President Obama!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


golden ticket member
Understanding what you are talking about would help your thought process. There is a big difference between the words BLACKHAWK and REDSKINS.

Black Hawks are a tribe

REDSKINS is a demeaning word as there is no tribe called the REDSKINS.

I imagine you would feel comfortable with a southern state team featuring a black mans face and calling the team "the alabama N-words"...

The Washington Warriors would suffice and the team logo wouldnt have to be changed. The word "WARRIORS" would honor the american indian and not use a racially negative term to describe an Indian.

Just because someone was around in the cowboys and indians days, doesnt mean its ok to use the term today.


Wow, you sure told me.........I grew up a Cleveland Indians fan......Wahoo!!!!


golden ticket member
Even the people who actually got through and registered ......may not be enrolled at all or even eligible for the plan they signed up for......... Because of glitches...
With so many glitches, I question how secure is the ACA site???


golden ticket member
Crap-tastic numbers like this is why the White House is refusing to release the total number who enrolled through the federal exchange.
Via WSJ:
The state of Maryland says it has thousands of people interested in buying health insurance on its new state-run exchange, but only 326 so far have actually enrolled in new coverage.

That number is one of the few trickling out about enrollment in the new health-insurance exchanges created by the 2010 Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. The federal government, which is operating exchanges on behalf of 36 states, hasn’t given enrollment numbers yet for its exchange, which, as The Wall Street Journal reported today, has been plagued by design and software problems.

Maryland is one of 14 states running its own exchange. With a Democratic governor and Democratic-dominated legislature, the state’s commitment to making the law work was never in doubt, but it ran into considerable technology problems early on.

On Monday, the state said it is still working through technical issues and conceded that “may be inconsistent, especially during periods of peak usage.”

Those problems are reflected in the Maryland numbers released Monday, the first of what the state said would be regular data releases. The state said 13,532 accounts with verified identity were created as of Sunday evening, and it has seen 170,000 unique visitors to the website. But only 326 people were actually enrolled in new health-insurance plans.


Been around the block a few times
Presidents' Day. Definition: When Obama steps out of the White House. If he sees his shadow we have one more year of unemployment.


The Nim
Funny how RUSH LIMBAUGH ran this story today on the air, and then you post it here...




First, this story was posted on Saturday on that website, meaning it was up for a couple days before Rush could have mentioned it. Second, Moreluck posted the story here before Rush was even on the air on Monday, I had to check his time slot since I sleep during the day but he starts at noon and more posted it before noon.

This, and possibly most important, how are these false stories? That news outlet interviewed people in the area over the costs they'll have under the ACA. If you read the article they did appear to give more time towards those where were going to pay more, but they also covered people who were going to be paying less. If you're calling this a false story no one is paying more or less under the ACA?

I'd await a proper rebuttal, but I'm more likely to find a penny on the street than get one on this subject so I'll probably just go to sleep.


golden ticket member
The increase I mentioned before is for the month of January (56.34%). For the next year it would be an 84% increase. I don't think I mentioned that before. Thank goodness he'll be going on Medicare Dec. 1st !! Timing is everything.


golden ticket member
I could have sworn Obama repeatedly promised you could keep your plan if you liked it. Via Charlotte Observer: Across North Carolina, thousands of people have been shocked in recent weeks to find out their health insurance plans will be canceled at the end of the year – and premiums for comparable coverage could increase sharply.

One of them is George Schwab of Charlotte, who pays $228 a month for his family’s $10,000 deductible plan from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina.

In a Sept. 23 letter, Blue Cross notified him that his current plan doesn’t meet benefit requirements outlined in the Affordable Care Act and suggested a comparable plan for $1,208 a month – $980 more than he now pays. “I’m 62 and retired,” Schwab said. “This creates a tremendous financial burden for our family.

“The President told the American people numerous times that… ‘If you like your coverage, you can keep it,’” Schwab said. “How can we keep it if it has been eliminated? How can we keep it if the premium has been increased 430 percent in one year?” Schwab and others who purchase insurance individually, and not through employer-sponsored group plans, are finding that the Affordable Care Act may be unaffordable for their families. - See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers


Well-Known Member


Sure single payor sounds great --until you live under it. For ten years UPS had me and my family live in Countries with "single payor"

Teamsters now cry about "teamcare" --live under a system where there are WAITING lists to see doctors or wait months for critical tests that are urgent to save lives.
Canada --How many Canadians every year --flee to the U.S for treatment or timely tests ??
How come well educated doctors --abandon their countries to practice in the U.S. ??

Obama is in the process of destroying the best medical system in the world ----to get just 30 million more covered --Why did he not just deal with the 30 million rather than screwing over 300 million ???

The 30 million ?? many will still not be covered !!!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Sure single payor sounds great --until you live under it. For ten years UPS had me and my family live in Countries with "single payor"

Teamsters now cry about "teamcare" --live under a system where there are WAITING lists to see doctors or wait months for critical tests that are urgent to save lives.
Canada --How many Canadians every year --flee to the U.S for treatment or timely tests ??
How come well educated doctors --abandon their countries to practice in the U.S. ??

Obama is in the process of destroying the best medical system in the world ----to get just 30 million more covered --Why did he not just deal with the 30 million rather than screwing over 300 million ???

The 30 million ?? many will still not be covered !!!!

But baba's doctor MOVED to Canada, how bad can it be? My Canadian friends don't complain about health care.


nowhere special
Obama is willing to negotiate ... after he gets what he wants. And if he gets everything he wants why would he negotiate then and not now? The House did that before and after the House agreed to negotiate later, then Obama ignored them. Until his next crisis when he can blame them again.


Staff member
Obama is willing to negotiate ... after he gets what he wants. And if he gets everything he wants why would he negotiate then and not now? The House did that before and after the House agreed to negotiate later, then Obama ignored them. Until his next crisis when he can blame them again.
It was certainly Obama playing the Blame Game. I almost thought we'd see tears and maybe a tantrum.


golden ticket member
Obama is stirring the pot instead of assuring the people that we won't default on our loans. The money is there to make interest-only payments. He's a major pot stirrer !!


Strength through joy
From 2007 until recently bhos always stated that we could keep our doctors , we could keep our medical plans , and we could expect lower premiums .
So why now does he NOT mention all those things ?


golden ticket member
...“It wasn’t designed well, it wasn’t implemented well, and it looks like nobody tested it,” said Luke Chung, an online database programmer...."

(CBS News) — launched more than a week ago, and while millions of Americans have signed into the site, not many have been able to actually sign up for insurance because of glitches with the website.

Administration officials implementing the new health care law will be on the hot seat Wednesday as the House Oversight Committee hopes to find out what the problems were.

Committee Chairman Darrell Issa told CBS News’ Jan Crawford that he plans to ask how the mess surrounding the website could even happen.

No one knows how many people have managed to enroll because the administration refuses to release those numbers, but the website’s launch has been rocky.

Media outlets have struggled to find anyone who’s actually been successful. The Washington Post even illustrated that sought-after person as a unicorn, and USA Today called the launch an “inexcusable mess” and a “nightmare.”

White House officials initially blamed the problem on an unexpectedly high volume as they had more than 8 million hits in the first week, but after it went offline over the weekend for repairs, officials now acknowledge other problems.

“We’ve identified the glitches, we’ve added hardware, we’re recoding software, and I can tell you today is better than yesterday, and we are hoping in the very near future to have a seamless process that’s what we are aiming for,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said.
However, computer experts say the website has major flaws.

“It wasn’t designed well, it wasn’t implemented well, and it looks like nobody tested it,” said Luke Chung, an online database programmer.

Chung supports the new health care law but said it was not the demand that is crashing the site. He thinks the entire website needs a complete overhaul.
“It’s not even close. It’s not even ready for beta testing for my book. I would be ashamed and embarrassed if my organization delivered something like that,” he said.