President Obama!


Für Meno :)
Wrong again. Not only does every citizen have access to health care in our country every person in the world has access. You are a liberal socialist I get it. The more you post it does not make me believe it any extra.

ok, next time I'm in Florida, and I'll see a Doctor.... they won't charge me, eh ?
Oh go to a hospital, won't be charged either.
Go to Walgreens or CVS, get my cdn perscriptions filled for free !
Thanks America !


Well-Known Member
ok, next time I'm in Florida, and I'll see a Doctor.... they won't charge me, eh ?
Oh go to a hospital, won't be charged either.
Go to Walgreens or CVS, get my cdn perscriptions filled for free !
Thanks America !
You will have access for a cost just like you have access in Canada for a cost.


golden ticket member
Pelosi & pack were in such a hurry to get this bill they are finding glitches in it.
Yesterday the president said that right away (now), kids could be covered 'til their 26....or maybe it was the kid's coverage dealing with pre-existing it seems it won't happen 'til 2014. If someone would've read the damn thing, maybe there wouldn't be glitches.

So, do they fix it? That would be a 'change' and have to be re-voted on again in the house.. It's a mess.:sad-little:


Well-Known Member
Yup, I believe the public option is comming in the future, esspecially for the poor. To save costs.
And btw, since Friday, all markets in the US have been in a sort of a rally, and it even boosted the US dollar.
The cdn dollar was trading 2 cents higher just early last week, the Euro also took a hit against the greenback.
So, that means the International World Market, likes the new move, along with Wall Street and Investors around the world.

The US market has been in a rally of sorts for approximately two weeks now that really has nothing to do with the health care bill so much as the creation of cleverly disguised stimulus bills including this one.

With that said a mad scramble of sorts is now on to determine what is buried in the 2500 pages of
new language. One indicator would be as previously mentioned that the insurance markets and others related to the medical field have been on a tear as new spending is identified by those who invest for a living.

while others here make arguments for the people or for the corporations the sad reality may be that health care reform is not really taking place. As you indirectly allude another stimulus bill just passed that will pump more government money into the world economy without really fixing a thing.

Obama iand the liberals are on an unprecedented spending spree. The hangover for this party will come after Obama is finally ousted from office. Some poor schumuck trying to do the right thing will reign in the exhorbent spending and crash the economy again.

Who will the schmuck be that will perform this honorable deed at the risk of his own and his political party? Ahh the raven doth cry nevermore, nevermore. In fact no one with the courage to take this bullet may in fact exist. Thus doth a greater crash ever loom on the horizon. Save your gold coins folks hard times are a coming when the bill for this party rolls in.


Well-Known Member
Fixed it for ya.
Nope, I'm what you call a progressive conservative. And thats the name of the party I vote for.
Meaning being conservative in spending, and keeping a balanced budget or surpluses, before handing out any freebies.
But, also be progressive, which means go with the times, make changes as needed. Formost, to keep the economy rolling, compete globally, use new modern technical measures to reduce costs, and so on.
Non per profit healthcare, I would never switch over to per profit.

But for Republicans, every industrialized country on earth is Socialist.
Even though the major ones, like Germany, Canada, UK (labor party), Austrailia, and many more across the world have conservative governments in power currently.
The US, has a liberal one.

But, because we are more modern, changed old bad habits.... no matter which party is in control here or in Europe.... they'll always be Socialist ones, right ?

this canadian is spending a lot of time here selling socialism. Is he being paid by someone to post here?


Staff member

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

LMAO!!!! On another note...Bill O'reilly was interviewing Congressman Weiner (he he) and Bill asked him about the IRS imposing a fine if you dont get insurance. He would not answer the question and said its not a crime but you do pay a fine. LMAO!!!! So if you get caught speeding its not a crime but you do pay a fine. Jeesh!!! All politicians and lawyers dont fall far from the same tree.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I saw that Weiner interview too. That dork never answered the question and Bill asked him the same question 5 or 6 times. It was ridiculous. So evasive.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

I saw that Weiner interview too. That dork never answered the question and Bill asked him the same question 5 or 6 times. It was ridiculous. So evasive.

I Watched the interview again and noticed that Weiner stoped looking at the camera at one point and turned his head away. Bill had to call him back. I think the congressman was having alittle tantrum.


Well-Known Member
So, conservatives consider socialism OK in some situations, but not in others, what, for them, distinguishes “good” socialism from “bad” socialism? IMO conservatives (especially wealthy ones) don’t mind having everyone share the cost of things such as military, police, fire, transportation, utilities, judges, etc., And what better way is there to protect those assets against loss (fire, theft, fraud, etc.) than by making everyone share the cost. Of course, not all are wealthy and powerful, but I’m talking here about conservatives who unquestioningly accept socialism in some contexts, while blindly rejecting it in others. I suspect these people realize (consciously or subconsciously) that, for them personally, socialized cops are good but socialized doctors are not. They’re content to let their neighbors help pay for the police that protect their mansion, but why should they help pay for their neighbor’s broken leg?

Av8...You said everyone has access to Healthcare in the US....Technically true but there's a steep price tag associated with it all, and you've only scratched the surface..

Let me explain what happens when you use your local Emergency Room as your Primary Care Provider besides creating long waiting periods. It doesn’t work because you rarely get the same Doctor twice and they don’t follow up and perform the same duties as a Primary Care Provider. Every Emergency Room in the nation will tell you not to use them as a Primary Care Provider, they are for emergencies only and are not designed or arranged to be a Primary Care Provider. That is why they are called an “Emergency Room”. When you go to your local E.R., you spend hours waiting and they typically want to hospitalize and refer you on to Primary Care Providers and Specialists after they provide assessment and the emergency care needed to ensure that you will survive whatever crisis that is supposed to bring you to their doors. You then have to find a way to pay for that care that you receive in the E.R. and any tests that were performed. If you need a prescription filled or medical equipment such as oxygen, crutches or a wheelchair then you have to find a way to pay for medications and whatever medical supplies/equipment that you may need.
When you receive the bills from the hospital, and E.R. bills are always more expensive than standard Doctor Bills, then you can count on having your credit negatively affected if you don’t have the money to pay those bills. You can also count on being harassed, intimidated, and threatened by collection agencies, and in some states wages can be garnished and charges can be filed for nonpayment of medical debt. Prescriptions and medical aids are a whole other story as most people that are uninsured also can’t afford to purchase prescriptions or medical aids Emergency Rooms, hospitals, Doctors, tests, lab work, prescriptions, and medical supplies have to be paid for in order to obtain those services. Public hospitals are not permitted to turn away patients but they still have to be paid and will do everything in their power to obtain payment. And forget about private hospitals, they just deny patients if they can’t pay....


Well-Known Member
White House site

For those of you on the fence and don't know who to believe.....forget about all the fear mongering hype from the Right, the juvenile labels, the lies, the stupid death panels, the CBO is a hoax...can't you'all see thru this bogus fake rheteric, Republicans will stop at nothing, even at the expense of hurting their own country and citizens to unseat the Democrats.

The Washington Post has put up another of those calculators to tell you how health care reform will affect you.
For most of you, it will say what it said for me, that “there will be no change to your insurance coverage” and “you will not pay any additional taxes”.
This kind of thing gets some of my friends angry. Evidently they think that even though they will pay no new taxes, they should be getting something. Others are (lucky enough to make enough to be) paying new taxes and upset they are getting nothing.
Well, the calculator isn’t telling the whole truth. In exchange for those taxes, you’re getting insurance on your insurance. If you’re unlucky enough to get laid off, you will be assured that you will be able to find a comparable policy at a comparable


Well-Known Member
So, conservatives consider socialism OK in some situations, but not in others, what, for them, distinguishes “good” socialism from “bad” socialism? IMO conservatives (especially wealthy ones) don’t mind having everyone share the cost of things such as military, police, fire, transportation, utilities, judges, etc.,

Come on, even you can tell the difference between military, police, and fire compared to lets say garbage, phone, or gas. You need the major three to run a safe city, state, or country. Who would in fact pay for those three anyway? You call the fire dept because your neighbors house is burning. Would the fire chief come up to you and ask "will this be cash or credit?" And since you called, would you have to pay the bill or would the homeowner? After all you are the who called.

And what better way is there to protect those assets against loss (fire, theft, fraud, etc.) than by making everyone share the cost.

The biggest fraud is socialized medicare, medicaid

Of course, not all are wealthy and powerful, but I’m talking here about conservatives who unquestioningly accept socialism in some contexts, while blindly rejecting it in others. I suspect these people realize (consciously or subconsciously) that, for them personally, socialized cops are good but socialized doctors are not. They’re content to let their neighbors help pay for the police that protect their mansion, but why should they help pay for their neighbor’s broken leg?

Not every citizen pays RE taxes, or state taxes therefore don't pay for their police services.

Av8...You said everyone has access to Healthcare in the US....Technically true but there's a steep price tag associated with it all, and you've only scratched the surface..

Let me explain what happens when you use your local Emergency Room as your Primary Care Provider besides creating long waiting periods. It doesn’t work because you rarely get the same Doctor twice and they don’t follow up and perform the same duties as a Primary Care Provider. Every Emergency Room in the nation will tell you not to use them as a Primary Care Provider, they are for emergencies only and are not designed or arranged to be a Primary Care Provider. That is why they are called an “Emergency Room”. When you go to your local E.R., you spend hours waiting and they typically want to hospitalize and refer you on to Primary Care Providers and Specialists after they provide assessment and the emergency care needed to ensure that you will survive whatever crisis that is supposed to bring you to their doors. You then have to find a way to pay for that care that you receive in the E.R. and any tests that were performed. If you need a prescription filled or medical equipment such as oxygen, crutches or a wheelchair then you have to find a way to pay for medications and whatever medical supplies/equipment that you may need.
When you receive the bills from the hospital, and E.R. bills are always more expensive than standard Doctor Bills, then you can count on having your credit negatively affected if you don’t have the money to pay those bills. You can also count on being harassed, intimidated, and threatened by collection agencies, and in some states wages can be garnished and charges can be filed for nonpayment of medical debt.

This also happens if you have insurance and you don't pay your bills. In fact many people go bankrupt because of medical bills even though they have insurance.

Prescriptions and medical aids are a whole other story as most people that are uninsured also can’t afford to purchase prescriptions or medical aids Emergency Rooms, hospitals, Doctors, tests, lab work, prescriptions, and medical supplies have to be paid for in order to obtain those services. Public hospitals are not permitted to turn away patients but they still have to be paid and will do everything in their power to obtain payment. And forget about private hospitals, they just deny patients if they can’t pay....

Why didn't we just expand medicaid?


White House site

For those of you on the fence and don't know who to believe.....forget about all the fear mongering hype from the Right, the juvenile labels, the lies, the stupid death panels, the CBO is a hoax...can't you'all see thru this bogus fake rheteric, Republicans will stop at nothing, even at the expense of hurting their own country and citizens to unseat the Democrats.

The Washington Post has put up another of those calculators to tell you how health care reform will affect you.
For most of you, it will say what it said for me, that “there will be no change to your insurance coverage” and “you will not pay any additional taxes”.
This kind of thing gets some of my friends angry. Evidently they think that even though they will pay no new taxes, they should be getting something. Others are (lucky enough to make enough to be) paying new taxes and upset they are getting nothing.
Well, the calculator isn’t telling the whole truth. In exchange for those taxes, you’re getting insurance on your insurance. If you’re unlucky enough to get laid off, you will be assured that you will be able to find a comparable policy at a comparable

this bill is supposed to help the poor people

yet the poor people need to buy their insurance or they get fined?

this bill is supposed to hurt the insurance companies

yet insurance stocks are doing very well on the market.

what am I missing?