President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!

I will laugh my ass off when you wake up Wednesday morning, go to your front door, pick up your copy of the Lily White Gated Community Newsletter and in utter disbelief read that President Obama has been re-elected.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

I will laugh my ass off when you wake up Wednesday morning, go to your front door, pick up your copy of the Lily White Gated Community Newsletter and in utter disbelief read that President Obama has been re-elected.
Keep dreaming, I only get the paper on Sundays......but you would've known that if you paid attention.

Obama gets re-elected...... then you can tell me when you get your $5000 a month in pension.....gotta redistribute that wealth!! Gonna put an illegal through college instead!!

My gated comunity is not called "Lily White"......................that's just you being a racist !!!


The Nim
Re: Obamabastic !!

Care to make it interesting? One week of silence from either of us if our candidate loses. Deal?

I think you'd have to get a mod to actually prevent the posting to ensure it sticks.

Though that is an interesting bet.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Care to make it interesting? One week of silence from either of us if our candidate loses. Deal?
You forgot to mention you are the biggest welcher on bets........all mouth and no substance. No one should bet with you. You are a reneger too !!

So, when it comes to betting with you.......we remember!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Why in the world would I ever send money to a complete stranger??

This bet is very simple---Romney wins, I don't post until the morning of the 13th. Obama wins, you do the same. If need be we could ask the mods or Cheryl to moderate our posts to ensure compliance, although I know that I would comply with the terms of the bet---not so sure about you.

What do you have to lose? Who knows, you might find out that there is more to life than Brown Cafe.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Why in the world would I ever send money to a complete stranger??

This bet is very simple---Romney wins, I don't post until the morning of the 13th. Obama wins, you do the same. If need be we could ask the mods or Cheryl to moderate our posts to ensure compliance, although I know that I would comply with the terms of the bet---not so sure about you.

What do you have to lose? Who knows, you might find out that there is more to life than Brown Cafe.


I would never bet with a welcher!!! I post when I want, so move along little flea !!!


Strength through joy
I wonder if this story is true...
(Daily Caller) The shroud over President Barack Obama’s college records — recently spotlighted by Donald Trump’s $5 million challenge — is prompting Americans to share what they’ve got, and The Daily Caller is getting its share of leads, including one story that the president scored a GPA of only 2.6 at Columbia University.
The 2.6 grade can’t be confirmed, is contradicted by some evidence, and it doesn’t say anything about the courses, professors and associations Obama was immersed in during his two-year stay in Columbia.