President Obama!


Senate Bill, H.R. 3590, pages 273-274

There are several reasons why an individual could claim exemption, being a member of a religion that does not believe in insurance is one of them. Islam is one of those religions. Muslims believe that health insurance is “haraam”, or forbidden; because they liken the ambiguity and probability of insurance to gambling. This belief excludes them from any of the requirements, mandates, or penalties set forth in the bill.

I wonder if the IRS will accept that answer why they come a looking. Better yet I wonder if they realize its against my religion to pay tax's.:happy2:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Senate Bill, H.R. 3590, pages 273-274

There are several reasons why an individual could claim exemption, being a member of a religion that does not believe in insurance is one of them. Islam is one of those religions. Muslims believe that health insurance is “haraam”, or forbidden; because they liken the ambiguity and probability of insurance to gambling. This belief excludes them from any of the requirements, mandates, or penalties set forth in the bill.
The Amish are another excluded.


Well-Known Member
Here Diesel, just for you. Thomas Mc Douglas, the founder of our single tax payer system, where he implements the last step to coverage for all.
He is now considered the biggest National Hero in this country.

Not surprisingly is also the US mentioned. Wow, back in 1983 the US only spent 9% of GDP for healthcare (Canada 7%). Now it's 17% and 10%.

These are my boys when it comes to HealthCare ... Anthony Weiner - New York's 9th District

Florida doctor tells Obama supporters to go elsewhere for medical care

AMA - Health System Reform....BaBa, how long did it take you to google a disgruntled (R) Fla penis Doctor


Für Meno :)
These are my boys when it comes to HealthCare

I was surprised when I heard he (Mc Douglas), actually came back with his Healthcare agenda, after visiting Germany, and the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, in those days.
Helmut S, encourage him.

Came kind of to a surprise, since Schmidt was in power when I moved to Germany. And he was a darn good leader. One of Germanys best ever.

As far as that doctor goes, well it's his business. Don't think it's a wise business decision, but he made it.
But, people like Baba would be proud if UPS had the same sign, kinda like this : If you voted for Obama, use fedex instead.
Wouldn't be smart, either, now would it ??


Well-Known Member
These are my boys when it comes to HealthCare

Ron Paul and others should be called out for making this false claim because if one looks at the Delegation of Authorities (you can find them for public inspection at your local IRS, in the IRS District Office Reading Room or by FOIA request) the only authority in IRS to carry a weapon is with the CID division. Unless you are formally under criminal investigation (you'll know because they come out, flash the CID badge, formally read you your rights and inform you that you are officially under criminal investigation and them folks is packing), all other IRS personal that you come in contact with under non-criminal conditions (audits, inquiry and other agency actions) are unarmed and that's the vast majority of IRS personal. In fact the vast majority of gov't agency officals we typically come in contact with day in, day out are unarmed gov't employees. If you ever want to know if a gov't official is armed, ask them to provide authority to show that in their capacity and official duty, they have the power to arrest someone. If they lack that authority, they ain't packing and thus the reverse is also true.

Ron was wrong to engage in such red herrings as most of the increase in IRS personal will be along the lines of adminstration as the new healthcare plan impacts the agency's mission in the form of taxation requirements. Yes, if the new healthcare plan has a tax component, it's only common sense that the Treasury Department would add folks in order to meet those legal requirements and function. There might be a few additions to the CID ranks as a result but at this time I have no reason to believe that all 16k additions will be CID agents.

BTW Ron is not the only one to use red herrings and straw men in political discourse as in fact all of Washington does this. I do hold Ron to a higher standard and thus should know better. Shame on him and he deserves being called out! There are many, many good reasons to oppose or question this recent healthcare plan and too resort to exaggerations like this is not the answer. I'll go toe to toe with anyone who advocates even the power of gov't to license doctors much less command and control of the entire industry and for those under any illusion that our medical industry today is some true free market utopia devoid of State intervention or regulation thus to cause of the problem, you might go back and learn about the 1910' Flexner Report just as a starting point! Wonder why "DR." Ron Paul isn't doing this?
:wink2: And while we're at it, why did the industry and gov't kill the old lodge practice of healthcare? Did you notice that as the effects of the Flexner Report came into play, lodge practice went away? Hmmm!

And also while talking about Delegations of Authorities, all agencies of gov't have this because it's required by law in the Adminstrative Procedures Act codified in Title 5 of the US Code and 5 CFR. There is a strict procedure that agencies must follow in order to be authorized and any misstep in the process literally invalidates the actions of the agency in that realm. But you have to call them on it and you'd be surprised how often they do not comply with all aspects of required law but be forewarned, they do not like it at all when you do called them out.



Strength through joy
[BaBa, how long did it take you to google a disgruntled (R) Fla penis Doctor

unlike you I use another search engine, one that does not block anti-bho sites.
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golden ticket member
OMG !! Odrama rambled for 17 mins. to try to tell a questioner why taxes needed to be raised for the health care. No teleprompter and after 17 mins. he still never answered her question. What a joke!


Strength through joy
OMG !! Odrama rambled for 17 mins. to try to tell a questioner why taxes needed to be raised for the health care. No teleprompter and after 17 mins. he still never answered her question. What a joke!

he danced around that question better than Fred Astaire.

he included some blame bush nonsense too.

I like the part about if your house has a hole in its roof, like that had anything to do with the question.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
OMG !! Odrama rambled for 17 mins. to try to tell a questioner why taxes needed to be raised for the health care. No teleprompter and after 17 mins. he still never answered her question. What a joke!

This is typical for the Messiah. He has 20 mins alloted to speak and will blow smoke and stumble around the question and never actually answer it until the time is up. Most politicians do "the dance" so the Messiah is not the first but Odrama takes it to the next level. The main stream media lapdogs just lap it up.


Strength through joy
did you happen to catch his performance opening day; seems that he claimed to be a baseball fan but could not answer one simple little question; name a baseball player.


Strength through joy
White House to media--'Don't report what you discover'

April 5, 5:31 PM Anthony G. Martin
In light of numbing revelations over the last several days concerning fraudulent statements on Barack Obama's resume, this piece of information curiously comes to light. The White House has instructed the 'mainstream media' not to report what they may discover.
In exchange for being given unprecedented access to Barack Obama, reporters would promise not to report 'certain matters' they may discover while covering the President.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
White House to media--'Don't report what you discover'

April 5, 5:31 PM Anthony G. Martin
In light of numbing revelations over the last several days concerning fraudulent statements on Barack Obama's resume, this piece of information curiously comes to light. The White House has instructed the 'mainstream media' not to report what they may discover.
In exchange for being given unprecedented access to Barack Obama, reporters would promise not to report 'certain matters' they may discover while covering the President.

The Messiah's Lap dog media does not suprise me:

The agreement between the White House and reporters is mutually beneficial. The White House gets what it wants. Any information that it considers to be negative or damaging to Obama will not be reported. The reporters also get what they want--unprecedented access to the President of the United States, which will help their careers and eventually earn them millions in book royalties.
In the meantime, what are the citizens not being told about Barack Obama?


The Messiah's Lap dog media does not suprise me:

The agreement between the White House and reporters is mutually beneficial. The White House gets what it wants. Any information that it considers to be negative or damaging to Obama will not be reported. The reporters also get what they want--unprecedented access to the President of the United States, which will help their careers and eventually earn them millions in book royalties.
In the meantime, what are the citizens not being told about Barack Obama?

The story is believable. In one week I saw Matt Lauer do a positive interview with Obama, then the clark kellogg shoot around before the final four followed by a very unusual very positive piece on meet the press. Unprecedented access is a great description.