President Obama!


Strength through joy
Does he mean something like this.....
The Seattle City Council [Monday] unanimously approved a bill that would prohibit employers from asking about an applicant’s criminal history until after an initial screening. Employers could reject an applicant because of a criminal record, but only if there is a legitimate business reason to do so.
The measure was strongly opposed by some business groups, including the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, which said they didn’t want the city second-guessing their hiring decisions. They also opposed a provision that will allow the city Office of Human Rights to investigate complaints by job applicants who believe they were turned down solely because of their criminal history.
This means that criminals will have de facto hiring priority, since not hiring them will cripple businesses with lawsuits. But the businesses will also be sued if the crooks bureaurats force them to hire continue to indulge in their criminal proclivities at the expense of customers.


golden ticket member
Just as long as the King and Queen of America enjoy themselves.*

Via TWS:

President Obama and his family will be going to Africa later this month. But the trip won’t be cheap; it’s expected to cost American taxpayers $60 to $100 million, according to the Washington Post.

“When President Obama makes his first extended trip to sub-Saharan Africa later this month, the federal agencies charged with keeping him safe won’t be taking any chances. Hundreds of U.S. Secret Service agents will be dispatched to secure facilities in Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. A Navy aircraft carrier or amphibious ship, with a fully staffed medical trauma center, will be stationed offshore in case of emergency,” reports the Post.

“Military cargo planes will airlift in 56 support vehicles, including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bullet-proof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the first family will stay. Fighter jets will fly in shifts giving 24-hour coverage over the president’s airspace so they can intervene quickly if an errant plane gets too cl

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
My opinion of GW has vastly improved every year he has been out of office. He has a lot of class. He won't demean the current White House occupant and continues to do what he can for our troops, wounded Veterans as well as other nations.

I realize this is a thread about BO but I felt that I wanted to write about something positive.

One thing I do believe, Barrack Obama is a great dad. Happy Father's Day to you.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My opinion of GW has vastly improved every year he has been out of office. He has a lot of class. He won't demean the current White House occupant and continues to do what he can for our troops, wounded Veterans as well as other nations.

I realize this is a thread about BO but I felt that I wanted to write about something positive.

One thing I do believe, Barrack Obama is a great dad. Happy Father's Day to you.

YA , GWB was a real american hero... oh wait, no he isnt.




golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Looks like he wasn't able to get out of his obligation !!!!!

Here is Bush's military astounding military record:

The facts about George W. Bush military record: 1) On September 29, 1972 Air National Guard orders "suspending 1st Lt. George W. Bush from flying status are confirmed...Reason for Suspension: Failure to accomplish annual medical exam." (10) 2) Bush's initial temporary transfer to Alabama was denied because "An obligated Reservist can be assigned to a specific Ready Reserve position only. (11) Therefore, he is ineligible for assignment to an Air Reserve Squadron". Nonetheless, Bush reapplied, was accepted by the commander of the mail unit in Alabama, and moved to Alabama to work on a Senate campaign, instead of completing his military duties. He claims no one exerted any influence. 3) According to a Boston Globe Story on May 23, 2000. "In his final 18 months of military service in 1972 and 1973, Bush did not fly at all. And for much of that time, Bush was all but unaccounted for (12) For a full year, there is no record that he showed up for the periodic drills required of part-time guardsmen...From May to November 1972, Bush was in Alabama working in a US Senate campaign, and was required to attend drills at an Air National Guard unit in Montgomery. But there is no evidence in his record that he did so. And William Turnipseed, the retired general who commanded the Alabama unit back then, said in an interview last week that Bush never appeared for duty there." 4) The tattered piece of attendance record (which lists no months, years, or last name) which the Bush campaign presented as evidence of attending Air National Guard training is not even from the Air National Guard. This incomplete scrap of paper is from the Air Force Reserve punishment unit, not the Air National Guard. (13) Note the ARF (Air Reserve Force) listing at the top, rather than the ANG designator, which would indicate it was from the Air National Guard. 5) In the fall of 1973, as an automatic disciplinary action, Bush was reassigned to the Obligated Reserve Section in Denver, because he disobeyed orders to show up for a mandatory flight physical and therefore was unable to fulfill the last two years of his six-year obligation as an Air National Guard jet fighter pilot.

BUSH was a loser in the military. He was about as good as a fighter pilot as I am a space shuttle pilot.




UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Our two party system is killing America. Our country is more divided than we have been since the Civil War. We need a leader who can put politics aside. But sadly, at this juncture, I don't believe that to be possible.

What is it going to take to get America back on track?

There is no perfect president BUT you do have to be able to get both sides to compromise and adjust positions so that we can move forward as a country.

One of the most important criteria for me is - Can this person work well with others who do not agree with his/her policies?


golden ticket member
Here is Bush's military astounding military record:

The facts about George W. Bush military record: 1) On September 29, 1972 Air National Guard orders "suspending 1st Lt. George W. Bush from flying status are confirmed...Reason for Suspension: Failure to accomplish annual medical exam." (10) 2) Bush's initial temporary transfer to Alabama was denied because "An obligated Reservist can be assigned to a specific Ready Reserve position only. (11) Therefore, he is ineligible for assignment to an Air Reserve Squadron". Nonetheless, Bush reapplied, was accepted by the commander of the mail unit in Alabama, and moved to Alabama to work on a Senate campaign, instead of completing his military duties. He claims no one exerted any influence. 3) According to a Boston Globe Story on May 23, 2000. "In his final 18 months of military service in 1972 and 1973, Bush did not fly at all. And for much of that time, Bush was all but unaccounted for (12) For a full year, there is no record that he showed up for the periodic drills required of part-time guardsmen...From May to November 1972, Bush was in Alabama working in a US Senate campaign, and was required to attend drills at an Air National Guard unit in Montgomery. But there is no evidence in his record that he did so. And William Turnipseed, the retired general who commanded the Alabama unit back then, said in an interview last week that Bush never appeared for duty there." 4) The tattered piece of attendance record (which lists no months, years, or last name) which the Bush campaign presented as evidence of attending Air National Guard training is not even from the Air National Guard. This incomplete scrap of paper is from the Air Force Reserve punishment unit, not the Air National Guard. (13) Note the ARF (Air Reserve Force) listing at the top, rather than the ANG designator, which would indicate it was from the Air National Guard. 5) In the fall of 1973, as an automatic disciplinary action, Bush was reassigned to the Obligated Reserve Section in Denver, because he disobeyed orders to show up for a mandatory flight physical and therefore was unable to fulfill the last two years of his six-year obligation as an Air National Guard jet fighter pilot.

BUSH was a loser in the military. He was about as good as a fighter pilot as I am a space shuttle pilot.



At least HE HAS a military record.........why didn't you post Obama's military record???? Huh? Why? Where is it? Cat got your tongue??


Well-Known Member
Our two party system is killing America. Our country is more divided than we have been since the Civil War. We need a leader who can put politics aside. But sadly, at this juncture, I don't believe that to be possible.

What is it going to take to get America back on track?

There is no perfect president BUT you do have to be able to get both sides to compromise and adjust positions so that we can move forward as a country.

One of the most important criteria for me is - Can this person work well with others who do not agree with his/her policies?

We don't need a leader. Stop looking for a leader because this is exactly what empowers those who hold other intentions. Start talking with people around you, neighbors, friends, co-workers. Let everything out on the table, nothing is held back, discuss it out and then start solving problems right where you live. Once people see their own empowerment locally works far better than some distant face on a TV screen who sez one thing and does another, things will start to change for the better.

Not that I would ever take the job but I live several thousand miles from you so how is it I will know every detail and need of what you and your community needs? I can't. The only thing I can do is lie my arse off to con you out of your vote and then lie again and again once elected to make you think you are getting what was promised while your world rots around you. This is why regardless which party wins on election day the only thing that changes is everything just gets worse.

Think and act local because if it starts to go wrong, it's quicker and easier to change and the clown doing it just lives down the street and because of that fact he also thinks twice about screwing you over. It's not perfect, never will be but face up to what we are getting right now and where we are at. This was done by both parties regardless of the ideology they claim to hold.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I personally agree with you on post above.

But I realize that we part ways on my next statement. Unfortunately, we are affected by what happens in Washington and at the state level. Realistically, it would take a revolution to change things. I am not ready to go down that road. So I feel compelled to "try" and put the representative or state leader in office who agrees most closely with my position.

I live in a very liberal area, but the city council makes it work very well because of the "non-partisan" approach to our challenges. There is fiscal restraint and also money for local programs that affect our society. So I believe it can work and support this belief. I also participate in our HOA, and that is as local as you can get.

I have always believed that if you don't like what is going on, either get involved or get out. I love where I live now versus where I came from. Fortunately, I could leave. That does not work for everybody.

Keep fighting the good fight!