President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Well first of all and I do not think you are suggesting this but the federal government cannot just pass any law they want because the federal government is supreme. The laws they pass must be pursuant to the constitution. If you do your research you will find that the courts have upheld tenth amendment challenges in the past and I hope they do the same here. The politicians have gotten better over the years at passing laws to skirt the tenth amendment by taking money from the citizens through their right of taxation and then give the money back to the states to fund programs that meet federal guidelines. Think of Louisiana and the highway fund with regards to their drinking age. The way they over reach the authority we as citizens gave them with taxation is a valid reason to demand the repeal of the 16th amendment. The over reaching in regards to the commerce clause is an entirely different beast not the good and commerce clause as some would suggest. In the end the power still rests with the people but it is waaay past time that the government act within the bounds of the constitution and the powers that we gave them as anything else makes them no more than a king and his court of jesters.

I would say about the other part that there can be a difference between the two parties and yes I get it that you disagree. The proof is in the pudding. It was no coincidence that the only time in recent history that the federal government shrank just happened to be when the republicans took over congress in the early 90's. I'm fairly young and may be idealistic but I'm hoping for a perfect storm. The major problem is that it would take at least two election cycles to make changes large enough in our government and the attention span of the electorate is fairly short.

You're are correct, not suggesting that at all. Try this and see if this helps make it clear as to what I was trying to say. Read the Supremacy clause like this.

all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land

The authority are the provisions in the Constitution for the Senate and President to make treaties and thus the terms and conditions of these treaties are binding as law just as the Constitution is. Easy case in point for example are the various treaties under the United Nations or say NATO for example which binds us to defend others in certain conditions. How about the various trade agreements, many which effect labor law within the US. I've found often where law clearly violated an originalist viewpoint (a muddy term but you get the point) of the Constitution but then learned later that the underlying authority was in fact treaty law. These clowns in Congress are screwing us coming and going but even worse is so often there's so much there, 2000 page healthcare bill come to mind, it's all but impossible to read it all and the very folks hooking the system for themselves at our expense know this and the last thing they want is smaller, retracted gov't. I know we agree on that point!

As to Obamacare, seems former Nixon aid Ben Stein (yeah the Bueller guy) is crying foul because Obama is getting all the creds when according to Stein, his boss was "far more ‘socialist' than what Mr. Obama" well actually the healthcare bill Nixon proposed was the socialist part. When the whig party died out and the progressives found a home with Lincoln and the repubs. it's becoming more and more obvious those progressives are still really what the GOP is all about.


Wow, 162 replies, hard to sort through. Someone asked on this thread(I believe) how would this affect the ability of ups to retain their part time hub workers as many only do the job for the health benefits? Good question. So I ask my Canadian brethren (yes, Klein, that is you) how does ups keep their part time hub workers in Canada? After all, their health benefits are not linked to the job. Does UPS pay them well? Are they treated better than their counterparts in the U.S.A? Just wondering.


Für Meno :)
Wow, 162 replies, hard to sort through. Someone asked on this thread(I believe) how would this affect the ability of ups to retain their part time hub workers as many only do the job for the health benefits? Good question. So I ask my Canadian brethren (yes, Klein, that is you) how does ups keep their part time hub workers in Canada? After all, their health benefits are not linked to the job. Does UPS pay them well? Are they treated better than their counterparts in the U.S.A? Just wondering.

They get more pay here, then in the US. Thats what kind of keeps them there. But they come and go by the dozen. Every week, if not twice a week, we had new preloaders loading our trucks.
If you visit the Canada job bank site, they are currently looking for more part timers (actually, almost never ending looking for them).

Why get up at 2am, if you can earn the same money, working less, with better hrs ? Even students would rather work after school, then and those hours of the day, and before class.
UPS has it currently advertised online for $12 something.
While Mac D's pays $10.86 (and only goes up from there, taking any other job).


Long Time Member
They get more pay here, then in the US. Thats what kind of keeps them there. But they come and go by the dozen. Every week, if not twice a week, we had new preloaders loading our trucks.
If you visit the Canada job bank site, they are currently looking for more part timers (actually, almost never ending looking for them).

Why get up at 2am, if you can earn the same money, working less, with better hrs ? Even students would rather work after school, then and those hours of the day, and before class.
UPS has it currently advertised online for $12 something.
While Mac D's pays $10.86 (and only goes up from there, taking any other job).


Isn't the Honor of being a UPSer enough?
We are one of the Greatest Corporations in the World!!
With all our faults, we are still the Best!
No Kool-aide

That is the truth!


Well-Known Member

Isn't the Honor of being a UPSer enough?
We are one of the Greatest Corporations in the World!!
With all our faults, we are still the Best!
No Kool-aide

That is the truth!

I gotta tell you, if I were 18 and looking for a job, UPS would be the last place that I would go. These kids bust their ass for peanuts and are harassed every step of the way. They can go to Mickey D's for the same or better wage and work about 1/2 as hard and get a free or discounted meal during their shift. Benefits don't mean a whole lot to an 18 yr old who is probably still on Mommy and Daddy's insurance. Most 18 yr olds would be hard pressed to tell you what being a UPSer means. (It is getting more difficult each day for this 49 yr old to do the same.)


Wow, big words ! How does the rest of the world pay for healthcare ? Which corperations and banks almost went belly up before this healthcare reform ?
Was it Volkswagen, Mercedes, Volvo, Toyota, Kia ..? ummmm, nope. Was it Deutsche Bank, Bank of Hongkong, TD Bank...? ummmm nope.
So, how in the hell does the rest of the world pay healthcare for all ?

Yes, I forgot, US has the best. And therefor it just costs so much more. Actually, maybe too much more ?

The point my brainwashed zealot would be that jobs will be outsourced to countries that don't have obamacare.

I can see your struggling with this free speech thing your country does not provide you.


Für Meno :)
Yes, and Canada benefits from your high employer paid healthcare and pensions :

GM to add workers, boost output at Canadian plants

DETROIT -- General Motors Co. will bring back 600 laid-off auto workers and add equipment at two Canadian factories in an effort to make more midsize crossover vehicles that have been selling well in both the U.S. and Canada.
The company announced Friday that it will add equipment and reconfigure the body-making shop at its factory in Ingersoll, Ontario, where it makes the Chevrolet Equinox and GMC Terrain crossovers.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like GM is making a smart business move at the expense of the US autoworkers.

On a somewhat related note, I watched Ultimate Factories on National Geographic channel the other night. This show was about the Chevrolet Volt, their newest electric car. I say newest because their original electric car was called the EV-1 but never made it in to mass production. They followed the development of the car from design through fabrication and finally to testing. The Volt is expected to be available late 2010/early 2011 with a price tag in the $30K's. Very interesting show.


Für Meno :)
It sounds like GM is making a smart business move at the expense of the US autoworkers.

On a somewhat related note, I watched Ultimate Factories on National Geographic channel the other night. This show was about the Chevrolet Volt, their newest electric car. I say newest because their original electric car was called the EV-1 but never made it in to mass production. They followed the development of the car from design through fabrication and finally to testing. The Volt is expected to be available late 2010/early 2011 with a price tag in the $30K's. Very interesting show.

Yes, the Volt is being manufactured in Detroit. It will be a great seller. Maybe not the first year, as consumers will be a bit caucious and skeptical.
But, after it's proven itself, there will be lots of them on the road.
I would even want one of them myself.


Staff member
I could if I knew how to post links.:happy-very:
I googled something along the lines of "1993 Republican Health Care Proposal" and one of the sites was the Kaiser Family site. Interesting similarities along with some very well known Republican co-sponsors like Chuck Grassley.


Well-Known Member
I could if I knew how to post links.:happy-very:

Posting links is simple. When you have the web page up that you wish to link to, simply highlight that URL in the address bar. It will turn blue. Right click, scroll down to copy and click that. Go back to your post here and go to where you want to post the link and then hit paste. That's all there is to it.

I think it is wkmac who posts his links in the form of a phrase, usually in red. I admit that I don't know how he does that and would like him to show us as it does look much better than a web address.


Staff member
I think it is wkmac who posts his links in the form of a phrase, usually in red. I admit that I don't know how he does that and would like him to show us as it does look much better than a web address.

Highlight the phrase by left click/drag. Then hit the insert link icon, a small box will open and you can paste your link into the box. Then you can make it whatever color you want. Try it, you'll be able to figure it out!

Thanks to Jones, who taught me this several years ago.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Again, let me point out that I didn't make these up (I should be so clever!), I'm just passing them along.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree . . . and think 25 to life would be appropriate. Leno

America needs Obama-Care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask. Leno (actually, she does need a Halloween mask.)

Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it. Conan O'Brien

Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
A: A fund raiser. Leno

Q: What's the difference between Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners. Letterman

Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?
A: America ! Fallon

Q: What's the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers. Kimmel

Q: What was the most positive result of the "Cash for clunkers" program?
A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road. Letterman



Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Nothing here negates the fact that Obama and the Dems spanked the cons good and hard and left them talking like Cubs fans "Wait 'til next year (November)" We shall see.


I could if I knew how to post links.:happy-very:

yea it would be interesting to see. I'm sure the republicans back then threw something on the table to counter the democratic effort.

the liberals have sold this as health care for the poor. Reality may be that most of the 32 million that will now be "afforded" health care could have bought it before but were young and healthy and did not feel they needed to pay for health care. Thus the legislation that forces them to get it or pay the fines. Clearly the fines tell us that Obama was not doing this to help the poor and downtrodden but to get the youngsters on a health care plan. the question then is why? Did the democrats really do this to help the bottom lines of insurance companies?

Small businesses with fifty or more employees will now be required to provide their employees with health insurance or risk these fines if their employees apply for federal insurance tax breaks. Many of these small businesses can not afford to hire if the employee will now cost them another two to 10 grand a year depending on what they do.

paying the fine will cost a business with 50 employees an additional 100,000 a year.
Paying for health insurance as much as an additional 500,000 a year.
I believe the liberals who sold this bill said something about tax credits for the small business?
why? They would have already been writing this off as an expense if they had been supplying health care to their employees. The real motive here is to get the business to pay the 2000 tax per employee. Nothing else makes sense but a government effort to levy more tax revenues.

they could have reasonably hired three more employees with that 100 grand. and certainly 15 more with the 500 grand. Any doubt this will slow down hiring?

What this bill looks like is not a health care reform bill but a cleverly disguised tax increase. Many individuals will decide the fine is cheaper then a health care plan. Many businesses will also decide the fine is cheaper then supplying their people with health care.

If you're looking for a government job my guess would be the IRS will need lots of people to enforce this bill and levy all the fines.

I'm wondering too if businesses will sectionalize in some way to keep their payrolls below the magic number of 50 and thus avoid the health care levies?

In either case I don't see how the extra cost can do anything to help our economy. Many of these provision are designed to start in 2014. I'm guessing Obama is hoping to be a lame duck president by the time the public figures out what a mess he created.

any doubt unemploment will increase in 2014 as businesses trim jobs to pay for this mess?
Last edited:


I googled something along the lines of "1993 Republican Health Care Proposal" and one of the sites was the Kaiser Family site. Interesting similarities along with some very well known Republican co-sponsors like Chuck Grassley.

if someone is holding a gun to your head you may try throw up a counter offer that includes blanks , knives or even brass knuckles to lessen the pain and damage. I believe the democrats had total control of congress and presidency in 93?


Re: Obamanation here today

Nothing here negates the fact that Obama and the Dems spanked the cons good and hard and left them talking like Cubs fans "Wait 'til next year (November)" We shall see.

That statement reflects what little success the liberals have had. A three vote victory after months of arm twisting and threats now equates to a spanking. ROFLMAO

comon BBsam you sure you're not Klein posting that kind of stupidity?


Re: Obamanation here today

That statement reflects what little success the liberals have had. A three vote victory after months of arm twisting, threats, back room deals and changes in voting procedures now equates to a spanking. ROFLMAO

comon BBsam you sure you're not Klein posting that kind of stupidity?


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

[link to]
A day after Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., and ten other House members compromised on their pro-life position to deliver the necessary yes-votes to pass health care reform, the "Stupak 11" released their fiscal year 2011 earmark requests, which total more than $4.7 billion--an average of $429 million worth of earmark requests for each lawmaker.
Stupak requested more than $578 million in earmarks, including $125 million for a replacement lock on the Sault Ste. Marie, $25.6 million to build a federal courthouse in Marquette, Mich., $15 million to repaint the Mackinac Bridge and $800,000 to preserve the Quincy Mining Company smelter near Hancock in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
Granting earmark requests are one of the ways leadership can encourage members to vote their way.