President Obama!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Keep on dreaming, he will have most of all the black votes, the votes of the unemployed (9 %), votes from some republican voters, that now have health insurance, that didn't have before.
Besides , his popularity, (approval rating), percentage is still hoovering around the 50% mark.

Are you hittin the sauce again...


golden ticket member
Ok, I was thinking again after hearing a good point on TV. So if we are taxed right away on this heathcare bill..... and the really big expensive stuff doesn't start for a few years, is that money put in some kind of lock box to be used to pay for healthcare? Can you really trust Odrama, Weed and Lagosi not to spend that $$$ elsewhere ??:surprised:


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Are you hittin the sauce again...

You know, I just discovered why my debit card wouldn't work at Merchants in the USA. It worked in Iceland, Germany, but not good ol'e USA.
What is it about America, that they need to be years and years behind in time ?

My debit problem : You don't have chip technoligy, yet ! :
Will Canadians be able to use chip cards outside of the country?
Yes. Many countries, particularly in Europe, have already successfully adopted chip technology and Canadian chip cards will be fully compatible with these systems.

In countries that have yet to switch to chip technology, such as the United States, cardholders will still be able to use their cards because they’ll continue to have a magnetic stripe, ATM use only.

Then there is your healthcare... way behind all other industrial countries.
Your money, easy to counterfeit. Since a decade or so finally changed a bit... but , again way later then any other country.
All industrialized and European Nations use metric or converted to metric. Good ol'e USA has to stay old.

Then you have the guts to blame Obama for job losses ?
No, he wanted change. And he made a historical one.
1st step in the right direction to compete globally, and hopefully he has more fresh ideas, that America doesn't become to outdated, like a little bigger Island on this earth.

There were many other things I noticed, that wern't up to our or Europes standards. The US trade deficit speaks for itself.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Keep on dreaming, he will have most of all the black votes, the votes of the unemployed (9 %), votes from some republican voters, that now have health insurance, that didn't have before.
Besides , his popularity, (approval rating), percentage is still hoovering around the 50% mark.

The poor and uneducated usually vote (D) What's your point?
Are you thinking by increasing the welfare state he will increase his base?
Keep giving hand outs but never give a hand up.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I was thinking again after hearing a good point on TV. So if we are taxed right away on this heathcare bill..... and the really big expensive stuff doesn't start for a few years, is that money put in some kind of lock box to be used to pay for healthcare? Can you really trust Odrama, Weed and Lagosi not to spend that $$$ elsewhere ??:surprised:

I'm sure it's in good hands. They will probably put in in the same lock box as ss.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

He probably didn't know he needs to have money on his debit card before he can use it.

No, just had to go to the store ATM, like at Walgreens once, and pay an additional $5.00 for the transaction to get cash !


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking how funny it was that you were not kicking and screaming over this "reform" especially after all the screaming you did about a loss of privacy when Bush was president with them listening to phone calls from terrorists. Now that you have lost all privacy to your medical decisions and records the only thing you have to say is that at least it's better than what we've got? Yet that was so unacceptable to you when people said that the government listening to phone calls of terrorists was better than another attack.

Anyhow I think the reason they are upset is that they may possibly believe in the Constitution including the ninth and tenth amendments. If a state requires you to purchase insurance that is one thing, but if the federal government requires such that would make it a completely different beast. Just another loss of our freedoms to the large and ever growing central government.

Yep, democrats said they were going to do this when the ran for office and the people voted for them anyway. Listening to a professor of constitutional law at Princeton University the other night. From what he said, the 10th amendment is usually the hardest argument to make in court because any federal law overrides state law. The health care reform bill now being federal law. Only twice in the last 55 years has the 10th amendment been used successfully. Also I suggest reading the commerce clause as well....

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

You know, I just discovered why my debit card wouldn't work at Merchants in the USA. It worked in Iceland, Germany, but not good ol'e USA.
What is it about America, that they need to be years and years behind in time ?
Could it be that you did not get your welfare ck deposited yet in your account or maybe the store heard about you and did not want your business.

My debit problem : You don't have chip technoligy, yet ! :
Will Canadians be able to use chip cards outside of the country?
Yes. Many countries, particularly in Europe, have already successfully adopted chip technology and Canadian chip cards will be fully compatible with these systems.[/COLO
Maybe because you have a soicialist debit card and it only works in those socialsit countries that you love so much. Or they found out that you love to bash America so they banned you.

In countries that have yet to switch to chip technology, such as the United States, cardholders will still be able to use their cards because they’ll continue to have a magnetic stripe, ATM use only.

Then there is your healthcare... way behind all other industrial countries.
And again you have no clue...America has the best healthcare...everyone else sucks, thats why so many people come here for the best healthcare.
Your money, easy to counterfeit. Since a decade or so finally changed a bit... but , again way later then any other country.
The resason its counterfited so much is because everyone loves the American dollar around the really need to get our more often or lay off the sauce.
All industrialized and European Nations use metric or converted to metric. Good ol'e USA has to stay old.
Im glad we did not change. Why should we change? We are leaders and others should follow. Maybe all the socialst nations are populated with sheep...just follow the heard even if its wrong. You do know that all aircraft and jet engies are SAE and not metric. You know i like being American.

Then you have the guts to blame Obama for job losses ?
It was tuff but someone has to have some guts. LMAO!!! Obama has more higher priorites than finding ways to stop jobs losses or creating jobs. The only jobs he created is goverment ones. You been drinking the Obama kool-aid with your sauce?
No, he wanted change. And he made a historical one.
He sure did...and we are on the road to socialism.
1st step in the right direction to compete globally, and hopefully he has more fresh ideas, that America doesn't become to outdated, like a little bigger Island on this earth.
You should invite him to dinner and maybe you could hump his leg since you love him so much. You would make a cute couple.
There were many other things I noticed, that wern't up to our or Europes standards. The US trade deficit speaks for itself.

"up to our European standards", wow you are really full of yourself arnt you. I did not know America had to be up to everyone elses standards.
You know Klein, i think your jealous of America because all you do is bash the good ole USA. I know you dont represent the decent hard working Canadians so i wont judge the rest of your countrymen based on the way you portray yourself.

I worked for a Canadian company name Standard Aero in Maryville, TN (headquartered in Winipeg) from 1998-2001 and they used to send new techs from Canada for us to train on engines. They would stay about a month and i would take them out for drinks, fishing, or have them over for burgers on days off. They told me they loved to come to the states because they got some type of tax break for that month they were there. They constantly complained about the high taxes and some complained about the long waits for health care and the hoops they had to jump thru to get an appointment. Many said if they could they would rather live and work in Maryville. I could see why after all the horror stories they told me so i did not complain to them about my country since i knew i had it better then them. I always looked forward when they would send more people to train because we always had a great time.

By the way...i will admiit that Canadian beer is better then American beer...but thats not saying much since all countries have better beer then us. :wink2:


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

"up to our European standards", wow you are really full of yourself arnt you. I did not know America had to be up to everyone elses standards.
You know Klein, i think your jealous of America because all you do is bash the good ole USA. I know you dont represent the decent hard working Canadians so i wont judge the rest of your countrymen based on the way you portray yourself.

I worked for a Canadian company name Standard Aero in Maryville, TN (headquartered in Winipeg) from 1998-2001 and they used to send new techs from Canada for us to train on engines. They would stay about a month and i would take them out for drinks, fishing, or have them over for burgers on days off. They told me they loved to come to the states because they got some type of tax break for that month they were there. They constantly complained about the high taxes and some complained about the long waits for health care and the hoops they had to jump thru to get an appointment. Many said if they could they would rather live and work in Maryville. I could see why after all the horror stories they told me so i did not complain to them about my country since i knew i had it better then them. I always looked forward when they would send more people to train because we always had a great time.

By the way...i will admiit that Canadian beer is better then American beer...but thats not saying much since all countries have better beer then us. :wink2:

I'll be honest with you, back in the 90's , I even applied for jobs in the US.
Not because of healthcare though. That subject never crossed my mind. Only, I knew, if a job wouldn't pay for it, then forget it.
We had much less healthcare problems (waiting times) back then. It's not until about year 2004, when things got a bit out of hand, as most western cities doubled in population within a 10 year time frame. Not only healthcare, but still infastructure problems that go along with such a growth.
The cities here are constantly under new construction (from roads, overpasses, houses, bld's etc).

But what attracted me was the value of your dollar back then. $1 US dollar was worth $1.50 Cdn. That would have been a 50% increase in wages. And yes, therefor a better standard of living.
And if they meant taxes on cigs and booze.. totally right ! Even paying $1.50 for a US buck, your cigs and booze were still much cheaper then ours.
Besides, I never did like the Canadian climate, atleast not where I live.

But, since then a whole decade has passed. Dollar is at par, Canada is doing well (wasn't in the 90's), we are still in a housing boom, ran budget and trade surpluses for over that decade, paid down debt (Alberta became debtfree within 7 years, even though it was forecasted to take 25 years).

And , to be honest. Thats why I critisize the US these days. You had it soo gooooood !!! And you blew it all away.
Canada seems to go with the flow, and with the times. Since I have been living here, again (since 1987), I have seen major changes.:
-Got rid of a manufacturing tax, replaced that with GST. (made exports cheaper)
-Free trade agreement with USA, subsequencly with other countries.
-Opened the markets more for foreign investments.
- probably changed our money 3 times by now , new change comming later next become the most secure banknote on earth (made out of really thin plastic... like the Aussie dollar).
- the current budget cuts government jobs... we been told to wait longer for government services, such as getting a passport... instead of 3 weeks, could take 4 weeks.
- One thing Canada does well, like wkmac mentioned, if we have a budget deficit 1 year, we try to fix and solve the problem the following year, not leave it up to grand and great grand children to pay. Americans , in the other hand, have been living off thier great , great, great and beyond grandchildren for too long. The US had no bufferzone whatsoever when this recession hit.
And that hurt, and will continue to hurt.

Lue, if you had those canadian co-workers e-mail addys, and asked them again. I bet they wouldn't want to trade now.
You know for yourself, the future of the USA is not predictable and unstable at this moment.
Which even scares me, being an investor, and a lot of my retirement depends on.

So, if I give you guys a hard time now and then, and just ask for some change in the right direction. Don't take that offensive, because I do want the US to succeed and overcome these harder times. :peaceful:

btw: not sure if every plane or jet line is SAE, I doubt it though, surely not the airbus, maybe not even the Bombadier.
I know Nasa is metric. So are hospitals, and medication. Even your coke is a 2 liter bottle ! Oh, and wine and likor bottles too. Otherwise you couldn't export them.
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Well-Known Member
Yep, democrats said they were going to do this when the ran for office and the people voted for them anyway. Listening to a professor of constitutional law at Princeton University the other night. From what he said, the 10th amendment is usually the hardest argument to make in court because any federal law overrides state law. The health care reform bill now being federal law. Only twice in the last 55 years has the 10th amendment been used successfully. Also I suggest reading the commerce clause as well....

I'm not following you. Are you saying that you are not kicking and screaming about your loss of privacy in this health care bill because dimocrats voted for him but you were kicking and screaming about the government listening to the phone calls from terrorists because the terrorists did not vote for our government?

Anyhow I know everyone is taking a position on the commerce clause now but I have a hard time seeing how health care even in a fantasy world could be interstate commerce. The states have to give you permission to dispense medicine, practice medicine, be a nurse, dietitian, give xrays, sell insurance and everything else that I can think of. I have not heard of a hospital built on a state line or even a doctor that travels across state lines to a patients home to provide medical care. What is actually happening is the government is creating a service(exchange) and will fine any member who does not use it. It is possible for people to not use health care so the argument that people will "drain the system" if they do not have insurance is also false. Time will tell but I think if the ant freedom crowd is counting on the interstate commerce clause for this entire law to stand they are being somewhat desperate.


Well-Known Member
Well, that $55 dollar insurance wouldn't have done me any good, when I was young and healthy.
Playing soccer up to 3 times per week (3 times got broken bones out of it).
Also seen docs for severe fever or colds.
And a few allergic reactions as well (had to take allergy tests, twice).

So, face it... Moreluck knows : $1400 a month to be good covered, for a couple.

Of course it would not do you any good. You have admitted that you need someone else to take care of you. You could not buy insurance with a 7500 dollar deductible because you would never be willing to provide for yourself. You could however buy any level of insurance you want here(depending on the laws of your state). There is no need for you to force everyone else to also purchase what you feel is a good bet for you. All you do when you purchase an insurance policy is make a wager. You bet that you will use more medical care than you pay in and the insurance is betting that you will use less than you are paying in. So in that case one should really only carry enough coverage to keep them from going busted. I hate to bet against myself which is one of many reasons that I am not a fan of insurance. I do however have a cancer policy since I have a strong family history that will me 250000 if I come down with cancer and I give them 12 dollars a month. I feel like over time that I will come out on this bet but I would never try and make the government force everyone else to purchase the same policy.


Für Meno :)
Of course it would not do you any good. You have admitted that you need someone else to take care of you. You could not buy insurance with a 7500 dollar deductible because you would never be willing to provide for yourself. You could however buy any level of insurance you want here(depending on the laws of your state). There is no need for you to force everyone else to also purchase what you feel is a good bet for you. All you do when you purchase an insurance policy is make a wager. You bet that you will use more medical care than you pay in and the insurance is betting that you will use less than you are paying in. So in that case one should really only carry enough coverage to keep them from going busted. I hate to bet against myself which is one of many reasons that I am not a fan of insurance. I do however have a cancer policy since I have a strong family history that will me 250000 if I come down with cancer and I give them 12 dollars a month. I feel like over time that I will come out on this bet but I would never try and make the government force everyone else to purchase the same policy.

I used to respect your postings.. but after the last few ones, I found out.. you have no clue.
And, yes, if I was American, and only needed to pay $55 a month for a $7500 deductable, I would sign up in a minute.
After just 10 months... I would be banking the money !
Basically, anything hospital related would be covered (since $7500 is nothing being hospitalized).
And for those odd, every 3 years a visit to doc (or even less, if I had to pay)... that $100 would be well spent.

As far as your $12 cancer insurance, guess you like throwing money out the window. UPS covers you, anyways.
Sounds to me, you wanna make a winfall in the future.
I would put my $12 eslewhere to make a winfall, even if it's betting it on a lottery , which would be spent wiser.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

btw: not sure if every plane or jet line is SAE, I doubt it though, surely not the airbus, maybe not even the Bombadier.

Hey Klein are you "likored" up right now??? Your not sure but you doubt it??? So what do you do for a living??? Can you guess what ive done for a living for the last 22years??? You do know UPS has A300s right? I bet you think RollsRoyce jet engines are metric right? Every time you post you lose more credibility.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Hey Klein are you "likored" up right now??? Your not sure but you doubt it??? So what do you do for a living??? Can you guess what ive done for a living for the last 22years??? You do know UPS has A300s right? I bet you think RollsRoyce jet engines are metric right? Every time you post you lose more credibility.

Who gives a sh.t. Told you I wasn't sure. But, I do know, if you own an import car, like a japs or german.. you better have some metric tools to work on them, if you need to.
Or if you wanna work at Nasa, they'll supply you with a metric tool box. Otherwise the international Space Station would have never been built !
And they haven't built extra olympic venues for americans, yet either.
You need to swim in 50 meter olympic size pools, run 100 meter dashes, and highjump by meters and center manager.

And btw: just googled airbus and metric. You should have been upstraight and say you need both, depending upon which work you perform.
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Well-Known Member
The thing is wkmac, just like in the US, every province has thier own provincial income taxes and sales taxes.
I must admit, DS does live in the largest populated province in Canada, but have recently been getting into higher and higher debt.
Unlike Alberta, that is still debtfree, we don't pay the taxes DS does.
Only 5% GST here, which excludes tax from from most groceries. Junkfood , like coke or chips are taxed at 5%. Or resturant food, (as it is a service).

My income was only $33.000 , being 2 months totally without pay, and ofcourse the low pay from employment insurance.
I paid $3600 in taxes, but received a refund of $1700. They will also issue me 4 quartely GST rebate (refund) checks of $94.50 each, totalling : $378.00. (my low income excludes me from paying GST tax).
So, in the end, I paid just over $1500 on an income of $33 K.
They do help the low income citizens, and tax the richer more.
Keep in mind though, provincial income taxes and sales taxes are lower here, then any other province in Canada.

To your opinion, bigger is better :
Well, to be honest, with the small population we have, it's not easy to have the 2nd largest country in the world.
We have more miles of roads, then any other country on earth. They need to be built and maintained.
Also, most likey the most forest fires, that need to be fought.
Inuits living up north, that we need to supply housing, roads, welfare, schools, and food to, including healthcare. Some of these people need to be flown into the the south (of Canada) for emergency treatment.
And miles and miles of snow removal each year. The average Canadian city spends over $1 Mill a year alone. Add to that the miilions of miles of highways.
And when the ice and cold defrosts in Spring, potholes pop up everywhere, that need to be filled and fixed.
Basically, in a nutshell, a very large place to housekeep.

Smaller countries with a huge population, should do far better. Like West Germany once did. Or Switzerland still does.

I guess everyone does complain about high taxes. In every country. But considering a private healthinsurance would cost anywhere from $700 to $1200 a month (from net pay), like it does in the US for those that aren't covered by employment, we really couldn't afford it.
Thats another mortgage or rent payment per month !

So, by all means, DS is better off, paying higher taxes, which are by no means, the highest in the world... actually, maybe just a few percentages higher then those of the US.
Forsure, we have the better deal.


If you read Kirkpatrick Sale's observations, his finding showed the major factor was size of population not geographic size. Sure it's cheaper to provide something down the street or across town verses 100 miles away but then that gets to my point of thinking and acting local. In the case of the Inuits you spoke of requiring extra cost to have stuff shipped up, did you ever consider the problem is that gov't wanted these people to live like folks from somewhere else where resources for such life are plentiful yet unavailable where the Inuits live? Maybe this explained why their own native customs and folkways seemed so different to us yet worked very well for them in that environment. Take their ways and customs and mandate them as a matter of law and how available are resources in our locale to live that lifestyle without extra work to do so?

Why do we always assume everyone else must always live like us? Sometimes they are using the best allocation of resources and sustainability and we think they lack understanding of good fiscal economics. Seems to me we continuely prove we are the ones that lack the understanding.


Für Meno :)

If you read Kirkpatrick Sale's observations, his finding showed the major factor was size of population not geographic size. Sure it's cheaper to provide something down the street or across town verses 100 miles away but then that gets to my point of thinking and acting local. In the case of the Inuits you spoke of requiring extra cost to have stuff shipped up, did you ever consider the problem is that gov't wanted these people to live like folks from somewhere else where resources for such life are plentiful yet unavailable where the Inuits live? Maybe this explained why their own native customs and folkways seemed so different to us yet worked very well for them in that environment. Take their ways and customs and mandate them as a matter of law and how available are resources in our locale to live that lifestyle without extra work to do so?

Why do we always assume everyone else must always live like us? Sometimes they are using the best allocation of resources and sustainability and we think they lack understanding of good fiscal economics. Seems to me we continuely prove we are the ones that lack the understanding.

Well, treatys were signed hundred(s) of years ago. We invaded thier land. The became our citizens.
The US has treatys with the native Indains as well.

Just think of it, of invading some poor african country, then getting rich off thier resources, and letting the tribes starve to death.
Yes, we have artifically kept them from starving or dying of young age. Or even dying out.
We have stolen thier fish, and other food sources they had... like we did with the indians and bison.

I agree, major mistakes were made in the past. But, there is no return now, to the olden traditional ways.
Besides , the UN would never forgive a country, that lets it's citizens starve to death after we stoled most of thier natural food supply.
I see enough "help for Africa" infomercials on TV. What reputation would Canada get, if "help for the Canadian North" was on TV and asking for donations ?

Local food supplies are available almost everywhere on this planet. Only problem is, they are mostly seasonal. Which means you need to conserve them. Which in return can cause diseases, outbreaks, death, etc. Providing the hunt was good during the season, and you had enough to conserve at all.

Anyways, we live in a sociality now, where every citizen should be provided the rights to the basic requirements to live on.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Who gives a sh.t. Told you I wasn't sure. But, I do know, if you own an import car, like a japs or german.. you better have some metric tools to work on them, if you need to.
Or if you wanna work at Nasa, they'll supply you with a metric tool box. Otherwise the international Space Station would have never been built !
And they haven't built extra olympic venues for americans, yet either.
You need to swim in 50 meter olympic size pools, run 100 meter dashes, and highjump by meters and center manager.

And btw: just googled airbus and metric. You should have been upstraight and say you need both, depending upon which work you perform.

Keep hittin the crack pipe and drinkin the "Likor" Klein...scarebus is SAE...never used a crappy metric tool on an aircraft or jet engine EVER. But you keep thinkin if it makes you feel better. LMAO!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I used to respect your postings.. but after the last few ones, I found out.. you have no clue.
And, yes, if I was American, and only needed to pay $55 a month for a $7500 deductable, I would sign up in a minute.
After just 10 months... I would be banking the money !
Basically, anything hospital related would be covered (since $7500 is nothing being hospitalized).
And for those odd, every 3 years a visit to doc (or even less, if I had to pay)... that $100 would be well spent.

As far as your $12 cancer insurance, guess you like throwing money out the window. UPS covers you, anyways.
Sounds to me, you wanna make a winfall in the future.
I would put my $12 elsewhere to make a winfall, even if it's betting it on a lottery , which would be spent wiser.

1) Thanks I guess but I am not seeking respect. I am looking to test my ideas, theories, and observations against those with different opinions and experiences. Since you stated you are a socialist and you support socialist ideas you fit the different opinion part very well. I hate to see you stop challenging my ideas.
2) OK But not relevant and also I may add an opinion shared by many on here
3) One thing does not apply to another. The insurance they trade me for my work at UPS will pay most of the medical bills. The short term disability insurance from the union hall will replace some of my income. Who will replace the income from my business and the rest of my lost income from UPS?

4) Odds of getting cancer in your lifetime according to wiki 1:3. Odds of winning the lottery in the closest state that I can buy tickets 1:195,246054. That's not really worth debate.

The way I look at it is any insurance is a bad bet for the average person. So if something pushes you outside the norm it can become a better or worse bet to place. Cancer is not understood very well but they think that some things increase your risk. Family history and environmental exposure are two of those things. My family history is the death of a grandmother and aunt from cancer, my mother has had it three times and a aunt and grandfather had it one time each. Exposure to diesel is thought to also increase your risk of cancer and for work I drive a diesel truck everyday. I also lived in a third world country with about 100 men under the age of thirty for a year. The exact number changed as some came and went throughout the year. All were in good health upon arrival. One came down with cancer(leukemia), one died of cancer later(brain), and two others came down with cancer later(type unknown to me). I am making the guess that something environmental increased our risks. That is how I made my decision that I am at a greater risk to have cancer than the average person. If it does happen I will be able to cover debts, buy medicine, and cover medical expenses all with out having to rely on the government to take care of me.