President Obama!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Yup, I fear we are far outnumbered by kool-aid drinkers. I can only hope that true Americans will come out en-force on election day and vote the bum out.

Why do you do that? What makes you think that people who disagree with you are less American?


Re: Obamanomics

I'm actually surprised that Romney hasn't hammered this all year long. Why harp about 7.8% to 8.4% unemployment when the real unemployment is so much higher? That's a real question, by the way.

He has...its been said that there is 4.5 mil less jobs than when Obama took office. The same unemployment rate but 4.5 mil less jobs...go figure.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Why do you do that? What makes you think that people who disagree with you are less American?

Because its all they have... the whole "lets take our country back" as if the country was "theirs" to begin with.

People like him see the country in two parts, and they want to keep it that way. They feel like they are more patriotic than the rest of us and that because of that they "OWN" the country.

Its a pathetic claim and one of desperation.




Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

He has...its been said that there is 4.5 mil less jobs than when Obama took office. The same unemployment rate but 4.5 mil less jobs...go figure.

If I were Romney, I wouldn't even mention unemployment without using the real number. At the very least it would engage people at a deeper level. The real number should be front and center with the monthly number a mostly ignored number. Should have been elemental for the Romney campaign.


Re: Obamanomics

If I were Romney, I wouldn't even mention unemployment without using the real number. At the very least it would engage people at a deeper level. The real number should be front and center with the monthly number a mostly ignored number. Should have been elemental for the Romney campaign.

I agree with you on that...really hasnt been hammered other than in the debate.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama has not met with his job committee this year . He has not met with the Republicans since July. He has no plan for jobs, no plan for the debt, no plan for Social Security and Medicare and expects that he will be elected for four more years.

I for one -find this extremely sad !!

People may disagree with Romney -- Ryan but they have presented plans.

Obama continues to cry about the tax code --and the Bush "economic policies" but has changed nothing in four years.

During one of the debates he agreed with Romney --to create jobs the U.S Corporate Tax rate much be lowered --why has he not done it ???

Today on the trail he continues to boast of raising tax on the rich by 5% ----even if he does ----it CHANGES nothing --except some business owners will reduce staffing.

Sounds like a good campaign slogan but if he is re-elected be prepared for a replay of the past four years !!!:sick:


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Look at the crowds showing up for Romney vs the few who show up for bhos.

bhos no longer draws the masses like 2008 when he was a rock star, today he is a has-been .


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Look at the crowds showing up for Romney vs the few who show up for bhos.

bhos no longer draws the masses like 2008 when he was a rock star, today he is a has-been .
Maybe he'll be enjoying that $40 million spread in Hawaii that he purchased.......sooner than he expected.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

How does someone who earned $1.7 million in 2011 purchase a $40 million estate in Hawaii????

Can this all be legit?

I could've sold him my house and he'd have the opportunity to put Waianae on the map in a good way. I get tired of hearing Beth & Dog say....."Let's suit up,we're going to Waianae!" And then they dress like they are going to a war zone.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

It came from his ass, like everything else he says.

Lima, Ohio (CNN)David Axelrod described the message coming from President Barack Obama days before Election Day as “coming from his loins.”

“I’ve never seen him more exhilarated than he is right now. He believes in what he’s doing. He believes in what he’s fighting for,” Axelrod told reporters Friday after the president’s event in Lima, Ohio. “You can see in the speech that he’s delivering that this is coming from his loins.”

Axelrod’s comments followed Obama’s third campaign event of the day in Ohio, the latest example of the emphasis Team Obama is putting on the state.


golden ticket member
Go ahead. Burn some more bridges!!

Heh, heh !!
Denver, Colo., Nov 1, 2012 / 04:03 am (CNA) – The Obama campaign attempted to schedule a rally-like event on a Catholic university campus in the key swing state of Colorado before settling on a dialogue with a co-chair of Catholics for Obama.
“Their original intent was to have more of a rally element to it,” said Paul Alexander, director of Regis University’s Institute for the Common Good, which hosted the event.
“We just felt we couldn’t do a rally, but we felt a healthy dialogue among Catholics was important.”
About 45 people attended the Oct. 25 dialogue and small group discussion with Catholics for Obama national co-chair Nicholas P. Cafardi, a law professor and dean emeritus of Duquesne University School of Law.

The event was titled “Catholic Social Teaching: The Intersection of Faith and Politics.” Although it was hosted by the Jesuit university’s institute, it took place because of outreach from the Obama campaign.

Alexander told CNA Oct 26 that another Catholics for Obama national co-chair by the name of Victoria Kovari, the “main point of contact,” had sought out the university and asked if it would be willing to host an event.