President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

I know. It has not been a good day for you. As "old" Jack Nicholson once said in an "old" movie:
" You just can't handle the Truth "

Island, the days are fine for me. While the protectors do their best to save the likes of you, the truth is still out there. This country has moved away from the gun toting bible thumpers and is headed for progressive change.

Those days are in the rear view mirror my friend and you better get used to it.

Change has come to America and there is more to do.

Stay tuned.



Well-Known Member

You are confused again. You are the "liberal victim" I am self reliant ---do not need protectors nor the government.

There has been some change --too bad it has all been negative.

Six years of nagging unemployment , minorities -no progress no jobs--more people on food stamps and government assistance--the Majority of American's finally seeing Obama --for what he is-- a lying dishonest Chicago Politician--slaughters in our inner cities on a nightly basis--Nero fiddled while Rome Burned ---Obama plays Golf -hangs out with Hollywood and the rich --while they get richer and the poor get poorer. Then O-B-A-M-A-C-A-R-E-??????
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golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You are confused again. You are the "liberal victim" I am self reliant ---do not need protectors nor the government.

There has been some change --too bad it has all been negative.

Six years of nagging unemployment , minorities -no progress no jobs--more people on food stamps and government assistance--the Majority of American's finally seeing Obama --for what he is-- a lying dishonest Chicago Politician--slaughters in our inner cities on a nightly basis--Nero fiddled while Rome Burned ---Obama plays Golf -hangs out with Hollywood and the rich --while they get richer and the poor get poorer. Then O-B-A-M-A-C-A-R-E-??????

again, nothing intelligent contained in this post other than the "usual" rush limbaugh talking points. Ive asked you before and now realize that an original thought just doesnt exist in your thought process and the best you can offer is the latest talking points that you have heard somewhere. I am amazed how people listen faithfully day by day to the same Phoney message, and then believe its "their own ideas" formed out of actual data.

Lets start with unemployment. You say 6 years of nagging unemployment?? Lets see where we are.. Starting with the BUSH record as comparision.

Bush started his administration with a flat 4.0% unemployment record. Bush added 1 million private sector jobs in 8 years but also added an additional 300,000 government jobs in 8 years. ( growing the government) On the day BUSH walked out, the unemployment rate of this country adjusted was 8.5% and growing.

The next 12 months after he left belong to BUSH as the economy was in a wreck as the recession he caused put us in near depression levels. Unemployment continued to rise to 10.3% in 2009. In Bush's two years, BUSH was losing over 250 thousand jobs a month. Thats NEGATIVE job creation ISLAND.

But you say, "nagging unemployment" for Obama and that simply isnt true. There isnt one month where this is the case under the Obama Administration.

President Obama has added 6.1 million jobs since taking office. President Obama has added over 500,000 manufacturing jobs since taking office. President Obama has saved over 1 million jobs with stimulus programs since taking office.

Your point of "nagging unemployment" is nothing more than someone elses talking point that sounds good on the radio.

Food stamps, what did you expect to happen to the american public coming out of the worst recession in history since the great depression? Did you think happy days were ahead? Did you think people would just starve? The goverment has an obligation to take care of the people once the previous government put them in a hole so deep they had to be Piped sunlight.

You complain about welfare, food stamps and such, but support the very political party who put all those people in those lines.

Over 60 thousand factories closed their doors and moved out of this country Island during the BUSH administration and thats millions of people without work.

What did you think was going to happen when Obama took office? Did you think he somehow would be able to create jobs overnight? How deep do you think the BUSH damage was to this country?

Thats one thing that guys like you just dont understand, and thats the depth of the damage done by BUSH.

It will take YEARS to climb out of the hole BUSH dug for us all. At this point, rather than spewing the latest untrue talking points, why not just be thankful that this country is out of the ditch your party drove us all into, and is back on the road finding its way along??

Why not just say "THANK YOU".



Well-Known Member
With my magic pen I will change the law again and postpone the ugly Employer mandate until after the midterm election so that all the uninformed voters will re-elect the my fellow dummies.

It is good to be President --I can do anything I want !!:speechless:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
With my magic pen I will change the law again and postpone the ugly Employer mandate until after the midterm election so that all the uninformed voters will re-elect the my fellow dummies.

It is good to be President --I can do anything I want !!:speechless:

Why not discuss what the president actually said. It is clear that the employers came to President Obama and asked for relief. The president wants to insure all those companies simply ditching their healthcare plans will have time to work out arrangements to keep that healthcare plan.

I dont see the conflict here?

The president wants all people to have or keep their insurance and this action will see that it does.

Nothing to see here.



Well-Known Member

Talk about being naïve !! The President listened to business people ??

Did he listen so closely he DITHCED obamacare ??? Completely !!

Purely a Political Action --enacted like a Dictator !!

He listened to the Democrats this weekend --that are screaming about the midterm elections !!!


Staff member
Saw a poll that said 56% didn't like Obamacare. Only 38% want it repealed. How does that happen? What part of the 56% don't like it because it's not Universal healthcare?

By the way...signed up for Obamacare last week. Was through a company called Blue Cross Blue Shield. What is that? Some kind of front organization for "government takeover of our healthcare"?