President Obama!


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Idiot !!

Bush would have been mocked relentlessly by the media if he did this.
Via HuffPo:
US President Barack Obama repeatedly called British finance minister George Osborne “Jeffrey” at the G8 summit, media reported on Thursday.

The US president said three times that he agreed fully with “Jeffrey” during his presentation on G8 host Britain’s plans to crack down on tax avoidance, leaving Osborne red-faced.

Realizing his blunder afterwards, Obama joked that he had mistaken Britain’s chancellor for the US soul singer Jeffrey Osborne, The Sun and the Financial Times reported.

“I’m sorry, man. I must have confused you with my favourite R and B singer,” Obama was quoted as saying.
Was the sun on his teleprompter again?

Europe's solar cycle is so unkind


golden ticket member
Via Washington Times:
One gauge of a president’s favorability is the assorted descriptors the public volunteers to a pollster about the leader of the Free World. The Pew Research Center has tracked the assorted description of President Obama over the years, and has this to say:

“The survey finds that the one-word impressions people have of Obama have changed a great deal throughout his presidency. Terms like incompetent and liar now are among the most frequently used words to describe Obama. In April 2009, when his job approval was at 63%, these words were rare,” Pew says.

“Some positive descriptions – such as good and honest – continue to be used often to characterize impressions of Obama. And the word socialist is used about as often today as it was in Obama’s first year in office.”


All Trash No Trailer
Obama will go down in History as the man who saved the USA from the Republicans and restored both the Housing and Stock Markets


golden ticket member
41% of small businesses have frozen hiring and 19% have cut workers all because of much for Obama & jobs being a top priority for him!! B.S. !!


nowhere special
How many American Servicemen have died from wars started by Obama that were built on Lies?


cite your reference? Do you mean Obama didn't lie or no servicemen were killed? And no need to blame Bush. Congress authorized those wars and most Democrats voted for them. Blame them. Only Congress can declare war.


All Trash No Trailer
cite your reference? Do you mean Obama didn't lie or no servicemen were killed? And no need to blame Bush. Congress authorized those wars and most Democrats voted for them. Blame them. Only Congress can declare war.

ok tough crowd today! lets rephrase so we dont argue semantics and you lot try and nitpick whole avoiding the REAL point : How many US servicemen have died as result of innocent countries being invaded ,the reasons based on LIES since our Great President Obama was elected in 2008? and the answer is NONE!

How many Alqueada and Taliban have died since 2008 due to Our Great President Obama's stepped up use of Drone Strikes?

​Estimates of those killed in strikes between 2004 and early 2013 range from around 2000 to around 3000

Our Great President Obama is doing more to kill the enemy than Dubya ever thought of doing


Well-Known Member
"I’ve heard more from Bush, asking for my advice, than I’ve heard from Obama. I have no relationship with the president — none whatsoever.

Obama doesn’t know how to be president,He doesn’t know how the world works. He’s incompetent. He’s an amateur!" --William Jefferson Clinton, Leftist Ostrich Poster Boy



All Trash No Trailer
"I’ve heard more from Bush, asking for my advice, than I’ve heard from Obama. I have no relationship with the president — none whatsoever.

Obama doesn’t know how to be president,He doesn’t know how the world works. He’s incompetent. He’s an amateur!" --William Jefferson Clinton, Leftist Ostrich Poster Boy

Clinton was the best president since FDR,and I am glad he is imparting his wisdom to Obama,and I cant wait to vote for Hillary in 2016!! as i ahve stated before the upward swing the economy is enjoying with the Obama presidency will be CATAPULTED into the Stratosphere when Hillary is elected!