President Obama!


Strength through joy
Hooray with less people there means less trash will be left behind.
Think of all the man hours the departments in charge of trash removal will be able to save, might be just enough to stop the gov't from going over the fiscal cliff .


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

With an 18% approval rate.....I don't think any kind of raise is needed. The avg. Amer is at $48,000......congress is already 3 X more than that. They don't deserve more !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

This pres. is like a bull in a china shop and just charges through and does things himself without regard to law or constitution..........BUT, the fiscal cliff is all Boehner's fault. That's B.S.


golden ticket member
Is he "jumping the gun".......they're still negotiating and he's going to speak in a few mins.????????

Reports say no spending issues only tax issues are agreed to.

We'll see.....


golden ticket member
So, the deal is not done at the moment........he is out there "pontificating" and parading "normal people" around the stage. What a showman!!

Maybe he should've put the people in cages to display them better!!

Then he throws a few jabs at the congress too. You know, he is an ex-Senator....he could've better used the time by helping negotiations go forward. Biggest waste of time......I'd rather see A-team re-runs.
He talked about "pieces of business that still need to be taken care of"......I kept my mouth shut so as not to comment !

Again with the -I won and we'll do it my way-attitude
He's going to address cutting spending closing immigration reform in your first year? I don't trust him anymore than a used car apologies to car salesman everywhere.


Well-Known Member
[h=2]Obama’s 2012 Inauguration To Draw Less Than Half 2008 Crowd…[/h]

Mommy....where is our next vacation gonna be?


All Trash No Trailer
When the deal is inked the Stock Market is going to SKYROCKET. I am seriously excited over the prospect of the chance to make a great deal of money in the next 4 years.


nowhere special
Very good point. Excellent time to buy into stock market. Also if I remember correctly the stock market is ALWAYS up after an election no matter who whens. It will settle down long term but short term is always up.