President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I'm sorry--- Did I miss something---When was it criminal to become successful and aspire-- NOT-- to live off the government, which is really living off the rest of us...I don't hear you condemning Buffet for being rich and successful.

Tell Moreluck that...

She's in a tizzy because Obama's got millions.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Tell Moreluck that...

She's in a tizzy because Obama's got millions.
No, pay attention, I'm in a tizzy because there is no way he qualifies for a $40 million house !!! If someone else is giving him the money, he has to disclose that........I do as well if I was buying a house beyond my means.

The pres can have gazillions, I don't care. But until he starts making his magnificent speeches, he doesn't have the money to by that home !! Loans are not made on "maybe I might earn a lot" !!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Slow down hard charger.

As far as I'm concerned, both Obama and Romney are the 1%, and I could give a crap less.

Go back and read the thread.

I was having a 'conversation' with More about how she doesn't care that Romney's rich, but she cares a bunch that Obama's rich.

Soooo...apply the same criteria to Romney as well as Obama, or just STFU.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Slow down hard charger.

As far as I'm concerned, both Obama and Romney are the 1%, and I could give a crap less.

Go back and read the thread.

I was having a 'conversation' with More about how she doesn't care that Romney's rich, but she cares a bunch that Obama's rich.

Soooo...apply the same criteria to Romney as well as Obama, or just STFU.

I don't care that Obama's rich. It's the 3rd or 4th time I am stating that!

I care that with his reported income, I don't think he qualifies for a $40 million house, yet the story says he and Michelle closed escrow. That's some creative financing....if you know what I mean!! Giving people easy loans is how the housing thing got out of control. Everyone, including the pres. needs to be scrutinized when it comes to loaning money. There should be no exceptions.

But we can drop it because I'll be happy if he's NOT on the mainland!! Somehow, I can't picture Mooch eating at Zippy's. Some people just refuse to drink in the culture !!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

OK, ok, let's call it even.

I'll stand by my assertion that an ex-President is worth the note.

And you can believe...whatever you want to believe.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I'm going to believe it your way and go to the bank tomorrow and apply for a $10 mllion loan and I'll tell them I'm good for it because I plan to make a lot of money with my speeches!

I'll invite you to the house warming!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I'm going to believe it your way and go to the bank tomorrow and apply for a $10 mllion loan and I'll tell them I'm good for it because I plan to make a lot of money with my speeches!

I'll invite you to the house warming!

OK, ok...all joking aside...

You know that the Obama's aren't buying a $40M estate in Hawaii?

You know that isn't real, right?



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

OK, ok...all joking aside...

You know that the Obama's aren't buying a $40M estate in Hawaii?

You know that isn't real, right?

I found over 40 stories on it....I tend to use the "where there's smoke... " test.

Makes sense to me that he'd want his library in Hawaii.........further playing out the birthplace scenario!!


Re: Obamanomics

I found over 40 stories on it....I tend to use the "where there's smoke... " test.

Makes sense to me that he'd want his library in Hawaii.........further playing out the birthplace scenario!!

isnt that Kenya?


golden ticket member
Don't look at the messenger.......I listened to what he had to say and he's right, Obama did blow it.
We all know he swooped in for the photo op, but the people are still freezing, still have no gas, food or water.

Even Bloomin'Onionberg had semi-size generators in place when the marathon was still on. Why didn't Obama or his stooges supply the same to the struggling people. Those huge generators can help 400 homes !!

Obama cares only about campaigning and all of us can go to hell !!!


Well-Known Member
Giuliani Says FEMA Is As Bad As During Katrina

[h=3]Giuliani on Obama response to Hurricane Sandy: ‘Disgraceful … Where the hell are the generators?’[/h] David Martosko | 11/05/2012
At a Sunday gathering of Mitt Romney partisans in West Palm Beach, Florida, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani
delivered a blistering attack on President Barack Obama for what he said was a “disgraceful” response to Hurricane Sandy.

“Maybe the first day or two of the storm, the president did a good job,” Giuliani said. “The last three or
four days? It’s disgraceful.”
The Brooklyn-born firebrand excoriated the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for neglecting
to bring bottled water to the Northeastern U.S. during the days before the superstorm hit.

“It’s disgraceful what he’s done. It’s disgraceful what his FEMA has done,” Giuliani said. “There are people in
New York City who don’t have bottles of water like this. See this little bottle of water? They don’t have it
in New York. You know why? Because Barack Obama’s FEMA didn’t think to pre-position it.”

“What — they didn’t learn anything from Katrina?”
“People in the lower East side, elderly people, had to sleep last night in the cold — some of them at great
risk to their health. And his FEMA can’t get generators to Manhattan,” Giuliani said of Obama.

“How long did it take us … to get generators to Ground Zero on September 11? Do you know the power was
out in lower Manhattan for four weeks? Now, you watched Ground Zero, didn’t you, on television? And you
watched the lights on. You watched them working 24 hours a day. How do you think we did that?
We brought generators in!”

“Where the hell are the generators now?” Giuliani shouted. “What good is his FEMA if they can’t get the
generators to the people who don’t have electricity? What good is FEMA if they can’t get water to people?
What good is FEMA if they can’t get food to people?” …
Rudy Giuliani: FEMA as bad as in Katrina - Katie Glueck -



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Jay-Z used to be a coke dealer, Obama was a cokehead, so I guess there are some similarities.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Bruce Springsteen and Jay-Z repeatedly reminded the crowd that Election Day is tomorrow, but President Obama did but once.

Instead Obama delivered a stump speech virtually identical to those he’s given since re-emerging on the campaign trail after tending to the federal response to Hurricane Sandy.

The rare addition was an acknowledgement that this was his last day of campaigning.
“I’m going to be flying with Bruce Springsteen on the last day that I’ll ever campaign,” he said. “That’s not a bad way to bring it home.”

Obama then went into his familiar riffs about health care, the middle class, women’s health and higher taxes for the wealthy. There were shout-outs to his celebrity endorsers.

“I told Jay-Z the other day, our lives are parallel a little bit. Both of us have daughters and both of us have wives more popular than we are,” he said at the top of his remarks here.

Obama did ask the crowd how many of them have already voted. Jay-Z did too and, apparently unfamiliar with Ohio’s early voting rules that prohibit Election Day Eve voting, urged those who haven’t to do so after the rally.

But while GOP rival Mitt Romney’s crowds have taken to chanting the number of days remaining in the campaign,Obama has stuck to the message of his campaign. He urged the audience, as he always does, to “knock on doors for me” and spoke with a conviction that he will continue as a political leader long after the 2012 elections


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

DES MOINES, Iowa—President Barack Obama is planning an outdoor rally here on Monday, but one store within the event's security zone is taking a stand against Secret Service searches inside the shop.
A sign on the window of Raygun, a clothing store that sells quirky T-shirts, tells Secret Service agents who intend to "sweep" the premises before Obama's speech that it does "not consent" to any searches. The sign also added a little humor, too: "It's not that there's anything illegal in here, we just employ several Colombian prostitutes and don't want to tempt you guys," the sign reads, a reference to news reports earlier this year about some agents who had solicited prostitutes in South America.
The Obama campaign was not amused. A store clerk told Yahoo News that the sign went up Monday morning, and Obama staffers have asked for its removal. The store is refusing.
Update 6:45 PM: The sign was removed from the window before Obama's rally started Monday evening.