President Obama!


Nine Lives
Not that it would pay the whole bill, but a good portion of it.

I guess 20% is a good portion.

BTW - reducing Defence spending is fine with me.
We need to reduce US spending on military until the percent of our GNP matches the next highest country's percent of GNP.


Well-Known Member
If you pulled $100 billion dollars out of defense for the next 20 years, Obamacare would be easily affordable.


Fine . I would agree. ONLY if Obamacare covers Chinese and Russian Language courses !!! Period.
How do you say --"If you like your plan or your Doctor---You can keep them. PERIOD !!" --IN Chinese OR Russian ??.


Staff member

Fine . I would agree. ONLY if Obamacare covers Chinese and Russian Language courses !!! Period.
How do you say --"If you like your plan or your Doctor---You can keep them. PERIOD !!" --IN Chinese OR Russian ??.

You don't. You speak in English, German, French, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, and Hebrew that other nations are going to have to contribute more to their own defense.


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton --Mr Integrity himself ---has come out today --and clearly Stated --Obama must keep his word to Americans on being able to keep THEIR plans and doctors !!!
If that were to happen ---Obamacare will collapse on itself ---this was planned to happen ---push people off their plans --sing up for higher priced Obamacare plans to pay for the free Medicaid expansion !!

Bill is laying the Groundwork for Hillary to throw Obama under the bus --She will claim -that if we elect her ---Hillarycare will be much better:happy-very:


Staff member
Bill Clinton --Mr Integrity himself ---has come out today --and clearly Stated --Obama must keep his word to Americans on being able to keep THEIR plans and doctors !!!
If that were to happen ---Obamacare will collapse on itself ---this was planned to happen ---push people off their plans --sing up for higher priced Obamacare plans to pay for the free Medicaid expansion !!

Bill is laying the Groundwork for Hillary to throw Obama under the bus --She will claim -that if we elect her ---Hillarycare will be much better:happy-very:
Did you notice in that speech that he also blamed Bush?
Maybe not, but he came close with that Medicare comparison!


Staff member
And then you call in the military industrial complex and explain that much of their cool and incredibly expensive gadgetry isn't needed and explain to them exactly what is needed and exactly what the budget is. Then you let the free market excel in bringing that product forth paying not one cent more than what is agreed upon.


Well-Known Member

We throw your off your PRIVATE policy --to force you on a GOVERNMENT mandate policy ---covering Maternity, childcare-children till 26, contraception , abortion etc etc --whether you need these or not.

You will pay more but with all those great mandates --you are getting more ---share the COST --you have no choice --The Government --knows much better --what you "need" and what you will pay for it !! PERIOD !!:happy-very:

Thank you --all the low information voters --great job !!:sick:


Nine Lives
wouldn't it be closer to 40%?

You are still using the old numbers.
Even the people ​(outside the Obama administration and Democratic congress) who defined and put the ACA program together are now admitting the cost for ACA will most likely double. That is why I say 20% and you say 40%.
Note: These people have been on MSNBC, not FOX or other right wing programs.

And, that does not include the revised costs to individuals and businesses.

BTW - I met with my financial advisor yesterday and I am making a larger investment in Healthcare funds and reducing municipal bonds.
His remark towards pharmaceuticals and Healthcare is they are so big and strong, they could print their own money.
I have owned munis for years and only bought munis in states that required a balanced budget but analysts see increased pressure on state and local governments due to the ACA and government debt.
I also increased investments in funds that increase in value as inflation increases.


Well-Known Member
Exactly on Target.

How clear is it to all ---Now --Why the "employer" MANDATE was postponed by Obama ---MILLIONS and Millions of small and mid size Companies will pay the "fine" and send all their employees to Obamacare.

They will even pay their employees less --so that they will qualify for the Obama "freebies":sick:


Staff member
I think your numbers are skewed. When it was first discussed, they spoke of $1 trillion over 10 years. That's $100 billion per year. I too have heard the "double" talk, but that would be $200 billion per year. So really, my 40% number is giving you more than the benefit of the doubt.


Nine Lives
Nowhere in any accepted standard dictionary is that the definition of "socialism".

But it is indeed a socialist policy.

I understand why Obama apologist try to hang onto the early 19th century definition of Socialism since it is a political hot potato.
However, European countries whose programs Obama and the Democrats model their proposed programs after, call themselves Socialists and their governments are classified as Socialist Democracies.

As a reminder, I classified GW Bush as a Socialist which he was and certainly Obama as a Socialist which he most certainly is. Of course, I am using the modern definition of a Socialist as defined in Europe over the last 75 years. I classify neither as Marxist which is the archaic equivalent of a 19th century Socialist.


Nine Lives
If you pulled $100 billion dollars out of defense for the next 20 years, Obamacare would be easily affordable.

I think your numbers are skewed. When it was first discussed, they spoke of $1 trillion over 10 years. That's $100 billion per year. I too have heard the "double" talk, but that would be $200 billion per year. So really, my 40% number is giving you more than the benefit of the doubt.

So what you meant was $100 Billion per year for the next 20 years.

​In that case, your numbers should work.