President Obama!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
yea it would be interesting to see. I'm sure the republicans back then threw something on the table to counter the democratic effort.

the liberals have sold this as health care for the poor. Reality may be that most of the 32 million that will now be "afforded" health care could have bought it before but were young and healthy and did not feel they needed to pay for health care. Thus the legislation that forces them to get it or pay the fines. Clearly the fines tell us that Obama was not doing this to help the poor and downtrodden but to get the youngsters on a health care plan. the question then is why? Did the democrats really do this to help the bottom lines of insurance companies?

Small businesses with fifty or more employees will now be required to provide their employees with health insurance or risk these fines if their employees apply for federal insurance tax breaks. Many of these small businesses can not afford to hire if the employee will now cost them another two to 10 grand a year depending on what they do.

paying the fine will cost a business with 50 employees an additional 100,000 a year.
Paying for health insurance as much as an additional 500,000 a year.
I believe the liberals who sold this bill said something about tax credits for the small business?
why? They would have already been writing this off as an expense if they had been supplying health care to their employees. The real motive here is to get the business to pay the 2000 tax per employee. Nothing else makes sense but a government effort to levy more tax revenues.

they could have reasonably hired three more employees with that 100 grand. and certainly 15 more with the 500 grand. Any doubt this will slow down hiring?

What this bill looks like is not a health care reform bill but a cleverly disguised tax increase. Many individuals will decide the fine is cheaper then a health care plan. Many businesses will also decide the fine is cheaper then supplying their people with health care.

If you're looking for a government job my guess would be the IRS will need lots of people to enforce this bill and levy all the fines.

I'm wondering too if businesses will sectionalize in some way to keep their payrolls below the magic number of 50 and thus avoid the health care levies?

In either case I don't see how the extra cost can do anything to help our economy. Many of these provision are designed to start in 2014. I'm guessing Obama is hoping to be a lame duck president by the time the public figures out what a mess he created.

any doubt unemploment will increase in 2014 as businesses trim jobs to pay for this mess?

Excellent points!!! I think its also just more goverment control over our lives and more votes for the liberals from the freeloaders.


Für Meno :)
Excellent points!!! I think its also just more goverment control over our lives and more votes for the liberals from the freeloaders.

I always like when Tie says the young and healthy don't need healthcare, because they don't need it.
Well, my 19 year old second cousin, just added over $1 Million to your healthcare cost, due to drug overdose (including chopper ride).
My first cousin wasn't much better.
And if, they don't do drugs, they play sports. But, according to Tie, he never sees the young and healthy being in a cast.
Doesn't even know they are at more risk, because of thier risky lifestyle, be it sports, partying, drugs, or just plain stupid dare deviling.
Or, he doesn't even know that young women get pregnant.
Or young people have more STD's then the older ones.

Think again, if the young and "healthy" , don't need health insurance !


Did someone pass gas?

Is this where Klein tells us he needed health care because he was a clumsy athelete?

Any americans that would like to comment on the american health care reform bill?


Well-Known Member
Nationwide, companies would take a $14 billion hit on their financial statements if all of the roughly 3,500 companies receiving the subsidies continued to do so, according to a study by Towers Watson, a human resources consulting firm.

Consumers Energy, a Michigan gas and electric company with 2.9 million customers, said it will not take a big first-quarter charge because, like most utility companies, it can try to recover the added costs from its customers through rate hikes.


Well-Known Member
Nationwide, companies would take a $14 billion hit on their financial statements if all of the roughly 3,500 companies receiving the subsidies continued to do so, according to a study by Towers Watson, a human resources consulting firm.

Consumers Energy, a Michigan gas and electric company with 2.9 million customers, said it will not take a big first-quarter charge because, like most utility companies, it can try to recover the added costs from its customers through rate hikes.

a regressive tax on the poor and middle class.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
It seems the next decade could portend major fiscal calamities. The US appears to be a train wreck about to happen. Obamacare aside, although a catalyst, entitlement spending is off the chart and unsustainable. I feel pretty helpless. Social Security is in the red this year with obligations out the ying yang. Sovereign debt is soaring on a global scale. Medicare, medicaid, I could go on and on.

I mean, here we will witness history. Spend,spend, spend and so many wasted dollars. No real accountability.
When I get to the end of my month, I always have money left over. Why?
Because I spend less than I earn, such a concept lost in about the last 50 or 60 years. The government should be held to such a transparent standard. If they really had to balance a budget, every dollar would have a name.
Republican or Democrat, matters not ..... they are all corrupt idiots and need to go if they can't be fiscally responsible.

I saw a report about the "finance charge", if you will, on the current US debt. You know, like if you carry a balance on your credit card, its the interest the credit card company knifes you for not paying off your balance. You, the taxpayer pay a finance charge of $1,000,000,000, that's 1 billion. And that is DAILY. That's right, each and every day, 1 billion dollars is spent on NOTHING. That's about 700 thousand dollars every MINUTE. There are 1449 minutes in day.

Your country is being run into the ground.
It just boggles the mind. Buckle your seats folks, we are heading for a cliff or a wall or......

I can see this coming, and I'm just a UPS driver. Why can't lawmakers at the federal and state levels see it?


golden ticket member
Chin up, Upstate ! I have visions of this Healthcare being deconstructed, piece by piece. It'll turn out to not be or do what the writers claim. It won't reduce the deficit.......fantasy math will be discovered. The CBO gets fantasy fed in and fantasy comes out. Don't despair. :peaceful:


Well-Known Member
Imagine how much lighter that frieght train would be if we unhook Military Ind Complex Caboose.....Since the Cold War, our leadership has everyone fooled into thinking we are better off giving the rich tax breaks and in turn, borrowing trillions $$ of excess spending on foriegn policy, rather than investing in our own citizens, future technologies, and crumbling infrastructure. Why on Earth do some here freak out over Obamacare when we could of paid for HealthCare Reform 3 x over at the cost of Iraq and Afgh...So we ignore our citizens to start a "War on Terrorism" campaign so we can "Get them over there, and not over here"....What a joke...BTW..This in no way, is a shot at the troops. They are performing an awsome job as always, doing what they are ask to do. It's about Gov't policy, and who is dictating it. It's about creating a diversion and calling anti-war advocates unpatriotic. Meanwhile our country and economy is crumbling right under our noses, and were not any safer than pre 9/11, because we will always have haters all over the world....And now we have Obama haters crying over domestic spending and not a peep about our military spending. I will also call out Obama lovers for not protesting loud enough to get our Troops home ASAP, especially if this dis-engagement campaign doesn't start in 2011..Does anybody care, we've just wasted $6 billion on an Afghan police force that's just as corrupt and abusive as the enemy....Your right, this train needs to stop.....What are you willing to cut ?