President Obama!


golden ticket member
This is my thought on cancer......totally just my opinion.

Cancer cells live in everybody's body. We don't really know what sets them off & growing. I think the cells feed on sugar and smoking drives them too.

Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level.

Milk makes mucous and cancer cells feed on mucous.

Meat makes acid and cancer cells like an acidic environment.....lean to fish, and a little chicken and veggies. Change diet and include supplements.

As far as ins. policies for coverages for year cost my ins, over $130,000.00. It was straight forward, surgery & chemo, nothing too complicated......just an expensive illness.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Did I hear correctly??? Barney Frank & Chris Dodd are meeting with Brack behind closed doors about finances ???? Frank is a big reason for the housing debacle we have now. Are they looking for more stuff for him to destroy? That's scary stuff!! :dissapointed:


I'm trying to follow this debate and of course Klein is once again trying to jack the thread off in different directions.

this bill was supposed to get thirty more million americans insured. Many are the young men who have few major issues and will end up being profit windfalls for the insurance companies. So while Obama and the democrats sold us a hate trip against insurance companies reality tells us that the democrats just helped these evil insurance companies increase their profits. Klein the great daytrader should have seen this in the market and known why. Guess he missed it.:happy2:

The poor are supposed to be helped by this bill. Instead they still can't afford to pay for it. Instead they will be fined for not buying health insurance. Oh thats right the get tax credits to offset the cost. Do the poor itemize their taxes?
what am I missing here?


Für Meno :)
1) Thanks I guess but I am not seeking respect. I am looking to test my ideas, theories, and observations against those with different opinions and experiences. Since you stated you are a socialist and you support socialist ideas you fit the different opinion part very well. I hate to see you stop challenging my ideas.
2) OK But not relevant and also I may add an opinion shared by many on here
3) One thing does not apply to another. The insurance they trade me for my work at UPS will pay most of the medical bills. The short term disability insurance from the union hall will replace some of my income. Who will replace the income from my business and the rest of my lost income from UPS?

4) Odds of getting cancer in your lifetime according to wiki 1:3. Odds of winning the lottery in the closest state that I can buy tickets 1:195,246054. That's not really worth debate.

The way I look at it is any insurance is a bad bet for the average person. So if something pushes you outside the norm it can become a better or worse bet to place. Cancer is not understood very well but they think that some things increase your risk. Family history and environmental exposure are two of those things. My family history is the death of a grandmother and aunt from cancer, my mother has had it three times and a aunt and grandfather had it one time each. Exposure to diesel is thought to also increase your risk of cancer and for work I drive a diesel truck everyday. I also lived in a third world country with about 100 men under the age of thirty for a year. The exact number changed as some came and went throughout the year. All were in good health upon arrival. One came down with cancer(leukemia), one died of cancer later(brain), and two others came down with cancer later(type unknown to me). I am making the guess that something environmental increased our risks. That is how I made my decision that I am at a greater risk to have cancer than the average person. If it does happen I will be able to cover debts, buy medicine, and cover medical expenses all with out having to rely on the government to take care of me.

AV8, don't think I ever admitted to being a Socialist, but yes, some social progams need to stay in place or even introduced.
Everyone is a bit of a socialist, even yourself.
Or would you want to scrap public education, scrap buliding and maintaining playgrounds, for kids and adults, (such as National Parks, Lakes, Mountains). Stop buliding highways and maintaining them. Get rid of police, FBI, and CIA and Military. Stop supporting all researches in any field, and stop funding Olympians and hosting international events.
The list goes on and on. From child care to medicare.

You call me a socialist because we have healthcare, which |I like. Got news for you, in less then 30 years time, the average american will think, how did they ever live without it !
Which according to you, (the new healthcare reform), suddenly made America Socialist overnight !
So, welcome all my new 300+ million new socialist ! ;)


Für Meno :)
I'm trying to follow this debate and of course Klein is once again trying to jack the thread off in different directions.

this bill was supposed to get thirty more million americans insured. Many are the young men who have few major issues and will end up being profit windfalls for the insurance companies.
And many of the insurance rejects will be profit takers !
So while Obama and the democrats sold us a hate trip against insurance companies reality tells us that the democrats just helped these evil insurance companies increase their profits. Klein the great daytrader should have seen this in the market and known why. Guess he missed it.:happy2:
Used to be a daytrader, however do go to the market site atleast once daily. Didn't see any headlines regarding insurance companies making a huge move.
However Pharma and Hospitals jumped by more then 5% on Friday.

The poor are supposed to be helped by this bill. Instead they still can't afford to pay for it. Instead they will be fined for not buying health insurance. Oh thats right the get tax credits to offset the cost. Do the poor itemize their taxes?
what am I missing here?

I do agree with most people. This new healthreform has many questions, many loopholes, and is very far from being perfect.
But, it's a stepping stone, and in time, it will be fine tuned. Which might turn into a very long process, before it's anywhere near perfect.
Atleast something was done before the old model went belly up and falterd.


I do agree with most people. This new healthreform has many questions, many loopholes, and is very far from being perfect.
But, it's a stepping stone, and in time, it will be fine tuned. Which might turn into a very long process, before it's anywhere near perfect.
Atleast something was done before the old model went belly up and falterd.

A trillion dollar stepping stone? And how do we really know this single trillion dollar stepping stone is set in the right direction?

What I think. is they took a very complicated issue that takes a lot of thought and research and rushed through a collection of band aids for political expediency.

Do I see public option style solutions in this bill?


Strength through joy
HR 3590, signed into law by President Obama earlier today, removes House and Senate Members and their official staff from FEHBP, forcing them and the rest of the country into the new federal exchanges. However, the bill was amended by Reid in the Senate to exclude all leadership and committee staff, who along with the President, Vice-President, Cabinet Members, thousands of Obama Administration staff, and an unknown number of Czars, would be allowed to remain in the superior FEHBP program.


Für Meno :)
A trillion dollar stepping stone? And how do we really know this single trillion dollar stepping stone is set in the right direction?

What I think. is they took a very complicated issue that takes a lot of thought and research and rushed through a collection of band aids for political expediency.

Do I see public option style solutions in this bill?

Yup, I believe the public option is comming in the future, esspecially for the poor. To save costs.
And btw, since Friday, all markets in the US have been in a sort of a rally, and it even boosted the US dollar.
The cdn dollar was trading 2 cents higher just early last week, the Euro also took a hit against the greenback.
So, that means the International World Market, likes the new move, along with Wall Street and Investors around the world.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's structure was flawed because they had a "private profit and public loss structure," Malta said. A government-chartered structure is the best model because it could "focus on their mission, to provide liquidity to the housing market, without the need to chase risky opportunities in order to maximize profit," he said in his prepared testimony.

sounds like he wants endless taxpayer bailouts.


golden ticket member
The trillion dollar stepping stone is perched on top of the American side of Niagara know what happens when you step further???!!


Well-Known Member
Well, treatys were signed hundred(s) of years ago. We invaded thier land. The became our citizens.
The US has treatys with the native Indains as well.

Just think of it, of invading some poor african country, then getting rich off thier resources, and letting the tribes starve to death.
Yes, we have artifically kept them from starving or dying of young age. Or even dying out.
We have stolen thier fish, and other food sources they had... like we did with the indians and bison.

I agree, major mistakes were made in the past. But, there is no return now, to the olden traditional ways.
Besides , the UN would never forgive a country, that lets it's citizens starve to death after we stoled most of thier natural food supply.
I see enough "help for Africa" infomercials on TV. What reputation would Canada get, if "help for the Canadian North" was on TV and asking for donations ?

Local food supplies are available almost everywhere on this planet. Only problem is, they are mostly seasonal. Which means you need to conserve them. Which in return can cause diseases, outbreaks, death, etc. Providing the hunt was good during the season, and you had enough to conserve at all.

Anyways, we live in a sociality now, where every citizen should be provided the rights to the basic requirements to live on.

I'll just say it's way past time we gave up the illusion and fantasy of Dominion!

BTW: Maybe you and AV might find this 1 minute video interesting in your ongoing debate on socialism. Also if you consider the etymology of the word social you will find a voluntary and an involuntary construct. Free market verses State or Heirarchy if you will. Considering this concept and what the young man in the vid rightly pointed out, those who claim even to oppose state socialism (the involuntary kind) are in fact themselves socialist, maybe on a more limited scale but socialist none the less.

All life is social, the real question is, should it be tue free market or state. Dominion by the few over the many for the benefit of the few or the liberty of all to seek their own voluntary and mutual relationships? Do we actually own ourselves? This is at the heart of not only Obamacare, Romneycare or even Bushcare but all of it from war, to economics to all human interaction. Until we give up our desire to hold dominion over each other, nothing but failure and conflict will ultimately proceed out of any effort to better ourselves as a whole.



golden ticket member
I saw that Dingell guy on TV when the Dems. & Republicans got together on the Healthcare summit. He needs to be in a home. These people need to have a mandatory retirement age !!


Für Meno :)
I'll just say it's way past time we gave up the illusion and fantasy of Dominion!

BTW: Maybe you and AV might find this 1 minute video interesting in your ongoing debate on socialism. Also if you consider the etymology of the word social you will find a voluntary and an involuntary construct. Free market verses State or Heirarchy if you will. Considering this concept and what the young man in the vid rightly pointed out, those who claim even to oppose state socialism (the involuntary kind) are in fact themselves socialist, maybe on a more limited scale but socialist none the less.

I watched that vid yesterday already. And I agree. It's not just av8 calling us to the north socialist, but many more, and only because of the one difference... which is Healthcare.

Now, if you watch this CBC News Report that aired just 2 days ago. It's a 7min video newscast of what we think of Americans (it's a bit harsh, I even admit).


Well-Known Member
AV8, don't think I ever admitted to being a Socialist, but yes, some social progams need to stay in place or even introduced.
Everyone is a bit of a socialist, even yourself.
Or would you want to scrap public education, scrap buliding and maintaining playgrounds, for kids and adults, (such as National Parks, Lakes, Mountains). Stop buliding highways and maintaining them. Get rid of police, FBI, and CIA and Military. Stop supporting all researches in any field, and stop funding Olympians and hosting international events.
The list goes on and on. From child care to medicare.

You call me a socialist because we have healthcare, which |I like. Got news for you, in less then 30 years time, the average american will think, how did they ever live without it !
Which according to you, (the new healthcare reform), suddenly made America Socialist overnight !
So, welcome all my new 300+ million new socialist ! ;)

If you are going to now declare that you are not a socialist then that would make you nothing more than a dimocrat and no longer entertaining.

Your answer to the other things is yes. I believe in freedom and you are nothing more than a slave to your government. I care about people and prefer to have freedom over bondage.
The socialist you tends to only care about himself and what the government or community can force others to do for him. According to the government this health insurance plan will increase the costs of health care. The government will now tax you for doing nothing just being alive. No way around it this Obamacare thing is stupid. Even those that support it like you cannot defend it based on facts. All you have is a fake emotional argument that people should be able to get health care which in America they have always had access to.


Well-Known Member
BTW: Maybe you and AV might find this 1 minute video

The kid made a few good points but his overall view is a little off. He was right that we have been moving toward socialism for some time. We did not in the beginning rely on the federal government to fund and control the standards in schools. Also in the beginning (I think) our money was just another way to trade gold. All transactions were not made by with money. We did not have a standing army. So on one hand he is right in that we have been moving towards socialism but in my opinion that is not how we started. He is also right if you support some socialist programs there is no reason for you to not support them all.


Für Meno :)
If you are going to now declare that you are not a socialist then that would make you nothing more than a dimocrat and no longer entertaining.

Your answer to the other things is yes. I believe in freedom and you are nothing more than a slave to your government. I care about people and prefer to have freedom over bondage.
The socialist you tends to only care about himself and what the government or community can force others to do for him. According to the government this health insurance plan will increase the costs of health care. The government will now tax you for doing nothing just being alive. No way around it this Obamacare thing is stupid. Even those that support it like you cannot defend it based on facts. All you have is a fake emotional argument that people should be able to get health care which in America they have always had very limited access to.

Fixed it for ya.
Nope, I'm what you call a progressive conservative. And thats the name of the party I vote for.
Meaning being conservative in spending, and keeping a balanced budget or surpluses, before handing out any freebies.
But, also be progressive, which means go with the times, make changes as needed. Formost, to keep the economy rolling, compete globally, use new modern technical measures to reduce costs, and so on.
Non per profit healthcare, I would never switch over to per profit.

But for Republicans, every industrialized country on earth is Socialist.
Even though the major ones, like Germany, Canada, UK (labor party), Austrailia, and many more across the world have conservative governments in power currently.
The US, has a liberal one.

But, because we are more modern, changed old bad habits.... no matter which party is in control here or in Europe.... they'll always be Socialist ones, right ?
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