President Obama!


Well-Known Member
"Obama also promised to address the culture in America, “that too often glorifies guns and violence,”

Does that mean he'll be taking meetings with the Hollywood crowd??? He'll enjoy that. Lunch at The Ivy? Crustacean?

Obama: Time to address American culture ‘that too often glorifies guns and violence’ |


Well-Known Member
I hope my post does not get misaligned.

President Obama is not Hitler, Stalin, etc.

This is past leaders who disarmed the populace and now currently
advocate a direction that will allow it to be so here.

I think that registration leads to confiscation later.

It most likely will not be with this current President, but in the future..................

The stage is being set.

History is our pattern. It repeats itself over and over, and we just do not learn.
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golden ticket member
His vacations have been cut short? That's his fault for not doing his job and leaving while things are still not finished!!! If it was homework, he would get an Incomplete for the course.

Via WaPo:
With financial negotiations all but halted, President Obama was headed out of Washington on Friday evening for his annual winter vacation in Hawaii.

Obama is likely to have a short trip this year; aides said he is scheduled to return Wednesday, a day after Christmas, to resume discussions with congressional leaders on how to avert the fiscal cliff.

“Merry Christmas – because we didn’t get this done, I’ll see you next week,” Obama said after telling reporters he still had hope of striking a deal to prevent taxes from rising on the middle class next year.

Obama and his family are scheduled to rent a resort on Kailua, on the island of Oahu, as they have done each year of his presidency. Though Secret Service personnel had alerted residents that the Obamas could be on the island until Jan. 6, the president has had his vacations cut short each year — over health-care reform in 2009, the extension of the George W. Bush-era tax cuts in 2010 and the extension of a payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance in 2011.


Staff member
His vacations have been cut short? That's his fault for not doing his job and leaving while things are still not finished!!! If it was homework, he would get an Incomplete for the course.

Via WaPo:
With financial negotiations all but halted, President Obama was headed out of Washington on Friday evening for his annual winter vacation in Hawaii.

Obama is likely to have a short trip this year; aides said he is scheduled to return Wednesday, a day after Christmas, to resume discussions with congressional leaders on how to avert the fiscal cliff.

“Merry Christmas – because we didn’t get this done, I’ll see you next week,” Obama said after telling reporters he still had hope of striking a deal to prevent taxes from rising on the middle class next year.

Obama and his family are scheduled to rent a resort on Kailua, on the island of Oahu, as they have done each year of his presidency. Though Secret Service personnel had alerted residents that the Obamas could be on the island until Jan. 6, the president has had his vacations cut short each year — over health-care reform in 2009, the extension of the George W. Bush-era tax cuts in 2010 and the extension of a payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance in 2011.
It's his own fault. If he knew how to LEAD, it would all be done already.

And doesn't that stupid elitist know most people DO go back to work the day after Christmas? It's not like he doesn't get any time off, hasn't he played more golf than any president in history? Get to work or give the job to someone that will.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It's his own fault. If he knew how to LEAD, it would all be done already.

And doesn't that stupid elitist know most people DO go back to work the day after Christmas? It's not like he doesn't get any time off, hasn't he played more golf than any president in history? Get to work or give the job to someone that will.

Answer to the golf question is NO, GW BUSH played more golf than Barack Obama while in office.

Your limbaugh talking points make you sound silly.




Staff member
If it wasnt for people like you INSISTING the white house keep up a religious tradition just to make you feel better, i am sure americans could do without one.


C'mon TOS, even you know I'm not religious.
But the elitist Obamas have 54 trees, and they won't even be there for Christmas. Wouldn't you call that excessive and wasteful?


Well-Known Member
Answer to the golf question is NO, GW BUSH played more golf than Barack Obama while in office.

Your limbaugh talking points make you sound silly.



You're wrong.
Obama is third most behind Woodrow Wilson and Eisenhower; and that's just his first term. He should pass them in the next four years.
Obama passed G.W. in less than 4 years.
Quit hating the white guy just because he's white.
Sound familiar?


Staff member
You're wrong.
Obama is third most behind Woodrow Wilson and Eisenhower; and that's just his first term. He should pass them in the next four years.
Obama passed G.W. in less than 4 years.
Quit hating the white guy just because he's white.
Sound familiar?
Funny how TOS will just throw in those BS stats hoping someone will believe him!!!


golden ticket member

Depends what poll.....Gallup has it term average to date....Jan 20, 2009 to present as 49%.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters at least somewhat approve of President Obama's job performance. (I don't consider "somewhat approve" a real strong statement.)

Just pick the poll that suits you!!


golden ticket member
Via Weekly Standard:
President Barack Obama is in Hawaii for Christmas. Right now, he’s golfing with White House chef Sam Kass, staffer Marvin Nicholson, and friends Mike Ramos and Bobby Titcomb, according to the White House pool report.

Titcomb was arrested in Honolulu last year for soliciting a prostitute.

The fivesome is golfing at at the Kaneohe Clipper course at the Marine Corps Base Hawaii.