President Obama!


Well-Known Member

This makes no sense---a sitting President getting ready to start his second term does not inherit anything. To "inherit" something implies that the predecessor passed and/or moved on.

This cartoon would have been appropriate in Jan. 2009, not Nov. 2012.


golden ticket member
Most people understand it to mean he gets what he "made" over the past 4 years. He doesn't get a clean slate to start over....he has the same old baggage he's been dragging around (not referring to Mooch). It's not Bush to blame's Obama to blame!!

Maybe you should complain to Glen McCoy about his choice of words......he'd love to hear fro you!

You don't get it....that's fine....just move on and don't read or look at what I post.


Well-Known Member
Traditionally a newly elected President inherits the mess created by his predecessor. A President starting his second term simply gets to add to the mess, thus not inheriting anything.


golden ticket member
He has a point, moreluck.

Look, I'm going to tell you this one time....... cartoonist (McCoy) posted a cartoon worldwide. I shared it here. You can agree or disagree with it.......I don't care. Being OCD is Dave's it's your's too ???

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Based on what I am hearing by the "victors", they think they have a "resounding" defeat of the right. This is a "mandate". My guess is that the lame duck is going to move further left and try and force the Congress to move to the left with him. This will be his achilles heel if he decides not to move to the center.

Rumors have it that Mr. Duck has decided to lower the taxation on the rich to $200,000. For some small business owner who provides jobs, $200K profit or salary is peanuts for the risk involved.

I hope I am wrong...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Based on what I am hearing by the "victors", they think they have a "resounding" defeat of the right. This is a "mandate". My guess is that the lame duck is going to move further left and try and force the Congress to move to the left with him. This will be his achilles heel if he decides not to move to the center.

Rumors have it that Mr. Duck has decided to lower the taxation on the rich to $200,000. For some small business owner who provides jobs, $200K profit or salary is peanuts for the risk involved.

I hope I am wrong...

as the spokesman for the GOP said ""too old, too white, too male""..

That FOX NEWS rumor that Monica Crowley is spreading along with Stewart Varney is NONSENSE... c'mon man, think for yourself already, hasnt FOX NEWS led you down the path to defeat in 2012 enough?




Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Based on what I am hearing by the "victors", they think they have a "resounding" defeat of the right. This is a "mandate". My guess is that the lame duck is going to move further left and try and force the Congress to move to the left with him. This will be his achilles heel if he decides not to move to the center.

Rumors have it that Mr. Duck has decided to lower the taxation on the rich to $200,000. For some small business owner who provides jobs, $200K profit or salary is peanuts for the risk involved.

I hope I am wrong...
By definition, the democrats are the "victor". I have yet to hear any on the right declare themselves the "victor". Even the comments by some on BC suggest it was a resounding defeat and I'd say the donors to Karl Rove would agree. As to a mandate, that all depends on the mindset of congressional republicans. They can't really think after an election like this that the democrats should just roll over and give republicans 90% of what they want. The political calculus favors the president at this time.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

By definition, the democrats are the "victor". I have yet to hear any on the right declare themselves the "victor". Even the comments by some on BC suggest it was a resounding defeat and I'd say the donors to Karl Rove would agree. As to a mandate, that all depends on the mindset of congressional republicans. They can't really think after an election like this that the democrats should just roll over and give republicans 90% of what they want. The political calculus favors the president at this time.

I don't think anyone really won. The only reason I say this is because of the House. The reason there is a Republican majority is because of rural areas that vote Republican.

The House could sit these 2 years out and let everything collapse couldn't they? Two years from now it might not bode well but they could do it. So they could play chicken and see who flinches first! (I am not saying that is the right way to go).

When it is 50% to 48%, compromise should be the name of the game.

I don't think the President is willing to compromise there is no history of leadership just spitting in the other person's face.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

O/K O/K Obama and his big plan ---RAISE tax on people making over 250000. So what ----Do IT ---will not create jobs ---will probably lose jobs -----Tired of the same old stupid rhetoric.

90 Billion has NO positive effect --wake up.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

I don't think anyone really won. The only reason I say this is because of the House. The reason there is a Republican majority is because of rural areas that vote Republican.

The House could sit these 2 years out and let everything collapse couldn't they? Two years from now it might not bode well but they could do it. So they could play chicken and see who flinches first! (I am not saying that is the right way to go).

When it is 50% to 48%, compromise should be the name of the game.

I don't think the President is willing to compromise there is no history of leadership just spitting in the other person's face.
So on January 1, 2013, when all the tax cuts end and the president puts a bill in front of House republicans that cuts taxes forand 98% of thethe public, the republicans are going to walk away? They will kill 90% of any support they have. Obama will be seen as the reasonable one.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Stupid argument --the election is over.
Now is the time to give up campaign slogans and find real solutions.

Taxing people and Business that make over 2500000 five percent more ---means virtually nothing.

Obama should hope the Republicans refuse to move.

Raising taxes on all five taxpayors five percent is real money --but will stall the economy.

Real solutions --not the time for dopey rhetoric.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

What vote that a politician makes is not politics? Stupid? Maybe. Definitely factual and one I'm sure republican leaders are less than happy about.