President Obama!


Well-Known Member
It is amazing the things the Press lets Obama get away with.

He is still getting paid to be the President of the United States.

The economy is in shambles, people out of work and devastation on the east coast.

Obama will spend today playing basketball with his friends---after months of running for re-election.

How about a visit to New Jersey or Staten Island to followup on your photo op ????:dissapointed:

When do you meet with your jobs council ?? When do you meet with the Republicans over the coming crisis ?? When is the last time you have had a cabinet meeting ??

How is the Bengazi investigation going ??

How about the guns to Mexico gangs scandal ??

How about a plan for the next four years if elected ??

How about a plan to cut spending ?? How about a budget ??

Of course things are under control with Jay Z, Springstein and Basketball !!!!


golden ticket member
Didn't you get the memo? Unless you are actually a resident of the storm affected areas, you are not allowed to care. The edict was issued by Upstate earlier and he is amused at why we even care.

Please, Island, try to keep up!! :wink2:


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Energy & Climate Change..........yep, that's what Latinos are waiting for !!!

Obama to weigh energy boom, climate change in second term - Yahoo! News


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I notice you made no explanation of this important trip to Burma. Even you are stymied !

Unlike you, who feels the need to involve herself in the recovery efforts in New Jersey and the travel plans of our President, I let those in charge do their jobs. I have no idea why he is going to Burma or even where Burma is--I do know that he must have a reason for the trip and that is good enough for me.

You need to get a hobby.


Well-Known Member
Obamanation here today

Obsessing over something that you have no control over nor are asked for your input yet feel compelled to offer is a clear sign of a much deeper issue.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

So, your choice is to have no interest in what the country is doing.......except in your little area. You had no interest in caring about the Sandy victims, but slammed me for caring.

My choice is to find out what the rest of America is doing, why, and to what end. You've already proven by your posts over the years that you think you aren't affected by certain things and you actually are, but keep those bliders on and go happily about your work day!!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

So, your choice is to have no interest in what the country is doing.......except in your little area. You had no interest in caring about the Sandy victims, but slammed me for caring.

What ????

You already slammed Obama for spending too much money on Sandy's victums !!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

What ????

You already slammed Obama for spending too much money on Sandy's victums !!!
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Obama didn't do enough and I've said so all along. He swooped in for the photo op and made shallow promises......still not being kept!! You must be confused and you are thinking of someone else..