romney??----

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Here I thought that was Lue C Fer, The Great Deceiver.

Belittling half the people in the country didn't work for Rmoney, and it sure doesn't look good on you.

You can't spell 'crazy' without AZ, and you seem to have gravitated to the center of the vortex of crazy.

What is it with some of you on the left???.... It seems that you constantly SPIN everything that is written. Where did I write that half the people are LOONs. There are only a few of you out there ;).

Uber Liberal LOONs are about 3% of the left. The fringe left are in the 1%. We do have some 1% here and some 3%.

I don't define Democrats by the term progressive or uber liberal. I do also think that there are a lot of reasonable minded Democrats who are not happy with the party but who will vote anyway for BO. They want him to succeed. He won't but they still have hope that he will get it right.

Most of the Democrats I know are fine people. They are left of center or what I define as Bill Clinton Democrats.

Where do you think you fit in on that scale?

One of the fringe haters has already used your "crAZy" line. You may want to get some new material!!

As for Romney's 47% comment. He says he made a mistake to get this thing out of the news. That was a mistake. He was trying to be realistic to party loyals and donors. He was basically saying that 47% of the vote is going to go to BO. Those folks are good with what they have going for them. There is no reason for any of them to change their vote. The left made it sound like Romney doesn't care about 47% - Great Spin job.

Obama has pulled his money from AZ - The Obama commercials are history. I have not seen one in weeks. As you liberals would say, he just does not care about folks from AZ. He is belittling us. :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

As for Romney's 47% comment. He says he made a mistake to get this thing out of the news. That was a mistake. He was trying to be realistic to party loyals and donors. He was basically saying that 47% of the vote is going to go to BO. Those folks are good with what they have going for them. There is no reason for any of them to change their vote. The left made it sound like Romney doesn't care about 47% - Great Spin job.

Now, I'm just a dumb truck driver, but unless that sound bite was taken out of context, it sure sounded to me as though Romney doesn't care about the 47%. "These folks are good with what they have going for them"?? Are you saying that the majority of the people Romney spoke of would want nothing more than to better their lots in life but due to many restraints, institutional or self-imposed, they are unable to?

It was refreshing to hear a politician actually say what he felt.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Well first of all - I know you don't think of yourself as a dumb truck driver....

I can't say it any different.. The status quo is good for them. People don't want to change and if there is any chance that they could lose what they have, they won't even think about changing their vote. Romney is all about cutting spending and BO has put fear into these folks that what Romney will do will put them on the street. So the only way he could get their vote is in the future, IF he got elected and they could see that they were better off because of it.


golden ticket member
You don't pre-tell the enemy about we might bomb you. There's goes the element of surprise!!
You just do it!!

I don't recall his going to congress and getting this approved......he's taking it on his own. Yippee kyehey, mther friend'er!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Most of the posters here ain't real good at arithmetic, here is an easier list:

Barack Obama

Barack Obama issued 140 executive orders between 2009 and 2012.

  • 2012 EO 13597 - EO 13628 32
  • 2011 EO 13563 - EO 13596 34
  • 2010 EO 13526 - EO 13562 37
  • 2009 EO 13489 - EO 13525 37

George W. Bush

George W. Bush issued 291 executive orders between 2001 and 2009.

  • 2009 EO 13484 - EO 13488 5
  • 2008 EO 13454 - EO 13483 30
  • 2007 EO 13421 - EO 13453 33
  • 2006 EO 13395 - EO 13420 26
  • 2005 EO 13368 - EO 13394 27
  • 2004 EO 13322 - EO 13367 46
  • 2003 EO 13282 - EO 13321 40
  • 2002 EO 13249 - EO 13281 33
  • 2001 EO 13198 - EO 13248 51

William J. Clinton

William J. Clinton issued 308 executive orders between 1993 and 2001.

  • 2001 EO 13184 - EO 13197 14
  • 2000 EO 13145 - EO 13183 39
  • 1999 EO 13110 - EO 13144 35
  • 1998 EO 13072 - EO 13109 38
  • 1997 EO 13034 - EO 13071 38
  • 1996 EO 12984 - EO 13033 50
  • 1995 EO 12944 - EO 12983 40
  • 1994 EO 12890 - EO 12943 54


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Wkmac, Just to be clear, I don't see an EO on the document you linked. It's just an order, not an EO. The last EO I saw related to sanctions on Iran. A presidential Document is not an Executive Order. An order signed by the President is not necessarily an Executive Order.

The only EOs in Sept were regarding human trafficking and Gulf coast ecosystems. The only one in Oct was regarding sanctions on Iran.


Well-Known Member
Wkmac, Just to be clear, I don't see an EO on the document you linked. It's just an order, not an EO. The last EO I saw related to sanctions on Iran. A presidential Document is not an Executive Order. An order signed by the President is not necessarily an Executive Order.

The only EOs in Sept were regarding human trafficking and Gulf coast ecosystems. The only one in Oct was regarding sanctions on Iran.

Just to be clear back, I never called it an EO, I called it "an order".