President Obama!


golden ticket member
"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is poised to sign the landmark health care bill ushering in near-universal medical coverage for the first time in the nation's history — and then he'll hit the road to resume selling it to a reluctant public."

Oh great, it's been jammed down our throats and now he's gonna go on the road gloating. He's still in campaign mode. It's passed already. You don't need to spend OUR money travelling to tell us how wonderful you are. :sick:



Well-Known Member
PSSST Grunt,

This is exactly the type of health care, congress, senate and white house has. Maybe a course in politics may help you understand what you need to know before making a foolish statement.


I think it's you that is mistaken and needs to get some facts. Obama himself said that he is "exempt" from the trash that he is trying to force down the throats of Americans, the majority which don't want it.
I suppose you think that congress gets social security as well don't you? They don't, and they don't care that it will go belly up. Their retirement is secure. The quickest way to fix social security would be to force all government officials to surrender their retirement to the ss fund and then draw on it like the rest of us. I guarantee it would get fixed then.
It's the same with the health care bill- congress doesn't care except that it gets passed. Their health care is SECURE.


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Did anyone catch the speach Pelosi gave last night? In between the clapping she was making some strange giggles that the mic was picking could be she has something loose in her noggin or she had something buzzing in her shorts.:wacko:


Staff member
Wow. What happened to all the Scott Brown cockiness from the Right? So ya got rolled over by Pelosi. So what? Now it's time to man-up and become relevant again. Find a way to fix that "20% you can't agree with". It's gonna be the law of the land so you may as well get on with making it better.


Strength through joy
Massachusetts currently has RomneyCare.
The fine for not enrolling is about $300 and no jail time unlike Obamacare.

Republican Rep. Steve King has filed a bill to repeal Obamacare. This is its entire text:

Effective as of the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, such Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
We should be ok because the President has repeated ad nauseum that he will work with our employers to reduce our health care cost by $2500.00 a year per family.Maybe UPS will give us a credit ? maybe we will get a tax break ? maybe pigs will fly.........


"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is poised to sign the landmark health care bill ushering in near-universal medical coverage for the first time in the nation's history — and then he'll hit the road to resume selling it to a reluctant public."

Oh great, it's been jammed down our throats and now he's gonna go on the road gloating. He's still in campaign mode. It's passed already. You don't need to spend OUR money travelling to tell us how wonderful you are. :sick:

Let him have his staged victory parades it may very well be the last thing he accomplishes as president.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Aww Moreluck,
How about backing anything up in your post. Please, demonstrate which part of the constitution this violates. I am sure your extensive legal background will yield us something we can rally behind.


Here's my point, the US Constitution severely limits the authority of the US Government

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The closest portion of the US Constitution that would cover health care is the interstate commerce clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes".
Some people may argue the preamble has to do with healthcare.
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare,"
Due to the Preamble's limited nature, no court has ever utilized it as a decisive factor in case adjudication.

Also, going back to the commerce clause. Part of the law states you have to get insurance or be penalized. Even if interstate commerce clause were the reason giving the federal government the power to make this law. How can this be used, when it forces people to buy insurance who don't want any insurance or be fined. Commerce means a transaction of goods and\or services. How can the government interfere based on this, when people don't want insurance and don't want to purchase it?


My wife and myself grossed around $91,000 this year and paid around $19,000 in taxes.On top of that we have a 13% sales tax on most purchases.How does this compare to USA taxes considering our healthcare is included?


The otherside is a boob. Check out to see just how much in new taxes we will be paying, plus tax increases are just like pay cuts!! We wouldn't let UPS cut our pay, don't let the Union endorsed dumocrats do it either!!

Moreover, don't forget how much of our pension fund is tied up in the insurance industry that will now be bogged down in regulations!!

I'm a libertarian, but the republicans did offer some valid options that were ignored: Seal the border to stop illegals (They take our jobs and use our health care system for free), enacted tort reform (Those of you who want to sue, remember, you cant sue the government), and allow people to buy across state lines.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
My wife and myself grossed around $91,000 this year and paid around $19,000 in taxes.On top of that we have a 13% sales tax on most purchases.How does this compare to USA taxes considering our healthcare is included?

Sorry to say but you pay higher taxes then Americans. I posted a chart in another thread and it showed all countries and the taxes the citizens paid and you were higher then America. 13% sales tax is insane. Some states dont have sales tax but do make up for it in other ways i would assume but i think the average sales tax in America is around 6% :(


I think at issue is the fact that it cuts the deficit in the first 10 years (2010-2020) only because we have 10 years of tax receipts and only 6 years of coverage (Starts 2014). Check out to see just how much we'll get screwed with new taxes!!


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts currently has RomneyCare.
The fine for not enrolling is about $300 and no jail time unlike Obamacare

Funny how all these Republicans are kicking and screaming over this reform which is virtrually modeled after Romney-care. We all know Romney is a flip-flopper, now we can call the new GQ poster boy Scott Brown a flip-flopper also....

Anyway, it is an expensive bill, but it also has larger offsets. That means it’s bringing in more money (taxes) and making more cuts (savings). These make it deficit reducing. And, for those of you who still buy into the “more years of taxes than benefits”, it’s WAY more deficit reducing in the second decade, when there are 10 years of taxes and 10 years of benefits.
It’s also going to help trim Medicare (which fiscal conservatives would love in a rational world), close the donut hole (which seniors would love in a rational world), and cover 32 million more people (which liberals would love in a rational world).
Legislation is about compromise. This isn’t the bill I would write if I were king of the world. But that’s not the way the world works. This is better than what we’ve got.


Strength through joy
Funny how all these Republicans are kicking and screaming over this reform which is virtrually modeled after Romney-care. We all know Romney is a flip-flopper, now we can call the new GQ poster boy Scott Brown a flip-flopper also....

Anyway, it is an expensive bill, but it also has larger offsets. That means it’s bringing in more money (taxes) and making more cuts (savings). These make it deficit reducing. And, for those of you who still buy into the “more years of taxes than benefits”, it’s WAY more deficit reducing in the second decade, when there are 10 years of taxes and 10 years of benefits.
It’s also going to help trim Medicare (which fiscal conservatives would love in a rational world), close the donut hole (which seniors would love in a rational world), and cover 32 million more people (which liberals would love in a rational world).
Legislation is about compromise. This isn’t the bill I would write if I were king of the world. But that’s not the way the world works. This is better than what we’ve got.

So you honestly think that they are going to place all these new tax money into a lockbox to secure future payments ?
you are a fool.
they will be spending this new cash faster than humanly possible, thus making another program that will have a trillion dollar liability quickly.
Just like social security, freddie mac. fannie mac, medicade, medicare.
where in this bill is the requirement that bho said he was going to do, stop the waste & fraud in medicare ?
I suggest you see that video of the con job going on right now in FL, people setting up fake offices & billing Medicare for big bucks, because once a bill is submitted Medicare must by law pay it in 30 days.
Why couldn't congress see about fixing these current programs first ?


golden ticket member
I still say, if there was fraud in any system, why wasn't it fixed when the "Messiah" got elected......look at all the money we could've had in the coffers by now.


Well-Known Member
My wife and myself grossed around $91,000 this year and paid around $19,000 in taxes.On top of that we have a 13% sales tax on most purchases.How does this compare to USA taxes considering our healthcare is included?


It would seem on the one hand right now that the US "might" be better tax wise than Canada but I'm not one to automatically think that. In the US, the tax burden can vary from locale to locale as local officals tax in different ways but the one thing that rarely gets included in the US because both parties do it equally well is factor in inflation and public debt burden. When you take into account the actions of State Capitalism using the public trough for both corp. and public welfare means (yeah big business is behind public welfare so don't kid yourselves) and this debt load being passed onto the taxpayer even in future payments or the debt monetized as reflected in inflation of the value of our currency, I believe that the US may indeed be worse off than Canada when it comes to true gov't economic burden. If anything, Canada may be a bit more honest in keeping their true burden up front with direct taxation so at least you can see it coming. Canada is also in better shape because they didn't use debt load to finance now and shift the burden of payments to future taxpayers like the US has or at least not to the same scale. That's how I see it anyway and a credit to you guys for not doing it.

Canada also has another advantage over America not often considered and yet I believe it is a major factor. Kirkpatrick Sale who is a left/liberal leader in the US Sucession movement did a study of nationstates and regardless of left/right/middle, he looked at what worked and what were the common factors with a view of individual freedom and economic stability and burden on the citizen. He found that not only now but historically, size does matter and size towards a smaller nationstate model. Not geographic territory but numbers of citizens was the key factor. Now Canada although smaller in population than the US does pretty good in overall scheme, there are even smaller countries population wise that does even better than Canada. IMHO, regardless of one's political POV, I think it's a must read and worth the few minutes to do so.

As for Obamacare, Diesel's point about Romneycare is dead on the money and I'll go one step further. Had the republicans won the day in 2006' and again in 2008' we'd still have today almost the same healthcare bill that Obama will sign later today except the roles of the parties would have been reversed. The only reason Repubs. are objecting is that the other party gets the credit. Clinton also wanted a privatized option with Social Security but repubs. drugout Monica to shame the democrats and setup a republican white house in 2000' and then they came out with SS privatization and like clockwork, democrats who followed Clinton on this now rose to oppose because it was a republican.
This also IMO shows to the heart of how truly phony the 2 parties really are. Truth is, SS privatization was to retirement what Obama/Romneycare will be to the health industry. A STATIST BOOM!

Like Diesel, I don't think anyone here wants a bad healthcare system nor do they want to see anyone just allowed to die in the streets. But Diesel like many good people (a majority in truth) think that the State can act as an unbias middleman to control some people who want to go beyond moral and ethical norms in chasing the almighty dollar. It is easier for us to just throw our hands up, extoll "I can't do this and listen to Bobby Darren and drink Starbucks too" so we tell some central figure we've chosen to pick out a group of "experts" and just take care of this for us. "That's why we vote for you so handle it!" Hey, I like flaking out on the couch and getting a good nap during the ballgame too! :happy-very:

I think it was Baba who posted that one problem is that health insurance in many cases is provided by the employer and this method itself has caused an embalance in the true marketplace and BaBA is dead on the money with that. Do employers also provide auto, home, life (OK, they do a little of that but it's VERY little) but my point is, these other means of insurance require you (us) to go out and shop for the best and specific policy to suit our needs and no it's not a perfect system either but the more open competition helps force costs down. It's not a single solution to fix the entire problem but it would be a start IMO. (BaBa, if it wasn't you that said that, sorry and sorry to the person I failed to give credit too as it was a very good point.)

But while we sleep listening to Darren (what they want us to do and that crashing sound you heard was pickup scrambling awake and knocking the keyboard to the floor as "we sleep" are his buzz words:wink2:) they are in the corridors of power right in the middle of the very agencies we trust to protect us using them to make even more money and to further consolidate their power and marketplace from any true competition. And then we believe them at the turn of every new adminstration when they tells us they are gonna fix this or that and it will be an American Utopia and we fall for that trick everytime. If we actually got off the couch and did just the smallest research we might find what we thought were our friends and protectors are in fact our true enemy. Case in point?

The Pharmaceutucal Industry Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale

Healthcare Profiteers: A Billion Dollar Lobby

Compulsary Private Health Insurance: Just Another Bailout for the Financial Sector

That's a very small and I mean very small tip of the iceberg and both politcal parties have been running the same con job on us. There is never a perfect, flawless system and to expect one no matter which direction one goes is moronic but to also think the system we have right now prior to President Obama's signature is somehow perfect is equally moronic. I believe whether it's the before or after system, it is not sustainable over time and the new system will fail in time and require more massive change to keep the sustainability (not for us) for the big players and corporations to keep milking the public to feed their monopoly/cartel system until it's own weight crashes it all to the floor. I guess by then the international trade agreements, enforced and embedded by the blood of our soldiers will have created new and growing markets in places like China, India and the like and these same Corporations who have used gov't to bleed us dry can then just uproot and move lock, stock and barrel to the new countries to keep their feeding processes going on a new stock of chattel property (China/India has more bodies for an even bigger Corp. Global Army) thanks again all to the power of the State. And you thought Capitalism and Socialism are polar opposities. Really? Explain then how so many rich people are as some of you call them socialist and communist? Pelosi and Feinstein are by no means dirt poor but once you've gamed the "capitialist" system to make yours, gov't and socialism if you will sure makes it a good means to protect and even grow bigger what you've got! If we just had true and total transparency as promised and bothsides promise this in one way or another, the current mafia just made a bigger issue of it, we'd begin to see all of this and we'd see the real causes and effects and thus we could develop a much better system that in truth would probably incorporate ideas from all fronts and most likely everyone would have some skin in the game. Anyone opposed to doing that?

When America is finally left in ruin and what few resources we've not used up in chasing the empire and power for them that is left, we will fight over among ourselves until a balance is found and like the empires of old, we will take our place as dead has beens, a burned out star in the night sky. And all because like Kirkpatrick Sales points out and like some of our founding fathers understood, we forgot, smaller is better. Even think about the more we consolidate power to a central authority the worse everything gets?

BTW: Start thinking now about what you might do ahead in case the worse does start to happen. Always pray and hope for the best but don't discount the worse. And rearranging the deckchairs in November won't fix it either. Work local, think local, act local!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature,

It is now official you are ALL corrupt morons:

* The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.
* Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.
* Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.
* War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more.
* Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.
* Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.
* The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars
