President Obama!


The Nim
Re: Obamanomics

I disagree---I used my check to buy four new tires and wheels, mounted and balanced, for my Colorado. Had enough left over to get them installed.

Pretty sure you're mistaken with the tax refund we got in the mid 2000s under Busg.

The "stimulus" islandfox is referring to is the one Obama wanted when he got elected to keep the unemployment low and the economy recovering faster.

I enjoyed the Bush tax refund as well, it was nice to have that extra money to put aside for an emergency. The Obama stimulus, well I've only noticed my hours at work going down as a pter. The economy did not benefit anywhere near where it was intended if it did at all.


The Nim
Re: Obamanomics

You are better off than than you were 4 years ago.

I might be better off than I was 4 years ago, but it's not by the significant margin I'd expect given I'm making around $3 an hour more than I did then.

If I wasn't working for UPS and guaranteed hours and raises I'd be much worse off.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I'm not better off than I was 4 years ago. Maybe I'm more resourceful and take risks more now.

My healthcare costs skyrocketed, I ususally had 2 trips a year to Hawaii.....Xmas 2010 was the last time I saw my Hawaii people. My gas at the pumps costs more. My food at the grocery store costs more. My prescriptions cost more. Everything costs me more. NO, I'm not better off.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamabastic !!



Für Meno :)
Why this dicussion just days before probably 100.000 or even millions may seek medical attention due to "Sandy" ?
I think the reps are all alike - their math just doesn't add up !

For every 100.000 people seeking medical treatment roughly 35.000 won't have health insurance.
Those 35.000 unpaid bills will be passed on, indirectly, to those that do have insurance and rates will go up, basically the insured pay for the uninsured.


golden ticket member
Why this dicussion just days before probably 100.000 or even millions may seek medical attention due to "Sandy" ?
I think the reps are all alike - their math just doesn't add up !

For every 100.000 people seeking medical treatment roughly 35.000 won't have health insurance.
Those 35.000 unpaid bills will be passed on, indirectly, to those that do have insurance and rates will go up, basically the insured pay for the uninsured.
they are all lining up for canada !!

Haven't you ever noticed how places like Cuba wil have 40 or 50 dead and like Haiti will have mega death tolls. The U.S. is not a third world country.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man." - George Washington

A Walk for the President...

This very short, informative clip is great! It should be seen by all, and actually is non-political.

It has a wonderful surprise at the end!
