President Obama!


Re: Obamanation here today




golden ticket member
The pres. signed it, but the senate had to approve it without changing a single period, comma, etc. Well, a few glitches were found and got changed and now the house has to re-vote on it.

The changes were made in the "student loan" part of the bill......that's something that shouldn't even be in there.

It's just a delay of the inevitable.

C'mon November !!


Well-Known Member
Wait until all of us realize the garbage that is in this Bill.
Tom Coburn Republican Senator from Okla presented an Amendment to the Bill Obama signed that would prevent the use of federal funds for convicted sex offenders purchasing viagra, cialis etc.This amendment would have saved millions of our tax payor dollars.
The Dems voted down the amendment --57 to 42.
Before diesel and tos start to yell about all the miss information from faux news --this was an Associated Press story reported by Alan Fram.
When American's truly realize they were "shafted" (GOOD PUN !!):happy-very: There will be major changes in November !!!


Well-Known Member
So, conservatives consider socialism OK in some situations, but not in others, what, for them, distinguishes “good” socialism from “bad” socialism? IMO conservatives (especially wealthy ones) don’t mind having everyone share the cost of things such as military, police, fire, transportation, utilities, judges, etc., And what better way is there to protect those assets against loss (fire, theft, fraud, etc.) than by making everyone share the cost. Of course, not all are wealthy and powerful, but I’m talking here about conservatives who unquestioningly accept socialism in some contexts, while blindly rejecting it in others. I suspect these people realize (consciously or subconsciously) that, for them personally, socialized cops are good but socialized doctors are not. They’re content to let their neighbors help pay for the police that protect their mansion, but why should they help pay for their neighbor’s broken leg?

I love the rhetoric about conservatives all being rich individuals living in mansions. I live in a 1600 sq. ft. house, do you consider that a mansion? I am a staunch conservative so it must be. The odd thing is the same fire department that comes to my house and put a fire out will go to the apartment complexes a few blocks away, or the nearby trailer park. We all pay for the coverage of the fire department through our property taxes. The same goes for the police who enforce the laws that keep society stable. Society is not destabilized because my neighbor has a broken leg, or diabetes, or a hang nail. Nobody has the right to make a claim on someone else's life simply because they have a medical issue to contend with.


Well-Known Member
Av8...You said everyone has access to Healthcare in the US....Technically true but there's a steep price tag associated with it all, and you've only scratched the surface..

Let me explain what happens when you use your local Emergency Room as your Primary Care Provider ...

Of course I am right.

Let me explain what should happen when you get sick if one were not always playing the role of a victim. Let's just say one could not scrape together a hundred bucks to see a doctor and had nothing to sell or pawn. Only an idiot would seek emergency room care expecting someone else to pay for it but you are correct there are plenty that do cheered on by the like of H. Clinton. What should happen since someone that poor would surely qualify is go to their community health clinic or a charity hospital. I have a feeling you cannot accept the lie that has been fed to you by the politicians that people do not have access to health care when the actual truth is everyone in the world has access to our health care system. It is impossible to increase access beyond that.

You think there will be no change to our insurance coverage? You just believe that if you want but once the penalty kicks in for having insurance that is to good the union membership I predict will demand lower coverage to avoid the 40% penalty. I do not know many employees that will want to hand over that much extra tax to the government. The CBO also says the cost of most insurance will likely increase so I'm really not sure what you were talking about there. Even if it were true that there were no taxes being placed on the middle class which it isn't this law is horrible just because it will increase our costs to seek health care. If it were not going to increase taxes there would be no need to hire on 16,000 additional IRS nazis.

Again it is surprising how much you love this new law from your past position on protecting your privacy.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Can we get a mandatory retirement for congresspeople and senators?? If 1 out of 5 (or whatever the figure is) people over 65 show signs of early dementia or Alzihemers.....then who's running this country?

65 and out would be a good rule!!


Well-Known Member
. Of course, not all are wealthy and powerful, but I’m talking here about conservatives who unquestioningly accept socialism in some contexts, while blindly rejecting it in others. ....

I love the rhetoric about conservatives "all" being rich individuals living in mansions. (Uh)? I live in a 1600 sq. ft. house, do you consider that a mansion? I am a staunch conservative so it must be. The odd thing is the same fire department that comes to my house and put a fire out will go to the apartment complexes a few blocks away, or the nearby trailer park. We all pay for the coverage of the fire department through our property taxes. The same goes for the police who enforce the laws that keep society stable.

Society is not destabilized because my neighbor has a broken leg, or diabetes, or a hang nail. Nobody has the right to make a claim on someone else's life simply because they have a medical issue to contend with.

And we all pay for coverage of our Seniors thru FICA Medicare, which also stabilizes Society....

It's in our best interest to insure a healthier more productive society instead of being weighed down by subsidizing medical non-payments and medically induced banruptcies.


"Healthcare, and it's free !!!" will be enjoying free healthcare b4 me. By then you'll still be screaming profanities at the Gov't to "stay out of the healthCare business", and "BTW don't you touch my Medicare"....


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill

HAVANA (AP) -- It perhaps was not the endorsement President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress were looking for.
Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Thursday declared passage of American health care reform "a miracle" and a major victory for Obama's presidency, but couldn't help chide the United States for taking so long to enact what communist Cuba achieved decades ago.

What does it say when the communist's are cheering you on??:knockedout:


Well-Known Member
Again it is surprising how much you love this new law from your past position on protecting your privacy.

How odd your equating wireless wire tapping, internet spying, and immunity to Tele-Com Co's to HealthCare reform.

I know your mind is made up AV8, but again for others who want to break the chains of their beloved Right Wing Conservative web sights, look what's actually in the package. It's watered down IMO, but it's better than constantly getting tea-bagged by the Ins Co's...



Well-Known Member
Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill

HAVANA (AP) -- It perhaps was not the endorsement President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress were looking for.
Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Thursday declared passage of American health care reform "a miracle" and a major victory for Obama's presidency, but couldn't help chide the United States for taking so long to enact what communist Cuba achieved decades ago.

What does it say when the communist's are cheering you on??:knockedout:

It doesn't say much for any country or Dictator to equate our NON Gov't takeover of Healthcare reform to Communist Cuba, or anyone insinuating our country is heading toward Communism like the Tea-Partiers uniformally claim. This link is a reminder what Communist Cuba does to peaceful protesters as "The Ladies dressed in White's" peaceful march. In America, any idiotic Congressman, or Senator can call the President a liar during the State of the Union speech, who not only can keep his job, but raise money from his foolish supporters on his website the next day for re-election....


How odd your equating wireless wire tapping, internet spying, and immunity to Tele-Com Co's to HealthCare reform.

I know your mind is made up AV8, but again for others who want to break the chains of their beloved Right Wing Conservative web sights, look what's actually in the package. It's watered down IMO, but it's better than constantly getting tea-bagged by the Ins Co's...


could you look at it for me and tell me how the poor will pay for their health care and avoid the government fines?

Oh thats right they get to write it off on their tax's. ROFLMAO