President Obama!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
PSST, the WORST terror attack in HISTORY on our country happened on his watch. That alone makes him the worst president of all time.

From that point on, BUSH screwed up america second only to Herbert Hoover.

NO OTHER President has that record of achievement.

That attack was being planned for years. Bush was President for 8 months when that attack occurred.
So who was President during most of the planning and training for that attack?
Oh yeah, it was Democratic President Bill Clinton. Funny how you don't seem to get that.
And as far as screwing up the economy, after that massive attack, nobody was flying, or buying cars or houses. Besides taking down 2 of our most important financial buildings we had, killing thousands of our people, we still had to go hunt those perps down.
And I didn't hear Bush blame Clinton once.
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golden ticket member
"President Obama said on Wednesday that the United States will end what he called an “outdated approach” with Cuba, and take steps to normalize diplomatic relations -- including opening an embassy in Havana -- after American Alan Gross was released from the communist country following five years in prison."

He can "normalize" relations with Cuba by taking his family there for vacation and stay away from Hawaii and the logistics nightmare that his visit causes.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
remember when the USSR provided support to Cuba until they were no more , then Venezuela became their cash cow . Now Venezuela is so messed up that they can't even supply toilet paper and the drop in oil prices will destroy them .
So it is only natural that bhos becomes their new cash cow , after all he has done wonders for the green industries .
I wonder if a Cash For Clunkers Program will work better in Cuba ?


Strength through joy
bhos called into a radio show yesterday , he wanted to talk to retiring Gov . Patrick (D) of Massachusetts .
The gov thought at first it was a joke until bhos tried to pronoun Massachusetts , then the gov. knew it wasn't a joke .
barry said Massytoosets .


Strength through joy
Castro to Pocket 92% of Worker Salaries from Foreign Companies
In an official announcement in state newspaper Granma, government officials announced a system in which employees who work for corporations with foreign capital will be paid two Cuban Pesos for every Convertible Cuban Peso (CUC) the corporation actually pays them. The Convertible Peso (CUP) is almost exclusively for the use of tourists and is of significantly greater value; one CUC is the equivalent of an American dollar and the equivalent of 26.5 CUPs. The other 24 CUPs Cuban workers will not receive amount to 92% of their salaries.
....even if a foreign company has the means to pay more than a Cuban company, the worker will receive the same salary as if he were working for a Cuban company, and the government will pocket the rest.
Cuban government employment offices will charge 20% of the salary of each worker they connect to the corporation for the service of finding said corporation employees. Employees will also lose 9.09% of their salaries for “vacation time.”


Strength through joy
PSST, the WORST terror attack in HISTORY on our country happened on his watch. That alone makes him the worst president of all time.

From that point on, BUSH screwed up america second only to Herbert Hoover.

NO OTHER President has that record of achievement.

Remind me again during which president's term this country's bond rating was dropped ?


Strength through joy
At Christmastime, George W. Bush was Santa, Obama is Scrooge
...each year for the eight years that I covered him as a reporter that he gave me a spectacular gift — and he knew it.
In December, we never left Washington, D.C., until the day after Christmas.
Mr. Bush and his wife Laura would always depart the White House a few days before the holiday and hunker down at the presidential retreat in Maryland, Camp David.
After a few years, I asked a low-level White House staffer why.

I still remember what she said: “So all of us can be with our families on Christmas.”
Who was “us”? Hundreds and hundreds of people, that’s who. Sure, the reporters who covered the president, but also dozens and dozens on his staff, a hundred Secret Service agents, maybe more, and all of those city cops required whenever the president is on the move in D.C.
..the Bush White House had us covered: A press plane flew out with the president, and back then, reporters could pay $100 per family member for the plane ride. So sometimes, the family went along. For the kids, it was an adventure; for me, well, we were all together.
All that has changed with President Obama. No more press plane, for one. Reporters are on their own — so taking family is, say, $1,000 a pop. Not likely. And this president would never delay his trip to his island getaway. He’s off every year well before Christmas. Hundreds and hundreds head off with him, leaving family behind.

No Christmas at home. Instead, the Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort. Nice, but not exactly home.


Strength through joy
Obama ‘Frustrated’ Dems Didn’t Run on His ‘Great Record’ in Midterms

think the circumstances will have changed, though,” Obama said. “I’m obviously frustrated with the results of the midterm election. I think we had a great record for members of Congress to run on, and I don’t think we — myself and the Democratic Party — made as good of a case as we should have. And, as a consequence, we had really low voter turnout and the results were bad.”