President Obama!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Average of $420 per year? And people are complaining?

Another RICH statement.

I point to plenty of threads on the BC that are calling for a NO vote on the upcoming contract because they have to pay a little for their insurance coverage.

It's OK if you are paying but not MEEEEE! The entitlement culture is alive and well!


Well-Known Member
We don't need a leader. Stop looking for a leader because this is exactly what empowers those who hold other intentions. Start talking with people around you, neighbors, friends, co-workers. Let everything out on the table, nothing is held back, discuss it out and then start solving problems right where you live. Once people see their own empowerment locally works far better than some distant face on a TV screen who sez one thing and does another, things will start to change for the better.

Not that I would ever take the job but I live several thousand miles from you so how is it I will know every detail and need of what you and your community needs? I can't. The only thing I can do is lie my arse off to con you out of your vote and then lie again and again once elected to make you think you are getting what was promised while your world rots around you. This is why regardless which party wins on election day the only thing that changes is everything just gets worse.

Think and act local because if it starts to go wrong, it's quicker and easier to change and the clown doing it just lives down the street and because of that fact he also thinks twice about screwing you over. It's not perfect, never will be but face up to what we are getting right now and where we are at. This was done by both parties regardless of the ideology they claim to hold.


​Careful, one might begin to confuse you with a rugged individualist.


Strength through joy
Obama Justifies Spending $100 Million for His Family’s Africa Trip but Denies American Visits to White House Because of Budget “Sequester”


Strength through joy
[h=1]South African Muslim Lawyers Submit Request To Arrest Obama When He Visits[/h]
The Muslim Lawyers Association (MLA) in Johannesburg, South Africa has apparently had enough of President Obama. The MLA has submitted a request to the Office of the National Director of Public Prosecution calling for the arrest and prosecution of the U.S. President when he next visits the country.
The MLA mainly objects to Obama’s massive use of drone strikes to kill Muslims, something Obama has repeatedly defended and, despite claims he would ramp down the program, has continued to execute in the face of world-wide criticism.
“The complaint, dubbed the ‘Obama Docket’ encourages South Africa to take seriously its domestic and international obligations and to act against International War Criminals lest they consider South Africa a safe haven and travel here freely with impunity,” the MLA said in a press release.


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
The scale of Obama Administration wrongdoing is only now emerging.

Journalists are targeted for wiretaps, and on Friday we learned that a key CBS reporter investigating the Benghazi scandal had her computer "compromised."

At the same time, the IRS scandal continues to unravel, as we learned that high-ranking Washington-based IRS officials were involved in targeting conservative groups from the beginning.

And we can't forget the ongoing HHS abortion-pill mandate, with a key compliance deadline rapidly approaching.

It's time to get back to first principles. It's time to remind the President of the United States of the Oath he took when he was sworn into office - to defend and protect the Constitution. Sign our petition.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I love the fact that our kids can't visit the White House but BO and his family can take a vacation for $100 million to Africa and try to justify it as important business for America! HA! I feel soooooo bad that the Safari has been scrubbed. This family is tone deaf to what most other Americans are going through.

We have to stomach one lie after another from this president, his administration and federal government.

It would be entertaining to hear someone defend this family vacation to Africa!