President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As in the great ,wise words by Rahm E. --"Never let a serious crisis go to waste"

When will Obama and the Liberal Media start to push for Election day to be delayed because of the Polls ???-opps I meant to say Storm !:wink2:

Aww, how cute, someones been listening to RUSH....

Another phoney argument by the Rushbo to stir up the faithful...

Too bad it would take an ACT of congress to do this, but heck, make a ridiculous suggestion and play up on it and he can get anyone to repeat it..

Mission accomplished.




golden ticket member
Aww, how cute, someones been listening to RUSH....

Another phoney argument by the Rushbo to stir up the faithful...

Too bad it would take an ACT of congress to do this, but heck, make a ridiculous suggestion and play up on it and he can get anyone to repeat it..

Mission accomplished.


So, you must listen to Rush daily!!! A little bromance?

I have never listened to Rush...........

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

its funny, I said the same thing about BUSH in 2000 and 2004 and you ALL said that was nuts... even though i showed these photos..


Palin did it too...


BUSH in 2004

BUSH had the wierd blinking during the debates which set off the notion that he was not hearing very well in the ear piece... but now you are concerned with ear pieces??




I sure hope Mr. Obama doesn't go rogue and try this illegal move.....

Rush: Left Wants Obama to Postpone the Election

I wish he would...the economy is only getting slower...he would doom himself postponing the election.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I sure hope Mr. Obama doesn't go rogue and try this illegal move.....

Rush: Left Wants Obama to Postpone the Election

This is exactly the same nonsense the ISLAND repeated on this board, now you do it??

These assertions are plainly stupid. RUSH makes a phoney argument for the democrats, then argues against the move calling them names... all the while knowing its HIS OWN FANTASY.

NOBODY on the left is saying such a thing and to suggest the president ( a constitutional scholar ) would attempt such a thing is silly talk.

Even the most basic high schooler knows that only CONGRESS through an amendment can change the date or postpone an election.

The PRESIDENT has NEVER made such a suggestion, but RUSH argues his own lie as if it was really suggested.

This is the kind of poison pill that the right wing sells to its most gulible listeners.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Can any of you remember what the state of the economy was back in late Oct 2008? Do any of you remember the headlines at the time?

Things have turned around to the point that the USA is once again the best place on the planet. Our recovery is slow,but on track, as opposed to most of the rest o the world. The policies have worked, in spite of opposition and compromises.

You are better off than than you were 4 years ago.

WOW.... Could someone have any lower expectations? Or do you just not understand what a recovery is???

If I had a boss with expectations like you have, I would have been able to go golfing 3 or 4 times a week, taken at least 1 week of vacation a month and phoned in to see how the center and division were doing. I could have just used my computer at home to check all the reports and taken the conference calls from home. OH That's Right! Your president already does that!! :wink2:


Re: Obamanomics

Can any of you remember what the state of the economy was back in late Oct 2008? Do any of you remember the headlines at the time?

Things have turned around to the point that the USA is once again the best place on the planet. Our recovery is slow,but on track, as opposed to most of the rest o the world. The policies have worked, in spite of opposition and compromises.

You are better off than than you were 4 years ago.

What is better?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Shockingly, Jeremiah Wright isn’t the only black supremacist Obama is fond of.
Via Washington Examiner:
Pastor Joseph Lowery, a civil rights movement hero who delivered the benediction at President Obama’s inauguration, reportedly said that he is shocked that any black Americans would stay home with Obama on the ballot and suggested that all or most white people would go to hell.

The local outlet paraphrases Lowery’s comments. “Lowery said that when he was a young militant, he used to say all white folks were going to hell,” the Monroe County Reporter (Ga.) says in covering a rally in Forsyth, Georgia. “Then he mellowed and just said most of them were. Now, he said, he is back to where he was.”
The local mayor, who attended the rally, rejected that statement from Lowery.

“The Bible doesn’t say anything about white or black to go to heaven,” Mayor John Howard said. “I have great number of black and white friends. I’ve been in the military. I make friends with everybody. I’m too old for enemies.”