President Obama!


Well-Known Member
All the tizzy about nothing. Two years ago the RW was complaining the daughters looked 'trashy', now they look 'too good'.

Give me a break. If any of you geniuses had bothered to look a little deeper, you would have found that the dresses were gifts, belong to the US Gov't and were sent to the National Archives.

It was the only State Dinner the girls have gone to during Obama's Presidency.

The entire First Family looked terrific, and we should all be proud of them.
The only pride these right wing nut jobs have is white pride. They will never be proud of a black first family, no matter who it is.


Strength through joy
Obama-Backed Solar Plant Could Be Shut Down For Not Producing Enough Energy

California regulators may force a massive solar thermal power plant in the Mojave Desert to shut down after years of under-producing electricity — not to mention the plant was blinding pilots flying over the area and incinerating birds.
Ivanpah, which got a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the Obama administration, only produced a fraction of the power state regulators expected it would. The plant only generated 45 percent of expected power in 2014 and only 68 percent in 2015, according to government data.
And it does all this at a cost of $200 per megawatt hour — nearly six times the cost of electricity from natural gas-fired power plants. Interestingly enough, Ivanpah uses natural gas to supplement its solar production.


golden ticket member
Obama-Backed Solar Plant Could Be Shut Down For Not Producing Enough Energy

California regulators may force a massive solar thermal power plant in the Mojave Desert to shut down after years of under-producing electricity — not to mention the plant was blinding pilots flying over the area and incinerating birds.
Ivanpah, which got a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the Obama administration, only produced a fraction of the power state regulators expected it would. The plant only generated 45 percent of expected power in 2014 and only 68 percent in 2015, according to government data.
And it does all this at a cost of $200 per megawatt hour — nearly six times the cost of electricity from natural gas-fired power plants. Interestingly enough, Ivanpah uses natural gas to supplement its solar production.
Is this the one I drive by on my way to Vegas??? A real eyesore !!!! I'll be glad to see it go!!


Well-Known Member
The only pride these right wing nut jobs have is white pride. They will never be proud of a black first family, no matter who it is.

Do you go around being prideful of first families? When Michele goes on one of her many vacation jaunts around the world and lists half her extended family as staffers so their travel is paid for am I supposed to feel pride in that?


Well-Known Member
After an Associated Press analysis found that the Obama administration set a record for lack of transparency in providing government documents to the public, the White House still asserts the Obama administration is “more transparent than any other.


golden ticket member
So Obama & family land in pres. to greet embarrassing. I like Trump's take on it.....he would've got back on the plane and gone back home. (he probably wouldn't have gone there in the first place).

Obama & famiy were strolling old town Havana in the rain, carrying was good to see!!!!


nowhere special
So Obama & family land in pres. to greet embarrassing. I like Trump's take on it.....he would've got back on the plane and gone back home. (he probably wouldn't have gone there in the first place).

Obama & famiy were strolling old town Havana in the rain, carrying was good to see!!!!

Another free vacation for his family. Somehow I doubt they will be visiting the slums in Cuba.


golden ticket member
Another free vacation for his family. Somehow I doubt they will be visiting the slums in Cuba.
This is not 5 star accomodations like they've become used to.....the only good part will be seeing the old '50's cars still in use there. I'll bet those teenagers are whining about the rice& beans!!


Well-Known Member
So Obama & family land in pres. to greet embarrassing. I like Trump's take on it.....he would've got back on the plane and gone back home. (he probably wouldn't have gone there in the first place).

Obama & famiy were strolling old town Havana in the rain, carrying was good to see!!!!

that shows you how little foreign leaders respect Obama.


Strength through joy
There was a short lived series on the cable a few months back about the real story of those 50's cars .
Most are pieces of junk , they tend to throw any type of motor into them ; marine , tractor , and motorcycle .
Even the bodies are useless .
The worst looking 50's cars in the USA are worth more than all of the Cuban cars .