President Obama!


golden ticket member
Bart Stupak & friends who flipped at the last minute were the ones who put it over the 216. He WILL be remembered for that !!

a/c tech

New Member
I don't know what break the Teamsters will get on this bill, but they shot themselves in the foot with supporting this guy............going from not paying insurance to paying through the nose. Families making around 8ok and up will pay about 9.6 % of income just to healthcare taxes.


Well-Known Member
PSSST Grunt,

This is exactly the type of health care, congress, senate and white house has. Maybe a course in politics may help you understand what you need to know before making a foolish statement.


You are correct about this. Every american should be able to have the type of health coverage that congress, the senate and the white house have.


Well-Known Member
They will use the budget reconciliation process for the "fix its".

After reading Glenn Greenwald Saturday @ Salon, one has to wonder in what manner in the future those "fixes" will present themselves? I'm of the opinion if there was "A FIX" it was present as the bill's language was being drafted by the very people whose state priviledge and cartel/monopoly status got us where we are via gov't intervention in the first place. And you thought those folks you voted for were to serve your interests alone!

But hey, calling an UNFREED Market a true "Free Market" has worked as a political boogeyman so why stop now! Ashame they lack the courage or the level of knowledge to call it all "Statist Capitalism" but then the whole political class in America lack any measure of real honesty much less any measure of moral or ethical principles. No wonder we are collasping under our own sickening weight.



Für Meno :)

Some economists, at least, say yes.
The $2.5 trillion U.S. healthcare industry accounts for one-sixth of the country's gross domestic product, and a centerpiece of Obama's argument for his overhaul was that rising costs must be controlled because they risked destroying the economy.
Republicans contended that Obama's plan was too broad and expensive, and would increase the high federal budget deficit.
The Democrats' case for the overhaul was boosted on Thursday when the Congressional Budget Office estimated that it would cost $940 billion over 10 years but cut the deficit by $138 billion over the same period.
Many economists say the plan is at least an important step in the right direction toward controlling costs.
"I do think we have a credible shot at bending the curve," said Len Nichols, a healthcare economist at George Mason University in Virginia.
"(Healthcare is) the single biggest fiscal contributor to our structural imbalance. I don't know how to fix that without getting Medicare's delivery system better aligned with incentives. I don't know how to do that without systemwide health reform," he said.

Whole story :

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
show me where in the Constitution it says that citizens can be forced to buy health insurance coverage ?

same place where the states FORCE us to buy auto insurance, property insurance (home) and business insurance.....maybe you missed these things as well?

BABA, man you are the poster boy for right wing rhetoric... hows that birth certificate thingy working out for you??? :sleeping2:



Well-Known Member
same place where the states FORCE us to buy auto insurance, property insurance (home) and business insurance.....maybe you missed these things as well?

BABA, man you are the poster boy for right wing rhetoric... hows that birth certificate thingy working out for you??? :sleeping2:


Wow so you actually think the state government and federal government are the same thing. I can't believe someone actually thinks a state constitution and the federal constitution are the same thing.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.



Für Meno :)
Wow so you actually think the state government and federal government are the same thing. I can't believe someone actually thinks a state constitution and the federal constitution are the same thing.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

That answers it. No car insurance needed outside your state, or is that outside the United States ?


Well-Known Member
same place where the states FORCE us to buy auto insurance, property insurance (home) and business insurance.....maybe you missed these things as well?

BABA, man you are the poster boy for right wing rhetoric... hows that birth certificate thingy working out for you??? :sleeping2:


Auto (liability) insurance, homeowners insurance, and business liability insurance are not mandated by the federal government and are on a level playing field. Health insurance has been a different animal than those other three. Not even comparable.


Well-Known Member
That answers it. No car insurance needed outside your state, or is that outside the United States ?

My state (Mississippi) does not require you to purchase car insurance. Some states require you to purchase state approved automobile insurance to operate a vehicle on their roads. They did finally pass a law a few years ago that said that you either have to have car insurance or have the ability to pay if involved in an accident. Before that we did not have to do anything regarding insurance. I get a license to drive in my state. My state has agreements with other state to honor each others drivers license which gives you the freedom to drive across state lines.

Basically this argument to support a federal law that requires people to buy health insurance is extremely weak.

Edit to add: There is at least one state that requires its citizen to purchase health care insurance.


Für Meno :)
My state (Mississippi) does not require you to purchase car insurance. Some states require you to purchase state approved automobile insurance to operate a vehicle on their roads. They did finally pass a law a few years ago that said that you either have to have car insurance or have the ability to pay if involved in an accident. Before that we did not have to do anything regarding insurance. I get a license to drive in my state. My state has agreements with other state to honor each others drivers license which gives you the freedom to drive across state lines.

Basically this argument to support a federal law that requires people to buy health insurance is extremely weak.

Edit to add: There is at least one state that requires its citizen to purchase health care insurance.

Guess what ? You can even drive your car up to Canada. Your plate, driver's licence is honoured here too.
But, you must have a $1 Million liabilty car insurance. Thats the minimum here.
No insurance, you're not legal to drive here. American insurance is fine, but has to be min. $1 Mill.


Well-Known Member
Guess what ? You can even drive your car up to Canada. Your plate, driver's licence is honoured here too.
But, you must have a $1 Million liabilty car insurance. Thats the minimum here.
No insurance, you're not legal to drive here. American insurance is fine, but has to be min. $1 Mill.

Few states, if any require a mil $ liability policy...Do they check at the border?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Few states, if any require a mil $ liability policy...Do they check at the border?

They did not ck my car registration or insurance when i drove the Alcan Hwy up to Alaska last summer. Only thing they asked for was my passport and another form of ID...and if i had any firearms.


Für Meno :)
Few states, if any require a mil $ liability policy...Do they check at the border?

No, they don't check at the boarder. But, police might somewhere down the road. It used to be $500.000 .
But a few years back they changed it to $1 Mill.