President Obama!


golden ticket member
When the deal is inked the Stock Market is going to SKYROCKET. I am seriously excited over the prospect of the chance to make a great deal of money in the next 4 years.
It might skyrocket on the news of a deal and give you 4 hours to make money, but with the present non-leadership , it'll be a crap-shoot at best for the next 4 years under HIM!!


Staff member



golden ticket member
So now does he go on TV and say, "OOPSIE !" I wonder if he'll drag those "regular people" along with him to the stage?

The house has bill showed up from the Senate.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

I don't have to "suggest", because he has proven it time and time again!!

Im just curious moreluck. YOU and the entire right wing tried the "he's a liar", "he fails to lead" blah blah blah lines for 4 years now.

It didnt take hold with the american public and OBAMA was re elected by record numbers and likewise, the republicans were rejected by record numbers.

Why do YOU, in particular keep repeating a diatribe of failed talking points?

Does this make you feel better? Is your life so wrapped up in these useless talking points that you cant break free from them?

4 years now of the same stuff and you are NO closer to the truth than the day you started repeating them.

America is leaving you behind Moreluck. You can stay with your useless fox news talking points, or move forward with the country.

OBAMA has ALREADY WON this battle over the budget. The republicans will get destroyed as a political party when this is over. Even top republicans say they are going to take the entire blame for this mess.

John Boehner will be the first victim of his own useless house leadership. I will laugh my butt off the day he is not Re elected as speaker.

Time is on my side. Stay tuned.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

He still has lies "on the books".

4 years and still counting them!!

Did he close Gitmo?
Did he address the immigration in his first yr?
Did he cut the deficit?

Did you forget the list?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Did you approve of the "Nyah! Nyah! I won, I'm presidnt for 4 more years" stunt he pulled today on TV ??

Dems. are embarassed by his shenanigans!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

He still has lies "on the books".

4 years and still counting them!!

Did he close Gitmo?
Did he address the immigration in his first yr?
Did he cut the deficit?

Did you forget the list?

Pssst.... it takes an ACT of congress to close Gitmo... you want to blame someone?? blame BOEHNER. He is in charge of the house, and if the record is clear, i dont remember BOEHNER bringing up a bill to close GITMO to the floor, do you?

He did address Immigration, did you forget the students he allowed to become citizens?

NOBODY can cut the deficit. He took over a destroyed country, and has stopped the bleeding and turned it around. maybe you missed all the economic indicators for the last 4 years??

Please... give it a rest. The country is passed the diatribe of the FOX news talking points.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Did you approve of the "Nyah! Nyah! I won, I'm presidnt for 4 more years" stunt he pulled today on TV ??

Dems. are embarassed by his shenanigans!!!

I am more than PROUD of the president. I only wish he could really say what was on his mind, and the minds of people like me. I wouldnt have been so nice.

He is the president for 4 MORE YEARS. Your beloved party was wiped out and stomped out of favorability with america. YES, you and a few die hards on this board still follow in lock step, but that doesnt represent the mindset of america.

This president is LOVED by the american public. YOU can choose to hate all you want. YOU can fill your days with hate filled posts and make believe failures guided by a news company that serves the public no good, but its YOU that will get left behind.

4 years of hating the man and yet, he laughs in the face of ALL the haters.

Just wait, your beloved GOP is about to implode on itself!




The Nim
Re: Obamanomics

Im just curious moreluck. YOU and the entire right wing tried the "he's a liar", "he fails to lead" blah blah blah lines for 4 years now.

It didnt take hold with the american public and OBAMA was re elected by record numbers and likewise, the republicans were rejected by record numbers.



Ok, that's as far as I got before I said to myself, "WHAT?!"

I'm not saying Obama didn't win the election but please, and I'm serious, please tell me how it was record numbers. Last I saw it was less than 51% of the popular vote, and I know the electoral college is different but I'm having trouble seeing this as a record breaking re-election.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I'm not saying Obama didn't win the election but please, and I'm serious, please tell me how it was record numbers. Last I saw it was less than 51% of the popular vote, and I know the electoral college is different but I'm having trouble seeing this as a record breaking re-election.

Obama won but it was certainly not by record numbers nor was it a mandate.

I think if "none of the above" would have run they would have walked away with it.


The Nim
Re: Obamanomics

Pssst.... it takes an ACT of congress to close Gitmo... you want to blame someone?? blame BOEHNER. He is in charge of the house, and if the record is clear, i dont remember BOEHNER bringing up a bill to close GITMO to the floor, do you?

Obama declared he'd close Gitmo when he was campaigning, and then he had 2 years with democrats controlling both the house and senate. Boehner wasn't an issue for the first 2 years.

NOBODY can cut the deficit. He took over a destroyed country, and has stopped the bleeding and turned it around. maybe you missed all the economic indicators for the last 4 years??

Yeah, no single person can cut the deficit, but the Senate, which was Democratically controlled for the last four years and still is, and is supposed to set a budget, hasn't, and no budget Obama has proposed has had enough momentum for me to put pants on for.




Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Hey tos, why hasn't bhos come down hard on the Senate , this will be year 5 of them breaking their own laws about passing a budget .
I'm talking about a real budget , not some stop-gap extension that lasts only for a few months.
It would show everyone just how much power bhos really has .


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Typical Obama move.

Via WHD:
In a move that is rich in irony, President Obama agreed Tuesday night to sign an emergency deficit reduction bill that does almost nothing to rein in spending and then jetted out to Hawaii to resume his vacation at an extra cost of more than $3 million to taxpayers.

The price tag is in addition to more than $4 million that is already being spent on the Obamas’ Hawaii idyll, bringing the total cost of the excursion to well over $7 million.

The added cost was incurred because by the time the Obamas return from Hawaii – whenever that is – the president will have used Air Force One to travel to Honolulu