President Obama!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Did Obama make his cash from his book sales?

He sure couldn't afford a $40M spread on four years of the President's salary...
His net worth has gone from $1 million dollars in '08 to over $10 million now.
He's doing something right (or wrong).


Re: Obamanomics

His net worth has gone from $1 million dollars in '08 to over $10 million now.
He's doing something right (or wrong).

40 mil...dont forget when he headed up ACORN he recieved a grant from the federal government for over 40 mil, and no one knows what the money was used for...kind of ironic.


Re: Obamanomics

So when anyone talks about Romney's money you say "You're just jealous!", but now when it's Obama's money...

Are you jealous?


Im out working and investing and starting businesses to become one. I worry about my money, no one elses.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

So when anyone talks about Romney's money you say "You're just jealous!", but now when it's Obama's money...

Are you jealous?


No, but us hard working people know about the purchase of a house. We know about qualifying for a loan and we know about living within our means. Obama should not be able to purchase a $40 million property. So, he's special??? Or is t just friends in high places with lots of scratch?


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

No, but us hard working people know about the purchase of a house. We know about qualifying for a loan and we know about living within our means. Obama should not be able to purchase a $40 million property. So, he's special??? Or is t just friends in high places with lots of scratch?
You sound awful jealous to me.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

No, but us hard working people know about the purchase of a house. We know about qualifying for a loan and we know about living within our means. Obama should not be able to purchase a $40 million property. So, he's special??? Or is t just friends in high places with lots of scratch?

Obama may not have $40M, but just like George Bush JR., he'll make a mint going on speaking tours after he's no longer President.

My guess is Obama is a pretty safe bet for a mortgage, even a $40M one.

Just saying.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama may not have $40M, but just like George Bush JR., he'll make a mint going on speaking tours after he's no longer President.

My guess is Obama is a pretty safe bet for a mortgage, even a $40M one.

Just saying.
"A pretty safe bet" is how the housing bubble exploded !!!

Need that proof of income for the documentation......."we'll make good money giving speeches" doesn't cut it !!

In Real Estate & loans, all things are documented, proved ad double checked !!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

"A pretty safe bet" is how the housing bubble exploded !!!

Need that proof of income for the documentation......."we'll make good money giving speeches" doesn't cut it !!

In Real Estate & loans, all things are documented, proved ad double checked !!!

Oh jeez, nevermind.

All of a sudden you're concerned about honesty in the personal financial dealings of the Presidential candidates?

And you voted for Romney?



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Oh jeez, nevermind.

All of a sudden you're concerned about honesty in the personal financial dealings of the Presidential candidates?

And you voted for Romney?

I know what I just went through re-financing my own house. I spent years in real estate and being loose lending the money is trouble !!

Apparently you would just give it to anybody!!!
Is your first name Barney?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I'm sorry--- Did I miss something---When was it criminal to become successful and aspire-- NOT-- to live off the government, which is really living off the rest of us...I don't hear you condemning Buffet for being rich and successful.