President Obama!


Well-Known Member
A military on par with Canada might be all we needed if we were to follow in the libertarian pathways of Rand Paul and get out of all cornrs of the world.


Hanging out with tos too much . I guess you also believe the entire world has no evil --there is no need for guns --a Superpower military ---lets also get rid of the police-

Now we can provide everything "free" to the wagon riders !!


Well-Known Member
Quick, rough math suggest that the Canadian military size is on par with that of the US relative to population.


Hanging out with rr too much.

You really stand behind your "rough " math.

Wrong adjective ---"La la land " much more accurate.

Population U.S. --313 MILLION -- Military spending ----682 Billion

Population Canada 35 Million---Military spending---- 22 Billion


Staff member

Hanging out with rr too much.

You really stand behind your "rough " math.

Wrong adjective ---"La la land " much more accurate.

Population U.S. --313 MILLION -- Military spending ----682 Billion

Population Canada 35 Million---Military spending---- 22 Billion

120,000 person armed forces in Canada for 35 million people. Roughly 1 million man armed forces in the US population of 313 million. You work the math if you don't believe me.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Just because we spend (waste) more money doesn't put us ahead, size wise. Canada ranks 19th in the Global Firepower rankings. Besides that, no one hates Canada, except maybe you, and you are no threat.


Staff member

Hanging out with tos too much . I guess you also believe the entire world has no evil --there is no need for guns --a Superpower military ---lets also get rid of the police-

Now we can provide everything "free" to the wagon riders !!

if we weren't so concerned with defending everyone else (and paying for it) alot of other important things could be addressed.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama --complains about Corporate outsourcing ---He outsources 660 million to a Canadian Co for a website that does not work.

Obama ---complains about tone and harsh rhetoric---Makes speeches everyday with harsh rhetoric and divisive tone.

Obama --tells you that you can keep your same insurance and doctor ----Hello !!! Teamcare !!!

Obama tells us the young must sign up for ACA--to work ---Children stay on parents plan till 26 ?????

Obama tell us young must sign up ---Law states they can buy insurance AFTER- they are sick --pre-existing conditions !!!

Obama --tells you raising the debt is un-American ------ Has no problem when he does it.

Obama talks of "shared sacrifice" ----While he parties every week and takes multi million dollar vacations.

Obama tells us waterboarding is torture ---yet has no problem killing with Drones

Obama tells us U.S. needs jobs and NRG ---nixes the Canadian Pipeline.

Obama tells us the average family premiums will drop 2500 dollars ----???????? l

Obama told us he would reduce the debt by 50% ---------Wow --he has doubled the debt!

Obama draws redlines for the world to see------ Then Russia and China provide real Leadership !!

Legacy --the first Black President --NO--eventually we will see the real birth certificate--with White Mother --White grandparents at hospital with --NO DAD present ---Baby was officially born "white"--on his official and legal birth document.

The only legacy Obama can hope for --is that he will be forgotten !!!:happy-very: IRS, Bengazi, Fast and Furious, entitlement growth,very poor economy,no budget,no plan ,no leadership, no jobs ---nothing --an empty suit etc etc etc--his corrupt administration lies ,hides behind the fifth and is held accountable for nothing. Blame the film or Blame Bush !!:sick:

Its sad to see our older generation live in a make believe reality, listening to drug addicted blowhards who fill their heads with the red meat nonsense that keeps them believing they are still connected.

So many things wrong with your post, yet, amusingly filled with targets to make fun of you. Lets just take a few for an example.

1) "Obama told us he would reduce the debt by 50% ---------Wow --he has doubled the debt!"

Lets see Island, the nations debt on the last day of GW Bush's presidency was 10.8 trillion dollars. Today, that debt is at 16.9 trillion. DOUBLING of the debt would be 21.6 trillion and I am not sure if you fully understand math, but we are hardly at 21.6 trillion dollars.

2) "Obama --tells you raising the debt is un-American ------ Has no problem when he does it."

One of the first increases to the nations debt was the extention of the BUSH tax cuts. Those extentions that you proudly praised and supported, cost the american taxpayer 3.7 TRILLION dollars spread over 10 years, and yet Island, a guy like you think TAX CUTS for the rich are FREEEEEEEE! YOU PAY for them! Secondly, upon taking office amidst the worse recession since the great depression, another 3.5 TRILLION dollars had to be spent on reviving our economy. You may not like it, but it worked and Obama prevented a DEPRESSION that would have otherwise destroyed our country.

Then, those two wars you so proudly supported and wanted, have gone unpaid and added to the new debt of the nation. Thats where you get the increase to the nations debt under the Obama Presidency.

Had the BUSH tax cuts been allowed to expire, YOU would have saved this nation 3.5 Trillion dollars and you wouldnt have anything to bitch about now, but your beloved party of stupidity insisted that they be extended and passed that bill along to YOU and your Children and Grandchildren.

3) "Obama ---complains about tone and harsh rhetoric---Makes speeches everyday with harsh rhetoric and divisive tone."

Lets be clear. Since 2008, the republicans and people like yourself, have used the most vile calling and political rhetoric in history relating to president Obama. Everything from "******" to "communist", and NOW you want to complain about harsh speak? Get serious. You and your political party start something and then dont like it when its used against you effectively? Sorry bro, it didnt work for YOU or your political party and if Obama can ram it down your throats, then I say GO FOR IT!

Obama has destroyed the republican brand. Obama has destroyed the Tea party morons. Obama has destroyed the credibility of :censored2: news. Neither :censored2:, Rush, Hannity or any other Right Wing mouthpiece has any effect on todays elections. The voice of nothing is todays right wing media sources.

The polling of americans tells you all you need to know about the last 6 years of right wing talking points. 75% UNFAVORABLE rating. The worst in history.

And yet, here you are!! Posting the same nonsense that destroyed your political party!

Congratulations bro, its official! YOU DONT GET IT.



Staff member
It's rather pathetic that the left is in denial over the apparent failure of ObamaCare. Obama is clearly a blatant liar too.
The only way it can fail is if Republicans can win a national election. Obama will veto any repeal. Democrats have at least three years to make it work. Probably more.


Well-Known Member
if we weren't so concerned with defending everyone else (and paying for it) alot of other important things could be addressed.

There is another side to that coin. A social safety net is one thing ---taking care of the lazy and able bodied people that refuse to educate themselves or work --or better yet --work "off the books" and make the rest of hard working America --give them the freebies----Lets see after selling my snap card ---I need a new apple Ipad or another pair of air Jordan's.

If it were not for the millions of 'WAGON SITTERS" --Many important things could be addressed !!


Well-Known Member
120,000 person armed forces in Canada for 35 million people. Roughly 1 million man armed forces in the US population of 313 million. You work the math if you don't believe me.


What do you not under stand about the FINANCIAL facts posted ??? Dollars spent on Military ---U.S. vs Canada --NO COMPARISON !!!!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So you are saying by Obama continuing....he also had the option to stop and he chose not to...........
No, don't cherry pick a sentence and ignore the gist of the post.

If Obama was allowed to initiate his policies in the way Bush was, we would not be in this toilet bowl, as you describe it.

Open your eyes to the obstruction that has defined the minority party. Our countries interests or personal interests?

I can provide pages of citations.



Staff member

What do you not under stand about the FINANCIAL facts posted ??? Dollars spent on Military ---U.S. vs Canada --NO COMPARISON !!!!!

Island --

Is math too hard for you? Take away Americas role as policeman to the world and all the associated costs and you find that the US and Canada allocate approximately the same number of personnel to national defense. It's not hard to figure out. Dollars spent is hardly a wise measure as it is well known that we routinely overpay for military hardware.


Staff member
There is another side to that coin. A social safety net is one thing ---taking care of the lazy and able bodied people that refuse to educate themselves or work --or better yet --work "off the books" and make the rest of hard working America --give them the freebies----Lets see after selling my snap card ---I need a new apple Ipad or another pair of air Jordan's.

If it were not for the millions of 'WAGON SITTERS" --Many important things could be addressed !!

That's one way to look at it. Another would be that the US subsidizes American companies so that they don't have to pay a decent wage. Corporate profits up astronomically, personal incomes flat. Hard to argue with those facts. And yes, FedEx Ground is one of those companies being subsidized.


golden ticket member
No, don't cherry pick a sentence and ignore the gist of the post.

If Obama was allowed to initiate his policies in the way Bush was, we would not be in this toilet bowl, as you describe it.

Open your eyes to the obstruction that has defined the minority party. Our countries interests or personal interests?

I can provide pages of citations.

So, the ACA site must be working splendidly in your state!! Citations? Like Nobel Peace Prize?? Bogus!!